tennis_life 板


当然不是我写的啦,是 Hillix & ask1ed 大大写的。 关於子母线配法的问题,顺手把它翻一下。 Quote: Originally Posted by Gaines Hillix As theace21 said, to save money you can use the more expensive string in the mains, where 80-90% of the playing characteristics of the string job come from, and a cheaper syn gut in the crosses. The other main reason for using a hybrid is to combine the playing characteristics of two string types. For instance, if you put nat gut in the mains and a poly like Lux ALU Power in the crosses, you'll have better control and a little less power than a full gut job. On the other hand if you put the poly in the mains and the nat gut in the crosses, you'd have a more durable and control oriented string job, but it would be more arm friendly and softer playing than a full poly job. 像 theace21 说的,为了省钱你可以用更贵的线当母线,而较便宜的仿肠线当子线。 因为母线负责 80% ~ 90% 的手感,以及打起来的特性。 另一个使用子母线的因素是为了结合两种线的特性, 譬如说:你可以把天然肠线当作母线,而 ALU Power 当作子线, 比起全部穿天然肠线, 虽然你会损失一些 power,但你会有更好的控制。 反过来说,如果你把尼龙线当作母线、天然肠线当作子线, 比起全部穿尼龙线来的更舒适不震手以及较佳的手感。 会有更耐操以及控制取向的球拍线。 Nicely put. Hybrids will give you a hybrid feel. Most use a soft main like gut and cross it with something to add rather than subtract to the feel, or for economic reasons. Gut with the old multi prince response is a nice hybrid. Lots of other pos. combos with gut, for many reasons. What's the ultimate hybrid? FEd uses wilson gut/alu power rough 16L. The mains do the brushing up, the spin, and most of the power. The crosses are the mainly the tensioners of the main, but can affect feel/control/durability of the mains, as the crosses will "saw" the mains in half. Lux does not move as much, so the gut lasts longer with a cross that will not saw. 说的好!子母线会给你两种特性融合的手感。 大多数以软线当母线,配合其他的线往往是增加手感,而非减少。 或是为了经济的因素,天然肠线搭上旧式的 prince multi response, 这是个很好的组合。 Lots of other pos. combos with gut, (为了很多种其他原因,跟天然肠线搭配。 我不知道 pos. 是什麽的缩写。) 那麽哪种组合才是终极的子母线呢? Federer 用 Wilson 的天然肠线搭上 alu power rough 16L。 因为母线负责咬球、做 spin 的动作、以及负责大部分的 power。 子线主要帮助母线维持磅数,同时也会影响母线的手感、控制以及耐久度。 (前面那句我觉得有待商榷。如果我反过来配, 母线是硬线、子线是肠线,那岂不是要靠肠线来维持硬线的磅数?  不过或许他的说法只在母线是肠线子线是硬线的情况下讨论。  希望未来的科技可以解决子母线,到底谁负责哪个部份较多  这个悬宕已久争辩不已的问题。) 就好像子线会像锯子般锯掉母线, 所幸能够利用 Luxilon 这种线不太跑线的硬线, 让天然肠线撑的比较久。 --

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