studyabroad 板


清华大学Yang Research Group实验室与英国利物浦大学Ke Chen实验室 招收双联学位博士生一名。非常欢迎直接与清华大学电机系杨尚桦助理教授联系。 连络信箱: [email protected] [Project Title] Terahertz Computed Tomography System for in vivo Medical Imaging Applications [Project Information] [Availability] Open to students worldwide. [Supervisors] Prof Shang-Hua Yang ([email protected]) Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Prof. Shang-Hua Yang, the director of Yang Research Group at NTHU, has expertise in microwave photonics, terahertz optoelectronics, terahertz biomedical imaging, ultrafast optoelectronics, plasmonic photonics and nanostructures. He has authored over 60 refereed papers in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings on these topics. He has received several prestigious awards including the SPIE Scholarship in Optics and photonics, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Doctoral Research Award, Joan and Irvin Jacobs TIX Institute Industry Scholar, Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting Young Scientist Fellow and MOST Young Scholar Fellowship. Website: Prof Ke Chen ([email protected]) Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK Prof. Ke Chen is a full professor of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Liverpool and director of Centre for Mathematical Imaging Techniques in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. His topics of interest include image analysis and fast algorithms, image restoration, inpainting, segmentation and registration, as well as blind deconvolution, with long standing interest and expertise in developing effective algorithms for numerical PDEs and optimization. He is the author and co-author of more than 100 papers in international journals, conference proceedings, book chapters, in addition to being an author of 3 books. He will edit the forthcoming Springer-Nature Handbook on "Mathematical Models and Algorithms in Computer Vision and Imaging” (2020) as the editor-in-chief. Website: [Qualifications and Experience] *This position will remain open until a suitable candidate has been found. Applicants will have a first class or upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) in the engineering/science program and laboratory research experience. Successful candidates will have strong math and programming skills. An additional masters level research experience in terahertz technology, computer vision or medical imaging research is a benefit, though not required. All applicants must satisfy the appropriate University English language requirements. For EU and international students this is an IELTS score of 6.5 with no band score lower than 5.5. When applying please ensure you Quote the supervisor & project title you wish to apply for and note "NTHU-UoL Dual Scholarship" when asked for details of how plan to finance your studies. Be sure to send your CV, cover letter and the names and addresses of at least two references to [email protected]. For application enquires please contact Prof. Shang-Hua Yang ([email protected])or Prof. Ke Chen ([email protected]). [Funding Information] This project is part of a 4 year Dual PhD degree programme between the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) in Taiwan and the University of Liverpool in England. As Part of the NTHU-UoL Dual PhD Award students are in the unique position of being able to gain 2 PhD awards at the end of their degree from two internationally recognized world leading Universities. As well as benefiting from a rich cultural experience, Students can draw on large scale national facilities of both countries and create a worldwide network of contacts across 2 continents. Both the University of Liverpool and NTHU have agreed to waive the tuition fees for the duration of the project and stipend of TWD 11,000+/month will be provided as a contribution to living costs. --

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1F:推 wayne1229: 推 04/22 12:00
2F:推 y956403: 推 04/22 13:44
3F:推 GoldLight: 推推推!!!! 04/22 14:40
4F:推 criticalbird: 清大推 04/22 15:01
5F:推 nthu686: 推 04/23 00:09

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