sinica 板


※ [本文转录自 studyabroad 看板 #1SMr6wnI ] 作者: countonme (that's just me) 看板: studyabroad 标题: [情报]德国哥廷根大学医学院徵博士生 时间: Thu Feb 7 05:29:28 2019 大家好, 我帮我老板(Holger Bastians)打个广告,他要徵博士班学生一名! 如大家所知,德国大部份的硕博班,是老板要收就直接率取, 不需要透过学校的招生系统,只要老师与学生双方谈好就可。 我们实验室主要着重在癌症的研究, 探讨microtubule dynamics与chromosomal instability的关系 老板希望你有细胞培养的经验,并对chromosomal instability这个课题有些了解。 如果你已经发过paper,上的机会非常大 沟通以英文为主,不一定要有英文检定,不过英文沟通要流利 他希望你先申请奖学金!DAAD或教育部有提供留学奖学金 如果你的CV非常地漂亮,发了很多paper,我想他会愿意付钱聘请你 有什麽问题可以站内信问我,或直接投CV给我的老板 如果我老板对你的CV有兴趣,面试的方式会以skype 以下是我老板的原文广告信 PhD position in cell biology and cancer research The laboratory of Professor Holger Bastians (Department for Cellular Oncology) at the Center for Molecular Biosciences at the University Gottingen, Germany, is inviting applications for funded PhD candidates for fall 2019. The University of Göttingen is among the leading universities in Germany. Our university offers various disciplines including a large focus on molecular biology and molecular medicine. The University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) has a strong research focus on molecular oncology and moreover, specifically on research related to the mechanisms of genome alterations in cancer. Research Topic: Our lab is interested in basic cancer research. Especially, we are focussing on the molecular mechanims of mitotic cell division leading to alterations of the cancer genome, which represents a major hallmark of cancer. Ongoing genome alterations, both on a structural and numerical level significantly affect tumor development, tumor progression and the development of therapy resistance. Therefore, it is very important to understand the mechanisms that cause genome aberrations in cancer. We are mostly interested in investigating the molecular and cell biological mechanisms leading to defects during mitosis that result in missegregation of whole chromosomes causing aneuploidy. Key publications: Stolz et al., Nature Cell Biology 2010 Ertych et al., Nature Cell Biology 2014 Stolz et al.,EMBO Reports 2015 Ertych et al., PNAS 2016 Lüddecke et al., Oncogene 2016 Further information on our lab: Please send your full application including CV, list of publications, letter of motivation, two reference letters and a description of previous lab experience to: Professor Bastians, email: [email protected] --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: countonme (, 02/07/2019 05:39:16
1F:推 joy2139: 有缺硕士吗XD 02/08 12:08
※ 编辑: countonme (, 02/10/2019 04:19:16
2F:→ countonme: 博士生为主喔 02/10 04:20

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: countonme (, 02/20/2019 04:48:10
3F:推 pent: 博後有缺吗? 02/20 17:19

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