sttmountain 板

The Complete Climber's Dictionary Welcome to the Complete Climber's Dictionary - A guide to all of the terms and slang used in the sport of rock climbing. The dictionary below is a compilation of terms from a variety of sources. These include: xJEEP's Climber's Guide to Words at his site Climb On! , the Climbing Dictionary, and my own humble additions to round it out. As always, please submit any changes or additions to the address listed below. I will be more than happy to add them in. 1.AAAAAHHHHH!!! A belay signal yelled to indicate a fall in progress. 2.Beer: Liquid consumed in large quantities after climbing. 3.Beta: Insider information or advice about a climb given by one (or quite often 6) self-proclaimed experts. Running or auto beta is someone telling you how to do the moves as you go (as in "can you please shut up with that running beta! I want to find out myself.) The origin is from Betamax Video Format; with the quality of the Beta that I get it's no surprise that VHS is the current standard. 4.Big Wall: The type of climb that is so long and sustained that a normal ascent lasts several days. 5.Bomber Of the highest or finest quality; exceptionally good of it's kind. It is very often to only word in a climber's vocabulary, and studies are currently underway to determine it's viability as a language. 6.Bouldering: A branch of rock climbing without the use of safety ropes primarily concerned with the climbing of exceptionally difficult moves on boulders. Usually, done up to a height where it is still safe to jump off. 7.Buildering: To climb buildings. Most often done in urban college towns by die hard climbers where descent pitches are few and far between. Often illegal - but that is what makes it fun. 8.Bumper Belay: To belay from the safety and security of your own vehicle. Most often practiced around local crags were the road is paved up to the base of the climb, around the rock and, in some cases, up to the rap anchors. 9.Chalk: A magic powder that makes hands sitck to even the smoothest rock. 10.Climbing Shoes: Shoes made with sticky rubber soles that would have fit comfortably when you were ten. 11.Crank: To pull on a hold as hard as possible until you break. 12.Crater, to: To fall and hit the ground, as in "I almost cratered." 13.Crozley: Slimy, Putrid Hold that sucks my soul. 14.Deck: A fall which would cause the leader to hit the ground or the belay ledge but, if it makes you feel any better, is not a Factor 2 Fall. 15.Dirt Me: Cool way a saying "Let me down" after either finishing or giving up on a top rope climb. 16.Elvis, to: To have a sewing machine leg (See Sewing Machine Leg). Named after the famous climber "Elvis, the King," who alo suffered from this affliction when singing before a crowd of screaming women. 17.Endo: A white powder kept in small plastic bags, it is used to satisfy an addiction or recreationally at rest holds. 18.Fall, (to): AKA-free-solo rappel; A dynamic retreat from a climb. Note: It is never the fall that kills - It's the sudden stop at the end. 19.Fish Dance: An attempt the regain composure after a fall. Quite often followed by "Damn Newbie Climbers must'a broken a hold. Hell I've been climbing here for 3 months, I have a right be here!" 20.Flamed: To be entirely burnt out, being able to climb no further. Often used by Yuppies to describe their Warm-Up. 21.Flash: To completely finish a climb with no falls or dogging and with no previous attempts on the climb. 22.Free Climb: Moving up a rock using only hands, feet, and natural holds. Ropes and gear are only used for protection - not progression. 23.Free Solo: Free climbing while using no ropes for protection. Done by people who are really good or really stupid. You fall - You die! 24.Going To Church: Going climbing on a Sunday. "...No Mam, we're climbers... We're on a mission from God."--Blues Bros. 25.Gumby: A climber (most often a novice) who is spread out on or below a climb. 26.Harness: The piece of clothing that identifies you as a climber. The coolness factor is significantly enhanced by hanging things from the harnes tht go cling. 