worldbasket 板


ESP - Jose Happy, Garba likely out of Olympics 西班牙国家队 - Jose很高兴打奥运,Garbajosa很可能不能打 来源: FIBA 30/04/2008| TORONTO (Olympics) - Spain know they'll have one Toronto Raptor in their line-up this summer when they go for gold at the Beijing Games with playmaker Jose Calderon set to start for the national team again. 西班牙队这个夏天会有一名来自多伦多暴龙的成员加入,他们准备要在北京奥运争金牌, 而Jose Calderon会为国家队再次效力。 However, Pepu Hernandez is almost certain to be without Jorge Garbajosa following his season of inactivity with the Raptors after an operation on his leg at the start of the campaign. 但是西班牙教练Pepu Hernandez已经差不多确定Jorge Garbajosa将不会为国家队效力, 他本季在暴龙队因腿伤停赛了整季。 「I think it's a safe assumption to say that Garbajosa will not be playing in the Olympics as long as he's under contract with us,」 said Raptors president and general manager Bryan Colangelo. 「我想只要Garbajosa还与我们有合约关系,他应该就不会去打奥运比赛。」暴龙队总管 Bryan Colangelo说。 「I know I'm not making many people in Spain happy but, that's a safe assumption. 「我知道这样讲会让很多在西班牙的人很不高兴,但是这是比较安全的讲法。」 「I think he is accepting of his current state, which is one of uncertainty, and he knows now more than ever that this is a situation he needs to handle with great care.」 「我想他也接受了现在这样不确定的状况,而且他知道现在是个需要他好好照顾自己的时 刻。」 Toronto have a team option on Garbajosa's contract. The club is currently in litigation with the Spanish Basketball Federation over an insurance issue that arose after last year's EuroBasket when Garbajosa helped Spain capture a silver medal. 多伦多有Garbajosa合约的球队选择权(细节参考NBAGM板)。去年Garbajosa因参加了欧 锦赛,替西班牙拿到银牌而受伤,暴龙正因此在与西班牙篮球协会打有关保险的官司。 For Calderon, there is great uncertainty over his future in Toronto despite his all-star level of play. 对Calderon来说,虽然本季他打出了全明星的表现,可是他在多伦多的前途依然是很不 确定。 Calderon is extremely happy in the city and insists his only concern is to play for a winner, but he has had to surrender his starting place in the line-up to TJ Ford once the latter returned from injury. Calderon很高兴为这个城市打球,他也坚持他只为了赢球奋战。但是当TJ Ford伤势痊癒 後,也只能把先发还给他。 The Spanish ace has spent three years with the Raptors, and other clubs can now bid for his services. 这位西班牙王牌已经在暴龙待了三年,现在其他队也能争取他的加盟。 「I don't know what's going to happen,」 Calderon said. 「When the time arrives, they'll say what they can offer me and then I'll decide. 「我不知道接下来会怎样。」Calderon说。「当时间到了,他们就会提出有什麽能提供给 我的,而我就会作决定。」 「I'd love to come back. It was a great three years. When I arrived here, I didn't know anyone. Right now, I feel like I need to do something for the team. 「我很希望留下来,这三年很棒。当初我刚到时,我一个人都不认识。而现在,我觉得我 应该要为我的球队作点事。」 「I want to win. I don't want to be a star or no star. I want to win, win a championship. It's a team sport.」 「我想要赢,我没想过要不要成为明星,我只想赢,赢总冠军,这是一个团队的运动。」 The main concern for the Raptors has been whether Calderon and Ford can co-exist. 而暴龙主要的顾虑是Calderon与Ford能不能共存。 Ford said he wanted to start, which is why the Raptors asked Calderon to sacrifice his place in the line-up despite his terrific play. Ford说他想要先发,这是为什麽暴龙要球Calderon牺牲他的先发地位,就算他打的再好。 Calderon says he has no problems at all with Ford. Calderon说他对Ford完全没意见。 「I respect his (Ford's) opinion,」 Calderon said. 「我尊重他(Ford)的意见。」Calderon说。 「We were great partners. I feel like I am Jose, I know my job and every minute I'm on the court, I'll work hard. I want to be on a winning team. 「我们是很棒的拍挡。我觉得我就是Jose,我懂我的工作而且在场上得每一分钟都很努 力,我想待在一队赢球的球队。」 「And to have a winning team, you have to fight for minutes.」 「而要成为赢球的球队,你必须无时无刻的奋战。」 Does he want to return to Toronto? 他想要留在暴龙吗? 「Why not?」 Calderon said. 「We're going to be a better team. You are always going to have competition for your place. Everything will be alright. I don't know if the Raptors will match the offer I will receive, but I'm happy here.」 「为什麽不?」Calderon说。「我们正在变强,你一直都必须为自己的位置奋战。一切都 会变好的。我不知道暴龙会不会跟进其他队的合约,但是我在这里很快乐。」 FIBA 刚才知道这里,支持一下,我也有很多喜欢的国际球员。 需要帮忙到NBA板宣传吗? --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 onsei:好阿! 感谢帮忙 05/01 12:42
2F:→ LoadUp:那你板规可能要定快一点 05/01 12:52
3F:→ LoadUp:欧 对不起 我没看到下面已经有了 抱歉 05/01 12:53
4F:推 onsei:有临时板规! 05/01 13:11
5F:推 onsei:我还蛮喜欢Calderon的! 可惜暴龙队已经被刷掉了 05/01 14:07

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