作者frannica (买到险路勿近DVD了!)
标题Re: [分享] 你(你)给兔兔用的容器安全吗?
时间Tue Sep 23 11:56:57 2008
※ 引述《being9happy (一个头两个大)》之铭言:
: 转贴一篇网路论坛的文章跟大家分享。
: 资料来源为"国家地理杂志":http://ppt.cc/uopM
: 以下贴的是国内论坛"瘾科技"的译文:http://ppt.cc/s;mi
: PS.前面括号数字代表该材质的回收分类号喔!
: =============================================================================
: (1)聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PETE 或 PET)
: 名字听起来很厉害,其实就是一般人常说的「保特瓶」(保特瓶其实就是英文 PET
: bottle 的翻译)。保特瓶的材质本身没有危险,但因为 PET 的结构并不紧密,在缝隙中
: 可能会藏有之前使用时留下来的糖分和随之而来的细菌,因此并不建议使用超过一次(就
: 是不要当水壶用的意思啦)。
如果他这段中文是翻译的,那跟原文差得还蛮多 @@|||
http://www.thegreenguide.com/doc/101/plastic 本文,加上两个延伸阅读
http://www.thegreenguide.com/reports/product.mhtml?id=49 瓶装水
http://www.thegreenguide.com/reports/product.mhtml?id=55 婴儿奶瓶
Do not reuse bottles intended for single use. Reused water bottles
also make good breeding grounds for bacteria.
另外有提到强化玻璃、不透明的 PP (#5) 跟 PET (#1) 不含 bisphenol-A
(一种环境荷尔蒙),是比较好的婴儿奶瓶材质 (译注:婴儿奶瓶是重覆使用的)
Better Baby Bottles: Choose tempered glass or opaque plastic made of
polypropylene (#5) or polyethylene (#1), which do not contain bisphenol-A.
有些人会重覆使用 PETE 瓶子,但是 2002 年 11 月的加拿大公共卫生论文刊登的
有一篇义大利研究指出,瓶装水装在 PET 瓶里九个月後,会发现水中的 DEHP 量
(也是一种环境荷尔蒙,同时是可能的人类致癌物) 有增加。但是所测得的 DEHP 量
Lastly, many people reuse disposable PETE plastic bottles, a study published
in the Canadian Journal of Public Health in November 2002 confirms reused
water bottles also make good breeding grounds for bacteria since thorough
cleaning is difficult. Also, in one Italian study, the amount of DEHP, an
endocrine-disrupting phthalate and a probable human carcinogen, in bottled
spring water was found to increase after 9 months of storage in a PET bottle.
However, it is unclear whether the levels detected could harm people drinking
the water.
然後第三个部份婴儿奶瓶,又再一次提到不透明的 PP (#5) 跟 PET (#1)
No matter what kind of bottles you choose, safe use and careful cleaning are
essential to your baby’s health. Bottles must be sterilized before first use
in boiling water. Unless your baby has unusual health needs, sterilization is
not necessary after every use; careful washing in hot tap water is
sufficient, either by hand or in a dishwasher. Inspect bottles before each
use and discard those with cracks or scratches. To avoid dangerous hot spots,
breast milk or formula should never be heated in the microwave. Stovetop
heating can cause glass bottles to burst and plastic ones to melt, especially
when supervised by sleep-deprived parents. Instead, place the filled bottle
in a bowl of hot water and swirl it periodically. And to avoid tooth decay
and injuries, don’t let baby sleep with or walk around with the bottle.
剩下的部份有兴趣的人还是去看原文 + google 找相关资料吧 @@"
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