postcrossing 板


【Receiving Postcards】 【收到明信片】 1. What do I do when I receive a postcard? 当我收到明信片时该怎麽做? First, congratulations if this is your first Postcrossing postcard - hopefully many more will follow! When you receive a postcard from another Postcrossing user, you must register it on Postcrossing as received. To do that, you need to go to the register a postcard page and enter the Postcard ID written on it. Just look in the text written on the postcard and you should find an alphanumeric code starting with two letters (the country code) followed by a number - this is the code that uniquely identifies that postcard in the system. Once you register that postcard, it will make the sender be the next person to receive a postcard from someone else in the system. That's it! Simple, right? If you have problems reading the Postcard ID written on the Postcard, don't give up! Feel free to try as many combinations as possible - only the right combination will be accepted. However, if you still are unable to register it (or if the sender forgot to write the ID!), you can request help to find the Postcard ID by going here. 如果这是你收到的第一张Postcrossing明信片的话,恭喜你!希望你接下来还会收到很 多张! 当你收到来自其他Postcrossing玩家的明信片时,你必须要在网站上登记。首先,你必 须点选Register a postcard并输入明信片上的ID,只要在明信片上找到两个英文字搭 配一串号码,这就是系统用来辨别这张明信片的ID。 当你登记这张明信片後,这会使寄的人收到来自另一位玩家的明信片,就这样!很简单 ,不是吗? 如果你在理解明信片上的ID有困难时,不要放弃! 你可以尝试任何可能性,只有正确 的组合会被接受,但是如果你还是无法登记(或是寄的人忘了写ID),你可以到以下网址 寻求帮助。 2. Why do I receive more postcards from a certain country? 为什麽我收到的明信片很多都是来自同一个国家? Probably because that country has many more active users (sending many more postcards) than other countries. For a more balanced distribution of members and postcard origins, try inviting some international friends to the project. In this manner more balance can be achieved without being unfair to countries where Postcrossing is popular. 有可能与其他国家相比,那个国家有比较多活跃的玩家(寄出比较多明信片) 你可以试着邀请国际朋友加入这个计画,这将会使玩家来自的国家和明信片的来源更平 衡。这种方式可以达到平衡,也不会对那些有比较多活跃玩家的国家不公平。 3. Why have I received more postcards than I have sent? 为什麽我收到的明信片比我寄出的还要多? The algorithm for selecting addresses is complicated. There are instances when your address will be selected more often than you expect. Count it as an early bonus - your sent/received numbers will even out soon. 系统挑选地址的演算方式很复杂,在某些时候你的地址会比较常被选到,把这个看成一 种福利吧,你收到和寄出的明信片很快就会平衡了。 4. What if the postcards do not arrive or are not registered? 如果明信片无法抵达或没有被登记怎麽办? Generally, 60 days is enough time for a member to send a postcard and it be registered by the recipient after reaching its destination. If your postcard is not registered after 60 days of traveling, it is set to Expired in our system. But do not worry, the postcard can still be registered by the receiver within a year of the date it was sent. Every time one of your sent postcards expires, you can request a new address. 通常60天足够让玩家寄出明信片、到达目的地并被收到的人登记。 如果你的明信片60天後还没有被登记,它将会被设定为"过期"(Expired),但是不要担 心,这张明信片在一年内还是可以收到的人登记,每当你寄出的明信片过期,你就可以 再要求一个新的地址。 5. What do I do if I receive a postcard without or with the wrong Postcard ID? 如果我收到的明信片上是错误的ID或是没有ID该怎麽办? We can help you find the Postcrossing ID for your postcard. First, please consider the following. 1. Make sure that the postcard is an official Postcrossing postcard and not a thank you postcard or a private swap. 2. You can try to enter the correct Postcard ID many times without consequence. So, why not try a different combination? For instance, sometimes 1's can look like 7's, 3's and 5's can look like 8's, etc. Don't worry, the Postcrossing system will not let you register a postcard that does not belong to you. 3. If the postcard has information about the sender, you can use those hints to search for the user in our search users page and then contact him/her by private message. 4. Note that postcards with postcard IDs over one year old cannot be registered. does not keep track of which member was assigned a specific Postcrossing ID so submitting an Unknown ID request is not helpful. If you are still unable to register the postcard, you can submit a Unknown ID request (the link is also on the bottom of the register a postcard page). Fill in as much information as possible even if you are not sure. Sometimes if there is very little information, a description of the postcard can help. Note that the postal cancellation mark often displays the date and postal code/city. The Postcrossing team will try to find it for you using the information you provide, so the more details you submit, the more likely it will be found. You only need to fill out the Unknown ID request once for each postcard. If you make a mistake, delete the request and enter a new one. It can take several days for a match to be found. Please be patient. Additionally, if you find the Postcard ID and register the postcard before you receive a response, please delete the request. You can delete any request by clicking the delete button for the request on your "Received postcards" list. 