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我是代po。有兴趣的人请直接与 Antonella 联络。 1.科目:义大利文 2.地点:台北 3.时间:可讨论 4.希望待遇:可讨论 5.教师性别:女,义大利人 6.学历:Universita degli studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Urbino, Italy.毕业 Bachelor of Eastern Languages and Culture 110 and honours / 110 (110是满分) 7.连络方式:[email protected] 8.自介或经历: Principal Subjects - Chinese language (Major) - English language (Minor) - General Linguistics (including linguistic research) 我是Antonella。我来台湾四个月了。我目前在师大华语中心学中文。我2008年11月在义 大利从大学的东方语言文化学系毕业,我的毕业成绩是最好的。我的专长是第二语言的学 习。我也修过教学方法、语音学及音系学,所以针对外语学习上如何发音及发声,我了解 非常多科学的方法。 我的经验: 在义大利时,我曾教外国的成人(主要是华人)义大利文。我也当过几个月的私人义 大利语家教,学生涵盖各种语言程度,从完全不会任何义大利文的,到高阶的义大利文学 习者。 我对第二语言学习的体认不仅仅来自於我在语言学方面的学习与研究,同时也来自我 个人亲身的学习经验。我学过以下几种语言:英文(流利)、中文(初阶中级)、德文( 初级)及拉丁文。因此,我非常能够体会外语学习者的想法,了解他们的需求,以及哪一 种教学方法比较适合他们。 我的义大利文知识在一般义大利人的水准之上。我是受过良好教育而且以义大利语为 母语的人。同时我也学过五年的拉丁文。义大利文是从拉丁文演变而来的。学习拉丁文使 得我对义大利文的文法及句子结构有更深刻的体认。 欢迎与我联络,我们可以先碰个面,讨论一下,让我了解您目前的义大利文程度, 以及您的义大利文学习目标是什麽,以便选择对您最好的学习与教学方式。 My name is Antonella. I arrived here in Taiwan four months ago, and actually I am studying Chinese Language at Shida Mandarin Training Centre. I have a Bachelor Degree (graduated in November 2008 with the highest marks) in Eastern Languages and Culture, with specialization in Linguistics in the field of learning second languages. I also studied teaching methodology and Phonetics and Phonology, so I have a very scientific approach as far as the reproduction of sounds in foreign languages pronunciation and the phonatory system are concerned. My experience: I taught Italian language to adult foreigners (mainly Chinese people) in Italy and also have been a private tutor for some months at different levels (from absolute beginners to advanced speakers). My awareness of the process of learning a second language is not only based on my studies and linguistic researches about language acquisition but also on the fact that I studied different languages: English (fluent), Chinese (lower intermediate), German (basic) and Latin, so it is very easy for me to put myself in learners' shoes and understand their needs and which method is more appropriate for them. My knowledge of Italian Language is above the average, partly because of being an educated native speaker, and partly because of the study of Latin language for five years. Latin is where the Italian language comes from) Studying Latin helped me gain awareness about Italian grammar constructions and sentence structures. We can decide to meet for a first chat, so I can understand your level (if you have already studied Italian language before) and your objectives in order to choose the best way for you to learn Italian language. -- Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery. --

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