标 题Re: 小玛和阿妹都是很棒的歌手..
发信站KKCITY (Fri Mar 3 21:37:43 2006)
※ 引述《Chariot (三少爷)》之铭言:
> ※ 引述《victorwei76》之铭言:
> > Mariah Carey is a true international superstar.
> > But A-Mei......................................
> But what?? 这有什麽好比的
> international是什麽? 若非英语是20世纪强势语言的“天时”配合
> 如何能造就你所谓的international superstars?
> 实力不是这样就能评比的 两个都是好歌手
> 眼界不用那麽狭隘 西方强势的文化输出所定义的international
> 不见得就代表一定比较优越、比较成功
> 如果强势语言是中文 那麽今天全世界争相传唱的都会是华人歌手的歌
> so what? 也不代表那些歌就一定比较好 歌手就一定比较有实力
As Ang-Li's "Cruching tiger Hidden Dragon",it earned 20 billion dollars
and it was one of the best 10 movies of the year.
Ang-Li,a Chinese director and winner of Oscar Academy Awards,
influences Hollywood's culture a lot.
Therefore,anyone who is talent becomes famous internationally.
So language isn't the only factor of success.
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