作者Lisrad (Lisrad)
标题[考题] 101年师大附中高中/国中英文科
时间Sat May 12 18:33:10 2012
题目叙述只是大概 不一定百分百正确
1. 30格填空 Jeremy Lin的文章 30%
2. 名词解释 40% (Limit each definition within 100 words.)
(1) affective filter
(2) CMC
(3) washback
(4) ZPD
3. Please elaborate on the differences between achievement test and
proficiency test in terms of goals, scope, related teaching activities,
test item type(s), cognitive taxonomy on level and students' chance
for pre-testpreparation.
Which one would you adopt for regular summative evaluation in your school?
Specify your reasons. Limit your answer in 300 words.
1. 30格填空 Seteve Jobs自传文章 30%
(1) achievement test
(2) fossilization
(3) heterogeneous students group
(4) interlanguage
3. Please choose one of the grammatical structure and write your
teaching plan. Remember this is the first time students learn
this grammar rule. Limit your answer in 300 words.
passive voice or clasues with adjective relative
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ thisismark:CMC 真是太销魂 .... 05/12 18:46
3F:推 drtesy:ZPD是为高司机的近侧发展区吗@@ 05/12 23:18
4F:推 MerciDanke:楼上正解 zone of proximal development 05/12 23:33
5F:→ mavisbun:今年师大附中高中部跟去年考题差好多喔~ 05/12 23:54
6F:推 olp1208:this is an exam meant for Tesol major...too unfair 05/13 00:22
7F:→ williamdenew:国中部名词解释第二题应为 "fossilization" 05/13 06:00
8F:→ williamdenew:感谢提供 今年附中考了不少测验的题目 05/13 06:02
9F:推 drtesy:原来高中笔试也包含教育科目啊@@ 05/13 08:22
※ 编辑: Lisrad 来自: (05/13 09:49)
10F:→ Lisrad:今年附中出的完全偏英语教学...这些不算教育科目 考英教所 05/13 09:49
11F:→ Lisrad:的话这些是基本的... 05/13 09:50
12F:推 bonniei:其实这些东西教育体系的话大四就学了吧~不需要英教所 05/13 10:51
13F:推 adset:推楼上 Brown的书有认真念 就会写了 不需要英教所 05/13 11:38
14F:→ chowray:我也认为题目过偏 05/13 11:43
15F:→ mlunlun:比较像是英教期末考题 05/13 15:48
16F:→ jletang:我也认为过偏。文学组和语言组的老师,甚至毕业多年的老师 05/13 17:40
17F:→ loveisblind:其实每年都有些偏教学、有些偏语言、也有偏翻译的, 05/13 23:10
18F:→ loveisblind:虽然也没考好,但是觉得这题目不算太偏吧。Brown都有 05/13 23:11
19F:→ loveisblind:考高中是必需的,没考到太偏的词。 05/13 23:12