作者corvette (<(‧﹏‧)@m 下棋)
标题[情报] 明信片的旅行数量增加了!!!!!
时间Thu Dec 8 19:08:31 2011
If you have sent between 0 and 4 postcards, you can send 5 postcards.
If you have sent between 5 and 14 postcards, you can send 6 postcards.
If you have sent between 15 and 24 postcards, you can send 7 postcards.
If you have sent between 25 and 34 postcards, you can send 8 postcards.
If you have sent between 35 and 49 postcards, you can send 9 postcards.
If you have sent between 50 and 99 postcards, you can send 10 postcards.
If you have sent between 100 and 149 postcards, you can send 11 postcards.
If you have sent between 150 and 199 postcards, you can send 12 postcards.
... and so on, in increments of 1 postcard for each 50 you send.
超开心的~~~ : )
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ yammiy814:噗 我才想说今天怎麽偷偷增加了一张:P 12/08 20:17
2F:推 rabbitball19:唔喔喔喔!多了两张出来(惊吓) 12/08 20:28
3F:推 cmkin:刚刚也发现到~超棒的哈哈! 12/08 21:23
4F:推 catsrainy:太棒了!!!!! 12/08 21:33
5F:推 ryu12393:喔喔喔 难怪今天忽然可寄数变多 吓我一跳@@ 12/08 21:39
6F:推 atovchin:又可以买更多明信片了XDDD 12/08 21:42
7F:推 helen791018:嘿嘿 看到 Traveling: 5 of 9 还想什麽时候变成9的~ 12/08 22:07
8F:推 alily1127:又要败明信片了XDDDDD 12/08 22:25
9F:→ amkero:yes~~~~~~~~~~~ 12/08 22:50
10F:推 Platinadeaf:我一直以为是因应圣诞节活动才变多耶XD 12/08 22:59
11F:推 soceress:耶~~~~ 12/09 09:44
12F:推 delight13:我也忽然吓一跳~~~ 12/10 01:33