27.Lets Bolt It: Last term, usually heard before major fights between climbers in their usual hang outs, around bars or on rec.climbing. 28.Pink Point: An obsolete term used to describe a "No-Falls" ascent clipping pre placed gear. 29.Pitch: Formerly 1 rope length, but it has been determined to be exactly 15 feet of really good climbing or 200 feet of dirty, loose runout crap. 30.Protection, Pro: Anchors (see above) placed during a climb to protect the leader. Beware: even properly placed pro does not prevent pregnancy or the transmission of STDs. 31.Pumped: The feeling of overworked muscles. Most climbers are familiar with the forearm pump: too much finger work causes the forearms to swell and the strength to disappear. With a serious forearm pump, even holding a glass of beer (see above) can become a serious challenge.. 32.Quickdraw: Neither Quick, nor Draw. Discuss among yourselves. In actuality it is a short sling with biners on either side most often used in lead climbing. 33.Red Point To ascend a route "No-Falls" placing your own gear. 34.Roof Seriously overhanging part in a climb. The climber is more or less horizontal. . 35.Rock!! Yelled to advise persons below that a massive object has been overcome by gravity and is rapidly approaching from above. The loudness, number of repetitions, an/or panic in the voice which this word is uttered is often an indication of the seriousness of the rock. The probability of being struck is equal wherever you may stand, but increases greatly if you look up. 36.Screamer: A fall long enough that you have to catch you breath in the middle of it to finish your scream. Usually talked about (Or sometimes taken) in a bar with beer in hand. 37.Scuz: A completely friction move using a nonstandard contact surface such as a knee, face. ear, tongue, etc.(Use your Imagination) 38.Sewing-machine Leg: A leg (or arm) under tension that suddenly begins to jerk up and down like a sewing machine. (see also: to Elvis). 39.Shape End: The to which the leader is attached, not normally shape but can be if sheath slippage is not trimmed properly. 40.Side Pull: A hand hold that needs to be held with horizontal (sideways) pressure toward the climber. 41.Sloper: A featureless Teflon coated anti-hold, it's usability is determined solely by sun spots. 42.Spanked: To get completely whooped by a problem or climb."Man, I got spanked last week by Nancy (12a) out at Mickey's Beach. 43.Sport Climb Climbs (usually a single pitch) on cliffs which have been vandalized with bolts, chalk, and lycra-clad trendites. Widely perceived as being safer and thus adored by land managers as an excuse to close climbing areas. 44.Spro: Coffee, Joe, The Black Sun, That which gives Jed a personality. 45.Thank God Hold The hold that offers the best Photo Op. 46.Trad Short for "traditional" - Used to describe the type of climbing where you have to place your own protection as you ascend. Usually accompanied by heinously difficult approaches and descents which are often times more dangerous than the actual climb. 47.Vertical Tundra: Dirty / Grassy Licheny route. Usually also wet and rotten. Beware of Caribous. 48.Yellow-Point A "no falls" top rope ascent; or a climb so scary it had wet and embarrasing consequenses. 49.Yon Belay: A contraction of "Are you on belay?", the question mark is normally omitted because most sport climbers don't listen for a reply. -- Origin:《 成大计中 BBS 站 》[] 上线处:[soil.che.ntu.ed]

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icon.png[问题] SBK S1安装於安全帽位置
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icon.pngRe: [无言] 关於小包卫生纸
icon.png[开箱] E5-2683V3 RX480Strix 快睿C1 简单测试
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icon.png[出售] Graco提篮汽座(有底座)2000元诚可议
icon.png[问题] 请问补牙材质掉了还能再补吗?(台中半年内
icon.png[问题] 44th 单曲 生写竟然都给重复的啊啊!
icon.png[心得] 华南红卡/icash 核卡
icon.png[问题] 拔牙矫正这样正常吗
icon.png[赠送] 老莫高业 初业 102年版
icon.png[情报] 三大行动支付 本季掀战火
icon.png[宝宝] 博客来Amos水蜡笔5/1特价五折
icon.pngRe: [心得] 新鲜人一些面试分享
icon.png[心得] 苍の海贼龙 地狱 麒麟25PT
icon.pngRe: [闲聊] (君の名は。雷慎入) 君名二创漫画翻译
icon.pngRe: [闲聊] OGN中场影片:失踪人口局 (英文字幕)
icon.png[问题] 台湾大哥大4G讯号差
icon.png[出售] [全国]全新千寻侘草LED灯, 水草
