作者retsam (filled with Mondays)
标题鲍尔:公投没必要 两题都不支持吗?
时间Tue Feb 17 09:33:02 2004
在讨论对新闻的意见前 应先质疑新闻的真实性
这虽然是一篇旧报导了(我也想早点po 不过最近才整理出来)
不过如果你还想知道真相 如果想知道媒体如何曲解美国立场
: 刘屏/华府报导 美国国务卿鲍尔11日指出,台湾的公投没有必要;两个公投题目,美国
: 都不支持;美国也不愿见到因为这些公投而改变现状。
: 台湾公布公投题目後,这是美国最明确的公开表态。鲍尔11日列席众议院国际关系委员
: 会,说明下年度预算并备询。他与「台湾连线」四位共同主席之一的布朗(民主党,俄亥
: 俄州)对话时,说明了美国的立场。以下是问答概要。 布朗问:台湾两项公投,美国行
: 政当局是否支持其中一项?还是两项都支持?鲍尔答:几项公投,我们真的没有看到有其
: 必要,但台湾是个民主的地方,如果他们选择要公投,他们就能有公投。我们向他们说得
: 很清楚,无论如何,我们不想见到这些动作导致任何改变。我们仍是全然支持并完全承诺
: 我们的「一个中国」政策,这个政策的基础是三个联合公报与《台湾关系法》。依据这项
: 法律,美国对於台湾的安全有义务。我们不相信此一地区任何一方应采取片面行动以改变
: 现状。两岸必须协力,最终寻求和解,以化解立场及利益的分歧。所以,我们不对公投中
: 的任何一个表示支持。
鲍尔在听证会上的文字搞还没刊出 但你可以到以下网址观看
在2/11 2:13位置
"We don't really see a need for these referenda," said Powell, in
response to a question from House International Relations
Committee member and U.S.-Taiwan Caucus co-chair
Representative Sherrod Brown, a Democrat from Ohio.
As a democracy, though, Taiwan has every right to hold a
referendum, according to Powell.
"Taiwan is a democratic place, and if they choose to have a
referenda, they can have a referenda," he said.
But the U.S. administration is "not expressing support for either of
the referenda," he said.
: 先前,副国务卿阿米塔吉曾在北京表示,台湾公投题目既不是特别困难的问题,也不存
: 在太大的分歧,因此举办公投的动机令人起疑。上周,负责东亚事务的副助理国务卿薛瑞
: 福在国会听证会上也说,一般举行公投是由下而上,而且议题都是「困难」与「分歧」者
: ,但是台湾的公投并不符合这种类别,所以美国有理由提出疑问。
Washington, and elsewhere here, we've had back and forth visits and
discussions of Taiwan. President Bush has made it quite clear that
we are opposed, the United States is opposed, to any unilateral
action which alters the status quo by either side. As much as we
respect Taiwan’s democracy, the referendum in question does raise
some questions.
As I understand it, referenda are generally reserved for items or
issues that are either very divisive, or very difficult. The wording that
I have seen of the referendum seems to be neither divisive nor
difficult. So I think it raises some questions about the motives of
those who want to put it forward.
The position of the United States on this is that we're studying this
very carefully. It's not just the written words that would be in front of
one on a paper, but it is the context of them and how they are used
domestically. It's a very fluid situation.
刘屏的报导只引用第二段 完全忽略第三段
阿米塔吉在同样访谈中还强调I hope you'll use my whole
I know that you are also interested in our view of the recent
referenda, which President Chen Shui-bian has offered for
consideration by the voters concurrent with the March 20 election.
We support referenda in principle; they are tools that all democratic
countries use to gauge the sentiments of the people, though it's
usually the case that you have these referenda coming from the
bottom rather than drawn up by the top.
As the Deputy Secretary said in Beijing, referenda are generally
reserved for very difficult and divisive issues, but the wording of
these referenda is neither difficult nor particularly divisive. The
Secretary of State has noted that we are still studying the text of
President Chen's proposed referenda. We do not endorse any
particular referendum or phrasing, but we will wait to see the
context, and how it is used domestically in Taiwan.
刘屏完全忽略"We support referenda in principle" 和 " We do not
endorse any particular referendum or phrasing, but we will wait to
see the context, and how it is used domestically in Taiwan."
有兴趣者可参考Taipei Times ''US is preparing a stick for China''
如果你已经看到这一行字 应该很清楚美国立场是什麽
这样不专业的记者 不该再信任他的报导
There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must
never be a time when we fail to protest.
--Elie Wiesel
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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