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LINE 为生活上色 位於台北天母的For YogArt 瑜伽教室,近期特别开放下午时段让喜欢画画、想要画画、 有点害怕画画的你,一个为自己的生活上色的午後。您自由挑选日期,预约三小时,可以 携带参考的图片、照片或大胆创作,写实、表现、抽象…..各式风格,让双手带着颜料在 画布上自由玩乐,找到躲在心里玩捉迷藏的无限灵感,让创意跟着颜色自然流动,透过画 笔及颜料在画布上与你见面。画画很像在照镜子,越没有限制与期待,越能展现真实的感 受。假如你画得有点累的话,还可以自行在瑜伽垫上伸展筋骨,大口呼吸,让身体和心灵 全然地释放。 时间:周一到周五 12:00-19:00,自由预约三小时 地点:For YogArt Studio 台北市士林区士东路328号 费用:每人800元 特别专案: 成人2人以上同行及连续4堂以上每堂700元 12岁以上含小六毕至大四学生:3小时为生活上色自由画画2人同行8折优惠 老人60岁以上适合周五1pm-3pm,每人500 材料:8F油画布一组(45.5X38公分)、压克力颜料 报名:请至For YogArt脸书预约,或致电0912-057-569 Color Your Life From the second week of July (July 1st, 2nd, 3th also available for painting) For YogArt opens up painting program in the afternoon for people who like to paint, feel like to paint, and are afraid of painting a chance to just experience coloring your life. In your chosen 3 hours or maybe more time if you need, you can start to walk out the You in the frame box and play freely with the color, or you can plan a theme and try to paint and manifest it. You don't have to think too much as here is a very open and free space allowing you to explore inner self and to let your hands play with the paint on the canvas.The inspiration is playing hide and seek but soon you’ll meet each other through finishing brushes and paint on the canvas. Painting is like looking in the mirror, the less you limit yourself, the more you can express your true feelings. If you feel a little bit tired after long hour of painting, you can also stretch your whole body on yoga mat and take a deep breath to relax yourself, you can have a tea and snack also. #Time: Monday to Friday 12:00-19:00, freely to make your preferable 3 hours appointment #Venue: For YogArt Tianmu Studio No. 328, Shidong Road, Shilin District, Taipei #Cost: NT$800 per person per class (3hours) NT$700 per person when sign up with a friend #Register for more than 4 consecutive classes enjoy NT$700 per class #Material: 8F oil painting set (45.5X38 cm), acrylic paint, brush, mixed media, etc. #Bring your own: you can bring old clothes for painting and play with color #Registration: Message to For YogArt FB or message/call 0911-057-563 #Note: Second week of July and August as well as the 4th week of August are Kid Yoga Nidra Painting Camp. From 5pm-7pm, we offer add up time to Color Your Life, if you wish to extend/ make little modification/ finish/ add up from previous 3hour's Art. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: kuremaVa ( 台湾), 07/13/2019 02:05:47

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