punk 板


※ [本文转录自 WesternMusic 看板 #1EH-hxZv ] 作者: angellzu (吉拿+猫粗粗) 看板: WesternMusic 标题: [情报] Sum 41主唱因伤延期加拿大演唱会讯息 时间: Sun Aug 14 23:34:17 2011 ★网志有图版★ http://impunkgirl.blogspot.com/2011/08/sum-41-deryck-warped-tour.html 以下直接张贴网志内容喔! Sum 41主唱 Deryck Whibley 自从与 Avril Lavigne 离婚後虽然展现了励精图治的野心 无奈流年不利,最新力作 ”Screaming Bloody Murder” 获得的评价毁誉参半[1] 专辑销售量也大大不如前两张专辑成功(Chuck & Underclass Hero) 而且不知道是衰鬼附身还是犯太岁 Deryck不但在今年三月专辑刚推出时就因严重的肺炎住院治疗 昨天又传出 Deryck 因背伤被迫取消目前进行中的 Warped Tour 加拿大巡回演唱会 如果演唱会赞助商板牌 VANS 因此撤掉资助的话 无疑是雪上加霜,真让人鼻酸。 ↓Sum 41主唱Deryck因背伤延期演唱会讯息 ↓ "A MESSAGE TO ALL OUR FANSDuring yesterday's show in Boise, Deryck sustained another back injury and we have been forced to cancel the remaining Warped Tour dates and the Canadian run that was to follow.We hate canceling shows, but Deryck's well being is our top priority and the best thing right now is to give him time to heal.Thank you for your understanding. We wish Deryck a quick recovery and look forward to getting back out on the road.Thank you,THE SUMS." ↓今年三月Sum 41主唱 Deryck 感染肺炎住院时发布的讯息↓ We regret to inform everyone that we have had to canceled a few shows due to Deryck whibley being hospitalized with severe pneumonia. Deryck is currently being treated in a sydney hospital. Doctors are doing their best to beat the pneumonia and deryck will remain in sydney until he has recovered. As soon as deryck is out of the hospital the band will return back to the stage performing their Screaming Bloody Murder world tour with the usual high energy kick ass shows! (Deryck 住院照,看起来真是贫病交加,挺惨) 其实 Sum 41 是个好乐团,从他们特意选在今年十月十日国庆日拜访台湾就可见一斑(?) 前几天在Family Port看到摇滚区的票还剩好多 这麽爱歹丸的乐团一定要请大家赶快去买票支持 大家就赏个脸一人一票帮帮Sum 41,记得不要穿Avril的T-shirt去听演唱会喔。 其实我觉得新专辑不错听啊 虽然还没整张专辑听完 但至少那几首主打歌挺顺耳的不是吗? --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 cam0679320:干麻用黑白照片去照他......看了更有一种悲伤的感觉 08/15 14:08
2F:推 maze226:喜欢新专辑!!但演唱会似乎真的卖不好,希望能顺利开唱阿!! 08/15 23:03
3F:推 singzion333:票买好供很久了!!!希望能顺利开唱阿阿 08/17 19:24
4F:推 sum41220:期待10月10日的演唱会 08/20 18:04

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