post-b.test 板


※ 引述《bluemagpie (贞心相廷)》之铭言: : 标题: 生物问题请教 : 时间: Sun Feb 20 17:58:31 2011 : : 想请问大家几题升物问题 : 1. For the processing of visual information in the central nervous system of : humans, the neuronal projections of ganglion cells to the left and right lateral : geniculate nuclei (LGN) are 那麽我帮你翻译一下好了 在人类中枢神经系统的视觉资讯处理过程中,位於左侧与右侧侧膝核负责神经投射的神经 节细胞是︰ : A) all ipsilateral, meaning that left eye projections stay on the left side : of the brain, and vice versa. 都是负责同一侧的,意思就是说,左侧的视觉投射由左边的脑负责,右侧之亦然 : B) all contralateral, meaning that left eye projections project to the right : side of the brain, and vice versa. 都是负责不同侧的,意思就是说,左边的视觉投射往右边的大脑传导,右侧之亦然 : C) ipsilateral for the temporal side of each retina, and contralateral for : the nasal side of each retina. 靠近颞端的的视网膜都是负责不同侧,而靠近鼻端的视网膜则负责同侧的视觉投射 : D) ipsilateral for the nasal side of each retina, and contralateral for the : temporal side of each retina. 靠近鼻端的视网膜负责不同侧,靠近颞端的视网膜负责同侧的视觉投射 : E) randomly crossed in terms of which side of the retina projects to either : the left or right side of the brain. : Answer: C 视觉投射以随机的方式投射向左侧或右侧的大脑 基本上解这题只要有视交叉(optical chiasma)的观念就可以了 参考这张图
鼻端和颞端意思就是把视网膜的投射范围一分为二 假设右眼视网膜,颞侧就是靠近右边的一半;鼻端就是靠近左侧 左 颞 左 鼻 右 了解了这些,再对照图就很清楚了 : 2.Experiments with genetically altered mice showed that the mice would consume : abnormally high amounts of bitter-tasting compounds in water after their : A) hormone receptors for digestive hormones were reduced or eliminated, : showing that bitter tastes are reinforced by digestive responses. : B) salt-taste cells were altered to express receptors for bitter tastants, : suggesting that animals have unregulated salt appetites. : C) visual sense was reduced or eliminated, suggesting that mice learn visual : cues about bitter tastes. : D) olfactory sense was reduced or eliminated, suggesting that mice learn odor : cues about bitter tastes. : E) sweet-taste cells were altered to express receptors for bitter tastants, : suggesting that the sensation of taste depends only on which taste cell is stimulated. : Answer: E 这题很简单,只是问你说用基因工程的方式去改变小白鼠的基因构造,之後发现小白鼠不 断地去摄食含高量苦味物质的水,这是为什麽? A. hormone受器减少或消失,导致苦味增强消化作用......很明显无关 B. 咸味受器被改变,成为对苦味的受器.....看到这就可以了,离题胡诌 C. 视觉.....................离题 D. 嗅觉感减少或消失,小鼠藉苦味去学习气味讯息........不确定,继续看 E. 甜味受器被改变而去对苦味做表现,因此味觉只依赖被刺激的受器....不确定 牵涉到一点行为制约反应的话,小鼠会一直去喝苦水,表示这是一个能增强其行为的事件 那麽就选项看来D或E,只有E的选项有牵涉到甜味的味觉受器改变,而甜味亦是一种奖赏 机制。 就生物学的观点,E选项叙述也是正确的,就像阿斯巴甜,与葡萄糖一点关系都没有 只是一种可以跟甜味受器结合的胺基酸,但仅此就能引发甜味的受器产生神经冲动 引发甜味 : 其实我是连题目都看不太懂 : 想请教各位高手帮帮忙 : 诚心感谢 : : -- :

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