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Two PhD positions will be available in Jun Sheng’s group at University of California Riverside (UCR). [指导教授介绍] 盛俊目前是美国佐治亚理工医疗机器人和自动化(RoboMed)实验室的机器人学博士候选 人。2019年秋季盛俊将加入加州大学河滨分校机械系担任助理教授,将要招收两位博士生 和若干硕士生。 [研究领域] 主要包括手术机器人,医疗设备,智慧驱动和感测,以及3D打印。主要技术将会应用於 检测和治疗各种疾病,包括各类脑部、肺部和心血管疾病。 [申请人条件] 申请人需具备机械设计、力学或者控制系统的相关背景,以及机械工程、电机工程或者生 物医学工程等领域的相关学历。博士申请须满足GRE的最低要求(150 (V) + 165 (Q) + 3 (AW)),其他方面杰出者可适当放宽GRE要求。 [备注] 博士生将会被提供全奖资助,满足学费 、日常开销和医疗保险。毕业生将有机会进入学界或者知名医疗机器人公司工作,比如达 文西机器人、强生、Verb (J&J and Google), Stryker等等。加州大学河滨分校属於美国 最高学术研究能力学校群(R1),并在2019年US News排名全美85。学校位於加州洛杉矶 以东60英里,交通方便,生活便利。 如有兴趣,请发送简历、个人陈述、GRE,托福分数,以及成绩单到[email protected] 标题请用 “UCR Application_Your Name”。请注意各个季度申请截止时间。 *************************************************************************** Two PhD positions will be available in Jun Sheng’s group at University of California Riverside (UCR). Jun Sheng is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Robotics with Medical Robotics and Automation (RoboMed) Laboratory at Georgia Institute of Technology. He will join the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UCR as an assistant professor in Fall 2019. He is seeking highly motivated graduate students. His research interests include surgical robotics, medical devices, smart actuation and sensing, and additive manufacturing. These techniques can be applied for the diagnosis and therapy of a variety of diseases, including brain tumor, mitral regurgitation, lung cancer, peripheral artery disease, etc. His current profile can be found on The prospective students are expected to have strong interests and/or background in mechanical design, mechanics, and control. Students with degrees in mechanical engineering, electric engineering, or biomedical engineering are encouraged to apply. For the Ph.D. program, a master’s degree is preferred but not required, and the minimum requirement of GRE is 150 (V) + 165 (Q) + 3 (AW). The Ph.D. students will be fully funded with fellowships or assistantships that can cover tuition, living expenses, and medical insurance. Graduates will have opportunities to go into academia or join leading medical robotics companies, such as Intuitive Surgical, Johnson & Johnson, Verb (J&J and Google), Stryker, etc. UCR is an “R1” - highest research activity - institution located 60 miles to the east of Los Angeles. It utilizes a quarter-based academic calendar. UCR ranks 85 among national universities in the 2019 edition of US News Best Colleges ( More information about the department is available on If interested, please send your CV, personal statement, GRE scores, and transcripts to Jun Sheng at [email protected] with the subject “UCR Application_Your Name”. Online applications should be submitted by June 1st for fall admission, September 1st for winter admission, and December 1st for spring admission. --

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1F:推 evenis196t: 推 04/28 17:15
2F:推 cjws80293: 推 04/28 18:57

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