rabbit 板


兔子的居家环境 1.避免将兔笼放在屋内时常发生剧烈温度变化的地方。 高温与湿气特别危险,但兔子、其他宠物、或者是人类并不需要一直维持在一定范围的 温度内,适当的气温变化有益健康,只是要避免剧烈的温差。 (1. Avoid placing the cage in an area of your house where dramatic and extreme temperature fluctuations take place frequently. High heat and humidity are particularly dangerous. Rabbits, other pets, or humans for that matter do not need a constant temperature range all the time. Some fluctuation is healthy; just try to avoid the extremes.) 2.勿将兔笼暴晒在阳光直接照射下。 透过玻璃被放大的太阳光线会发烫且造成兔子中暑,即使透过纱窗,直接的阳光照射对 兔子还是危险的。 (2. Never expose the cage to direct sunlight. The sun's rays when magnified through glass can become hot and can cause heat stroke in a rabbit. Even direct sunlight through a window screen can be dangerous for a rabbit.) 3. 勿将兔笼放在暖气或空调的通风口附近,因为那里常发生突来的气温变化。 此外,当暖炉的风扇或空调开始运转时,它会吹起已经落定的尘埃然後造成兔子的呼吸 道过敏。 (3. Don't put the cage near a heating or air-conditioning vent because sudden temperature changes take place there. In addition, when the fan on the furnace or air conditioner starts up, it blows out all the settled dust, which can create irritation in your pet's respiratory tract.) 4. 阁楼或地下室不适合放置兔笼。 上述地点的湿气和通风不良对兔子的健康具有危险性。 (4. An attic or basement is no place for a rabbit cage. The dampness and lack of ventilation in these areas can prove hazardous to your pet's health.) 5. 兔笼应该位在光线充足且人会经过的地方,但不至於让兔子不得安宁。 (5. The cage should be in a well-lit area where people come and go but shouldn't be in a spot where your rabbit never has any peace and quiet.) 6. 兔笼的位置应让兔子一天至少处在8个小时的黑暗里。 长时间的光照或是不固定的光线(某个晚上较晚,隔天较早)会影响兔子的内分泌系统, 因为兔子的内分泌运作会受曝光周期(photoperiods)的影响,所以在一天24小时当中 用布或毛巾盖住笼子阻隔光线至少达8个钟头。 (6. Place the cage where the bunny can experience at least eight hours of darkness. Constant bright lighting with no relief or inconsistent lighting (one night up late, next night not) can wreak havoc on a rabbit's endocrine system, which has some dependency on photoperiods for its function. At the least, cover the cage with a heavy cloth or towel that blocks light for at least eight hours out of each 24-hour period.) 7. 勿将兔笼放在音响喇叭或电视附近,它们的噪音会把兔子逼疯。 (7. Don't put the cage near stereo speakers or a TV; the noise may drive your rabbit out of his mind.) 以上译自Rabbits For Dummies一书。 ps. 以上翻译如有需纠正之处请回覆在下信箱,好立即改正,thanks. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:→ Eudha:谢谢mwind的分享 大家可以跟'住'的 推140.112.227.226 02/18
2F:→ Eudha:「兔舍选置与地点之考量」搭配着参考喔!^^ 推140.112.227.226 02/18

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