tabletennis 板


对於发球很有兴趣~ 对於无遮挡到底怎麽认定一直不太懂 在网路上找到此版本 希望是最新的无误~ 还请英文、桌球先进指教 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.06 THE SERVICE 8/29/2006 2.06.01 Service shall start with the ball resting freely on the open palm of the server's stationary free hand. 7/15/2003 发球应开始於将球自由置於不动自由手之开掌中。 2.06.02 The server shall then project the ball near vertically upwards, without imparting spin, so that it rises at least 16cm after leaving the palm of the free hand and then falls without touching anything before being struck. 7/15/2003 接着发球者应将球近乎垂直上抛,不得加予旋转,以使球上升至少离手掌16公分高後 下降至击球前不得被任何物碰触。 2.06.03 As the ball is falling the server shall strike it so that it touches first his court and then, after passing over or around the net assembly, touches directly the receiver's court; in doubles, the ball shall touch successively the right half court of server and receiver. 7/15/2003 当球下降时发球者应击球使其先接触己端球桌後越网或绕网後,直接接触对接球者端。 (双打部分不确定怎麽翻,有赖先进) 2.06.04 From the start of service until it is struck, the ball shall be above the level of the playing surface and behind the server's end line, and it shall not be hidden from the receiver by the server or his doubles partner or by anything they wear or carry. 8/29/2006 从发球开始直到击球为止,球应在桌面上、球桌端线外,且不得被发球者、其搭档 及其所穿所带之物对接球者隐藏。 2.06.05 As soon as the ball has been projected, the server's free arm shall be removed from the space between the ball and the net. Note: The space between the ball and the net is defined by the ball, the net and its indefinite upward extension. 8/29/2006 一旦球抛起後,发球者之自由手应自球与网间空间中移开。 注:球与网间空间指球与网及其向上无限延伸之区域。 2.06.06 It is the responsibility of the player to serve so that the umpire or the assistant umpire can see that he complies with the requirements for a good service. 7/15/2003 发球者有责任使裁判确认其遵守发球规定。 If the umpire is doubtful of the legality of a service he may, on the first occasion in a match, declare a let and warn the server. 7/15/2003 若裁判对发球是否合法有疑义,得在比赛中第一次发生时宣告触网并警告发球者。 Any subsequent service of doubtful legality of that player or his doubles partner will result in a point to the receiver. 7/15/2003 发球者及其搭档之後续发球若仍有疑义,对方得一分。 Whenever there is a clear failure to comply with the requirements for a good service, no warning shall be given and the receiver shall score a point. 7/15/2003 若有明确违反发球规则,不须给予警告,接球者直接获得一分。 2.06.07 Exceptionally, the umpire may relax the requirements for a good service where he is satisfied that compliance is prevented by physical disability. 7/15/20 裁判得因发球者身体障碍导致无法依规定发球放宽认定标准。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 小好奇: 照规则看,球抛起後手根本就应该移开,好像没啥模糊地带 但看不少影片... @.@ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 joshtasi2000:我也觉得很多人有遮挡嫌疑... 12/23 17:54
2F:→ joshtasi2000:不过这些世界级选手好像都判断的很好 没啥差 12/23 17:55
3F:推 C6:球拍接触到球之前移开不就可以了@@?可以请chenjayi帅哥解答 XD 12/23 18:09
4F:推 john0312:2.06.03 双打时, 球应依序接触己方以及对方的球桌右半部. 12/23 18:16
5F:推 Kalman:我想请问发球不抛的优势在那?最近遇到不抛的都好难接>< 12/23 18:33
6F:→ Kalman:要如何破解呢? 如果不想订正他的话... 12/23 18:34
7F:推 melvyn:不抛是因为准备时间少,反应时间短,所以不好接吧 12/23 18:42
8F:→ melvyn:我想是因为你已经习惯对手有发球准备姿势,好让你有缓冲 12/23 18:42
9F:→ melvyn:突然遇到没有缓冲时间,让你做准备去判断球的长短方向 12/23 18:44
10F:→ melvyn:因此才接不好吧 12/23 18:44
11F:推 TomHiking:没抛球的话突发性较高!会有点反应不及的感觉...我还太弱 12/23 19:00
12F:→ ilpw:2.06.05 As soon as the ball has been projected 12/23 19:39
13F:→ ilpw:应该是一抛球就要手就该撤了~ 12/23 19:40
14F:→ wade6510:球不抛应该更转吧 12/23 20:26
15F:推 joehpj:像马龙式的发球不就犯规了? 12/23 20:38
16F:推 RyuSenMing:从裁判看的角度跟选手看的角度差很大说... 12/23 20:42
17F:推 melvyn:推楼上,裁判视野顶多抓到不抛球 12/23 20:55
18F:→ melvyn:从裁判角度看遮挡真的很不明显 12/23 20:55
※ 编辑: ilpw 来自: (12/23 21:33)
19F:推 kk123:裁判不是都两位吗? 12/23 22:11
20F:推 soga2002:照规则看,应该都犯规,但裁判和选手们都有另一套折衷共识: 12/25 11:54
21F:→ soga2002:击球瞬间让对手能瞄到即可. 各国没表反对,规则订了也没辄 12/25 12:00

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