wisdom 板


A good wife and health is a man's best wealth---Thomas Fuller 男人最好的财富就是有个好妻子以及良好的健康状态 A woman happy with her husband is better for their children than a hundred books on child welfare.---Anonymous 一个女人能够与丈夫和乐相处,比一佰本讨论儿童幸福的书,对子女更有益处 A good husband should be deaf and a good wife blind.---法国谚语 一个好的丈夫应该耳聋,一个好的妻子应该瞎眼 A slight contrast of character is very material to happiness in marriage. --- Samuel Taylor Coleridge 幸福的婚姻要由两个个性略有差异的夫妻所组成 A family is a unit composed not only of children, but of men, women, an occasional animal and the common cold.---Ogden Nash 家庭不仅是由孩子所组成的单位,另外还要有男人,女人,偶尔的一只小动物, 以及共同的感冒。 All happy families resemble one another; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.---Tlstoy 幸福的家庭都类似,但不幸福的家庭却各有其不幸福的因素 Among all the great and worthy persons, there is not one that has been transported to the mad degree of love.---Bacon 在古往今来的伟人中,没有一个恋爱到如痴如迷的程度 An ideal husband is one who treats his wife like a new car.---Bennett 一个能够对待妻子如同照顾新车的男人就是理想的丈夫 An evil wife converts a man's house into a hell on earth.---Anonymous 恶妻可以使一个人的家变成一个人间炼狱 Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye.---Thomas Fuller 选择妻子要用耳朵不要用眼睛 Changeable woman are more endurable than monotonous ones. They are sometimes murdered but seldom deserted.---Bernard Shaw 善变的女人比呆版单调的女人较能够让人忍受,她们有时候可能会被谋杀, 但很少被别人遗弃或抛弃的 Example is better than precept.---Samuel 言教不如身教 Everytime two people really love each other the world begings all over again. The love we carry with us makes all love liness come ture. 每当两人真正相爱的时候,世界就变的换然一心,因为我们心中的爱,可以使 一切可爱的东西成真。 He that is not jealous is not in love.---St. Augustine 不会忌妒的人并未真正坠入爱河之中 He that marries for waelth sells his liberty.---英国谚语 因为财富而结婚的人,也同时卖掉了自由 If you want to know how your girl will treat you after marriage, just listen to her talking to her little brother.---Sam Levenson 如果你想要知道你的女友将会在结婚後如何对待你。只要听听她对弟弟如何说话即可 It is impossible to love and to be wise.---Anonymous 要恋爱又要不会入迷而且聪明是不可能的 Love is the dawn og marriage, and marriage is the sunset of love.---法国谚语 爱情为结婚的黎明,而结婚却是爱情的日落 Love ca trun a cottage to a golden palace.---德国谚语 爱情可以使茅屋变成华丽金造的宫殿 Love me little, love me long.---John Heywood 爱我不要太深入,但爱我要长久 Love is ever matter of comdies, and now and than of tragedies.---Bacon 恋爱常常是喜剧,但偶尔会出现悲剧 Love between man and woman, like any other love, is a relationship in spiritual greatness. It is a love generous in offering and generous in receiving. Love nourishes but does not possess; in love we affirm one another but does not dominate. To love is not to win or lose, but to help and to be helped.---Robert Raynolds 男女之间的爱也正如其他的爱一样,是在灵魂伟大方面的关系,是一种慷慨施予,以及 慷慨接受的爱。爱要滋养,但不是占有;在爱中要互相尊重,但不是支配凌驾他人之上 ,爱不是要获胜或是失败,要帮助人,也同时受到别人帮助。 --

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