我们可以帮助你找到这张明信片的ID,首先请照着下面做: 1.确定这张明信片是正式的Postcrossing明信片,而不是一张感谢卡或私下交换的卡片 2.你可以无限次数的尝试各种不同ID的可能性,为什麽不试试各种不同的组合呢?举例 来说,有时候1会看起来像7;或是3和5会看起来像8。不要担心,系统不会让你登记 错误的ID 3.如果明信片上有任何关於寄送者的资讯的话,你可以在网站上的"Search users"用 这些线索来搜寻这个玩家,并透过讯息连络他 4.注意超过一年的ID将无法被登记,我们不会记录那个ID是由哪位玩家所拥有,因此提 出"未知ID询问"(Unknown ID request)也不会有帮助 如果你还是无法登记这张明信片,你可以提出"未知ID询问" (Unknown ID request), 在Register a postcard页面下方有连结。填写时,请填上越多资讯越好,即使你不确 定,有时候可能很细微的资讯,或是关於明信片的描述,都有可能会派上用场。注意看 邮戳上通常有寄的日期、邮递区号和所在城市。Postcrossing团队会依据你提供的资讯 尽可能的帮你寻找ID,因此你填写越多资讯,就越有可能找到正确的ID 一张明信片只需要填写一次"未知ID询问",如果你写错了,只要删除并重新填写新的就 可以,寻找ID的过程可能会花上好几天,请有耐心的等 如果你在收到询问的回覆之前就找到ID并登记明信片了,请把"未知ID询问"删除,你可 以在Received postcard清单上删除这个询问 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【Addresses, maps...】 【地址、地图..】. 1. Is my address displayed on the map on my profile? 我的地址会被显示在个人档案的地图上吗? Do not worry, we value your privacy (and ours too!). The map on your profile shows the city you live in, not your home address. All the users in the same city will be mapped to the same coordinates which usually point to the city center. 不要担心,我们很看重玩家的隐私权(还有我们的!)个人档案里的地图只会显示你所居 住的城市,而不是你的地址,所以住在同一个城市里的玩家会被标记在同一个位置,通 常是城市的中心点 2. Is it safe to leave my postal address? 留下我的地址是安全的吗? Yes! Please be aware of the following: * Your address will only be used for the purposes of postcard exchange. Your address will only be made accessible to those members which have been selected to send you a postcard. No one else will have access to your address from the Postcrossing system. * Addresses will not be given, sold, traded, or have any other use other than for the Postcrossing functionality described above. * A user can request no more than a small number of addresses at a time from the website. This is so that no one can get all the addresses from the system. Other safety measures have also been implemented to prevent this. You should, however, understand that this website is free and will not be held responsible for anything that may occur as a result of its use or misuse. The system is very safe to use and designed to be secure, but if you run into problems as a result of using the service, we might not be able to help you. If you have any questions regarding this subject, feel free to contact us. 是的!请了解以下几点: ※你的地址只会被用在明信片交换,也只会被挑选到的要寄给你明信片的玩家看到,其 他人无法从系统中得知你的地址 ※玩家的地址将不会被泄漏、卖出、交易或是除了第一点列的目的之外的使用 ※玩家无法同时从网站上要求大量的地址,因此没有人可以从系统得到所有的地址,我 们也设计了其他安全措施来预防此类行为 但是,你也必须了解这个网站是免费的,我们不为玩家可能的行为或滥用负责,系统在 使用上是安全的,设计也很严密,但是如果你如果因为使用这个服务而遭遇到麻烦,我 们可能无法帮助你 如果关於这点你还有其他问题,请连络我们 3. There is a country in Postcrossing that is not a real country! 网站上列的国家有的不是国家! Some countries in Postcrossing are not actual countries: they may be dependent territories or regions of special interest, which enjoy a certain degree of autonomy, as detailed on the ISO 3166 norm. Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, Wallis and Futuna, the Cayman Islands, the Christmas Island etc. all fall into this category. 有的在Postcrossing网站上列的国家并不是真的国家,依据ISO 31661标准的细节,他 们可能是拥有一定程度自治权的独立领土或特殊地区。台湾、澳门、香港、瓦利斯和富 图纳群岛、开曼群岛、圣诞岛等等,都属於这个范围 4. The address given to me does not have a name on it. Will the postcard still arrive? 提供给我的地址上没有姓名,这样明信片还会送达吗? Not all countries require the name of the recipient on the address. The postcard will still arrive at its destination. Please trust the member - he or she knows their address best. 并不是所有的国家都要求收信人的姓名,明信片还是会抵达目的地,请相信那名玩家, 他是最了解自己地址的人 5. Should I write my address on the postcards I send? 我应该要在寄出的明信片上写自己的地址吗? It is really up to you. If you wish to be contacted back, it might be a good idea to write your address on the postcard. However, not all postcrossers will write you back. Members frequently ask why their address is not sent automatically to the person who registers the received postcard. The reason is that some members are not comfortable with this. It is their choice if they would like to send an address on the postcard; we will not do any different. Note that when you register a postcard, you can leave a message. At this point, you can request the address of the member that sent you a postcard if you would like to send a return postcard. 这其实取决於个人,如果你希望收到回信,你可以在明信片上写上自己的地址,但是不 是所有的玩家都会回信给你 很多人不断询问为什麽在寄出的明信片被登记的时候,自己的地址不会自动的提供给收 到明信片的人,原因是有些玩家不乐意自己的地址被提供,要不要在明信片上写自己的 地址是他们的选择,我们不会针对这个做任何改变 但当你登寄明信片时,你可以留讯息。如果你想要回寄明信片的话,你可以在这时候向 玩家要地址 6. I have moved. How do I update my address? 我搬家了,我要如何更改我的地址? Simply update the address in your profile including the My location area. Please note that you can only change your country every 60 days. 只要在编辑地址的部分(Edit>Address)更新你的地址和位置就可以了,但请注意,所在 的国家只能60天改一次 -------------------------- --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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