postcrossing 板


【Postcards Wall】 【明信片墙】 1. Do I have to upload the scan of all my postcards? 我必须要上传所有明信片的图片吗? No, the postcard walls are optional. It is up to you to decide if it's important for you to have a wall of the postcards you have received. 不用,明信片墙是弹性的,你可以自己决定是否要将你的明信片放在墙上 2. How do I upload a postcard image? 我要如何上传明信片的图片? It is quite simple! The first step is to get the postcard into an image file. For that you must have access to a computer scanner or a use a digital photo camera. Once you have the postcard in an image file, follow these steps: 1. If you are not logged in to Postcrossing, log in. 2. Go to your Received postcards section 3. Find the row that has the postcrossing ID for the image you would like to upload. Click on the green '+' icon found in the last column of the row. 4. Click the browse button and find and select your file. You can also enter an optional description about the postcard. 5. Click Upload and that is it! 这非常简单!首先要将明信片变成图档,你必须要透过扫描器或数位相机,当你有图档 时,跟随以下指示: 1. 如果你还没登入,请先登入 2. 点选"收到的明信片"(Received postcards) 3. 找到这张明信片的ID,并点选同一排右方的绿色加号 4. 点选浏览并找到你的图档,你也可以输入关於这张明信片的描述 5. 点选上传(Upload),这样就好了! 3. What can I upload to my postcard wall? 我可以上传什麽到我的明信片墙上? Currently, the senders can upload postcards images while the postcard is still traveling. Once the postcard is registered, this responsibility transfers to the receiver since he is the one who has the physical postcard. Moreover, we only allow the front (the part that does not have writing or your address) of the postcard to be uploaded. Please do not upload images of the backside of the postcards you receive. 当明信片在寄送过程中,寄送的人可以上传图片,当明信片被登记时,上传图片的责任 就落到收到明信片的人身上,因为他是实际拥有明信片的人 另外,我们只允许上传明信片的正面(没有写字或地址的那面),请不要上传明信片的 背面 4. How can I delete a postcard from my wall? 我要怎麽把图片从我的墙上删除? You can delete any postcards that you received and uploaded to your wall. To delete it, go to the Received Postcards section and click on the ID of the postcard you wish to delete. Right above the postcard image there is a button to delete that postcard. 你可以删除任何一张你收到的明信片的图片,点选”收到的明信片”(Received postcards)并点选你想要删除的明信片的ID,点选图片上方的叉叉就可以删除图片 5. A postcard image in someones wall is wrong. How can it be removed? 某个玩家墙上的明信片图片是不适当的,要怎麽移除呢? If you find a postcard image that should be removed, the first thing to do is to contact that person and ask to remove it. Please wait a few days for a reply since not every user accesses the site on a daily basis. If you don't obtain a reply, please contact us specifying the reason why that image should be removed from the site. We will do our best to help. 如果你发现一张明信片图片应该被移除,首先,你应该连络这位玩家并要求他删除,并 等待他的回覆,因为不是每个玩家都会每天上网。如果你没有得到回覆,请联系我们并 告知图片应该要被删除的理由,我们将会尽力帮忙 6. How do I add a postcard to my favourites? 我要怎麽把明信片加到我的最爱? It is quite simple! Just go to the postcard page (by clicking on its Postcard ID) and right above the postcard image there is a small heart-shaped icon. Clicking it adds the postcard as a favourite. By the way, to remove it from your favourites, it is the same process. 这非常简单!只要到明信片的页面(点选Postcard ID),在图片的上方有一个爱心图示 ,点选它就可以把这张明信片加到最爱当中,如果要把它从最爱当中移除,也是用同样 的方法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【External Websites Integration】 【外部网路连结】 1. How can I integrate my twitter account with Postcrossing? 我要如何把我的Twitter帐号和Postcrossing做结合呢? If you have a account, you can integrate it with Postcrossing. When you send or receive a postcard, Postcrossing will automatically publish that to your twitter. Here are some samples: * Writing a #postcrossing postcard to Brazil * Received a #postcrossing postcard from Russia - * Received my first postcard from - To activate this, you just need to edit your account and connect it with your Twitter account - you will be taken to to approve the connection between the two accounts. You can at any moment disable this functionality. 如果你有Twitter.com的帐号,你可以把它和Postcrossing做结合,当你寄出或收到明 信片,Postcrossing网站会自动发布在你的Twitter上 以下是一些例子: ※正在写一张寄到巴西的明信片 ※收到一张来自俄罗斯的明信片 - ※收到我第一张在 上的明信片 - 要开启这个功能,只要编辑你的帐号并把它和Twitter帐号做连结,你会被带往 Twitter.com并要求允许这两个帐号的连结,任何时候你都可以取消这个功能 2. How can I integrate my Facebook account with Postcrossing? 我要如何把我的Facebook帐号和Postcrossing做结合呢? If you have a Facebook account, you can integrate it with Postcrossing so that some events are automatically published to your wall. If you connect the two accounts, Postcrossing will publish short stories to your Facebook feed when you send or receive a postcard in the Postcrossing website. To activate this, just follow these steps: First you need to go to your Edit Account page and click on the blue Facebook connect button. You will be asked to login with your Facebook account (if aren't logged in yet) and you will need to accept to connect your Facebook account with Postcrossing. You need to do this step only once. See screenshoot.( ) If you do not logout from your Facebook account, then when you send or register a postcard a window will appear asking you to confirm if you wish to publish that event to your Facebook wall. Note that this window appears only when page is fully loaded (after requesting an address or after registering a postcard). On this window you also have the option to allow Postcrossing to do this automatically for you so that you do not need to approve (this window) every time. See screenshoot.( ) We are currently testing and improving this integration so if you find any problems or have any suggestions, please let us know. 如果你有Facebook帐号,你可以把它和Postcrossing做结合,这样有些事件将自动被发 布在你的涂鸦墙上。如果你连结两个帐号,当你寄出或收到明信片时,Postcrossing将 会发布小故事在你的动态消息上 如果想要开启这个功能,请跟随以下指示: 首先你必须到编辑帐号页面,并点选蓝色的连结Facebook按钮,你必须登入Facebook 帐号(如果还没登入的话)并接受Facebook和Postcrossing的结合,你只需要在刚开始时 经历这个过程一次 (截图: ) 如果你Facebook的帐号不是登出的,当你寄出或登记明信片时,将会有视窗跳出,询问 你是否确认要将此事件发布在Facebook涂鸦墙上。这个视窗只有在页面完全显示的时候 会出现(在要求地址或登记明信片之後),在这个视窗中,你可以选择完全允许 Postcrossing自动发布讯息,不需要经过这个视窗 (截图: ) 我们目前正在测试和改进这个结合的功能,所以如果你发现任何问题或有任何建议,请 让我们知道 3. How do I stop Facebook from publishing my Postcrossing events? 我要怎麽让Facebook不要发布我Postcrossing的事件 The connection between Postcrossing and Facebook must be disabled on your Facebook privacy settings. The location of this settings might depend on your Facebook setup, but generally these are the steps to reach it: * Login in Facebook * On the 'Account' menu, go to 'Application settings' * In the 'Show' dropdown, select 'Authorized' * Scroll down to the 'External websites' * In the Postcrossing item, click the 'X' to cancel the integration Facebook和Postcrossing之间的连结必须要从Facebook隐私设定来取消,设定的位置 取决於每个人的Facebook,但是通常以下是变更的方法: ※登入Facebook ※点选 帐号>帐号设定 ※一般>外部帐号连结 ※在Postcrossing项目後点选叉叉来取消连结 -------------------------- --

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