need_student 板


1.科目:高中数学英文、国中数学英文、微积分、电子学、电路学、工程数学。 *工程数学含微分方程、线性代数、复变、向量分析。 2.地点:台北县市之捷运可到达之所有地方 3.时间:可议 4.希望待遇:国中 500/hr 高中 600/hr 大学 700/hr P.S. 为了回馈社会,让同龄学子能够有相同的梦想, 只要是有低收入户证明的,一律六折优待。 5.教师性别:男 6.学历:国立中央大学电机工程学系 (毕业) 美国纽约Polytechnic University (Brooklyn)电机系 (毕业) (中央大学第一位、全台湾第二位双联学制生) 国立台湾大学电信所电波组硕士班 (目前) 7.连络方式:烦请您寄站内信,谢谢! 8.自介或经历: vbangus,生於台北市,2008年毕业於国立中央大学电机工程学系与美国纽约 Polytechnic University (Brooklyn) 电机工程学系,毕业後於暑假时担任联 华电子股份有限公司之类比矽智财研发处之实习工程师,现为国立台湾大学电信 所电波组硕士班研究生与联华电子股份有限公司之储备干部。 家教经验至少三年,在美国教授过微积分、电路学、电子学,在台湾教授过 高中数学、国中数学与英文等。教学经验丰富,地点横跨台湾与美国,教过国中生、 高中生、大学生、以及正在工作的社会人士等。 教学特色为,中学数学课程以观念导入为主;电机专业课程首重「电机意义」之 观念导入,取代繁复的数学运算。英文科方面,国中英文首重英语发音之「正音」, 强调发音正确之重要性,并利用敝下在美国的经验,引导学生能够说出正港的美式英语。 现今有在教的家教科目为高一高二数学、国中英文、电路学等。如果学生或家长 有兴趣的话,欢迎用ptt站内信联络,谢谢! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vbangus was born in Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. In 2008, he received the B.S. degrees from National Central University (Taiwan) and Polytechnic University (Brooklyn, New York, USA), all in electrical engineering. On July 21, 2006, he was admitted to the international dual-degree program of National Central University (NCU) and Polytechnic University, received the UMC (United Microelectronics Corporation) academic scholarship for this international dual-degree program, and became the reserved staff of UMC. At that time, he was the first participant of the international B.S. EE dual-degree program in Taiwan. From spring 2007 to spring 2008, he was an electrical engineering tutor in HEOP (Higher Education Opportunity Program) tutoring center of Polytechnic University. At that time, he taught Electric Circuits, Electronics, Signals and Systems, Calculus, and so on. In summer 2008, he received Polytechnic University “CUM LAUDE” B.S. degree honor. Besides, from July 2008 to August 2008, he was an intern engineer in the Department of Analog Intellectual Property Development in UMC. On August 28, 2008, he received the UMC Outstanding Intern Star Award (UMC Outstanding Intern Engineer). Now he is a student of Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering in National Taiwan University. He is an experienced tutor. Nowadays, he teaches Mathematics and English of junior and senior high school. For English, he will help students to learn how to speak "American" English, not Chinglish. Namely, he will focus on the pronunciation, for we cannot emphasize the importance of the accurate pronunciation of English too much when it comes to enhancing the English listening and speaking skills. For the subjects of electrical engineering, he will introduce and focus on the "Electrical Meaning" when analyzing and designing the circuits, for a good circuit designer should know how to improve the circuit performance by inspection, not just by KCL and KVL. ------------- * If you are interested in my tutoring session, please don't hesitate, and just feel free to contact me, thanks! --

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◆ From: ※ 编辑: vbangus 来自: (07/06 01:47) ※ 编辑: vbangus 来自: (07/17 01:08)
1F:推 kkman0120:推一个 07/18 00:08
2F:→ amnotu:在dirds板被嘘爆 ㄎㄎ 01/15 22:32

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