nCoV2019 板


原文标题: Government of Canada announces a temporary negative COVID-19 test requirement fo r travellers arriving from the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong or Macao Air travellers two years of age and older will be required to present a negative COVID-19 test before departing for Canada beginning January 5 发布时间: 2022/12/31 记者署名: Public Health Agency of Canada 原文连结: es-negative-covid-19-test-requirement-for-travellers-arriving-from-the-peoples-r epublic-of-china-hong-kong-or-macao-air.html 原文内容: As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to evolve, the Government of Canada has t aken a prudent and measured approach to adjusting border measures to protect the health and safety of Canadians. In response to the surge of COVID-19 in the Peo ple’s Republic of China and given the limited epidemiological and viral genomic sequence data available on these cases, the Government of Canada intends to put in place certain temporary health measures for air travellers entering Canada f rom China. As of 12:01 a.m. EST on January 5, all air travellers who are two years of age a nd older, arriving on flights originating from the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong or Macao, will need to provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 test re sult, taken no more than two days before their departure, to the airline prior t o boarding. The test could be either a negative molecular (such as a PCR test), or a negative antigen test that has documentation to show that it has been monit ored by a telehealth service or an accredited laboratory or testing provider. Pa ssengers who tested positive more than 10 days before their departure flight, bu t no more than 90 days, can provide the airline with documentation of their prio r positive, in place of a negative test result. These planned health measures will apply to air travellers, regardless of nation ality and vaccination status. They are temporary measures, in place for 30 days, that will be reassessed as more data and evidence becomes available. Airlines m ust receive the negative COVID-19 test result, or documentation of a positive te st result taken within the prior 10-90 days, before the traveller boards the pla ne, otherwise the traveller will be denied boarding. Further, when arriving at Primary Inspection Kiosks and eGates, or when making a customs declaration using the optional Advance CBSA Declaration prior to arrivi ng at airports in Canada, travellers will be asked if they have travelled to the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong or Macao in the last 10 days. If they ha ve, Canada Border Services Agency Officers will provide them with additional pub lic health information on transmission of COVID-19, personal protective measures and what to do if they develop symptoms of COVID-19. This applies to air travel lers only, not to those arriving by land. The Public Health Agency of Canada is putting in place a pilot project on wastew ater testing from aircrafts with Vancouver International Airport, and expanding the existing project with Toronto Pearson International Airport, to assess the C OVID-19 prevalence from various regions of the world. The samples are then seque nced to monitor for novel variants of concern. The Government of Canada has a strong monitoring program in place with the provi nces and territories to identify COVID-19 variants in Canada, including the Omic ron variant of concern and its sub-lineages, most notably through a robust genom ic sequencing network and through the monitoring of wastewater in Canadian commu nities. Positive test samples for genomic sequencing are obtained from domestic provincial, territorial and federal molecular tests from a wide variety of sourc es to test for emerging variants. While not mandatory, all travellers are strongly recommended to wear well-constr ucted and well-fitted masks during their travel on planes and in airports, or ot her crowded indoor settings. Individuals are reminded that they should not trave l if they have symptoms of COVID-19. If travellers become sick while travelling, and are still sick when they arrive in Canada, they should inform a flight atte ndant or a border services officer upon arrival. The Government of Canada continues to work with international partners to enhanc e sequencing capacity and closely monitors the global epidemiology of COVID-19 a nd emerging novel variants of concern. “Since the start, our Government has taken the necessary steps to keep Canadian s safe in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our actions continue to be guided b y prudence and we will not hesitate to adjust measures to protect the health and safety of Canadians. I encourage everyone to stay up-to-date with their COVID-1 9 vaccinations and to continue to exercise personal protective health measures, like wearing a mask in crowded indoor spaces and staying home when sick.” The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos Minister of Health “The safety of travellers and the transportation industry remain top priorities . Our Government continues to take unprecedented action to protect the health an d safety of Canadians by introducing measures to prevent further introduction an d transmission of COVID-19 into Canada. We will adapt our measures based on avai lable data, the science, and the epidemiological situation in our country and gl obally to protect Canadians.” The Honourable Omar Alghabra Minister of Transport “The safety and security of Canadians is always our government’s top priority. Since the onset of the pandemic, we’ve implemented strong measures at Canada’ s border to limit the spread of COVID-19, and that continues now. As the situati on evolves, we'll continue to take appropriate action because that's what Canadi ans expect.” The Honourable Marco Mendicino Minister of Public Safety “Even though the pandemic has evolved, COVID-19 is still a threat that requires global cooperation. Canada has helped lead a robust international response to C OVID-19, supporting countries to increase access to vaccines, tests and treatmen ts for those most at risk around the world. Canada remains committed to working with global partners to manage the ongoing COVID-19 response and enhance prepare dness for the future. The Embassy of Canada in Beijing and consulates in China, as well as the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa, stand ready to pro vide consular assistance to Canadians, as needed.” The Honourable Mélanie Joly Minister of Foreign Affairs Quick facts The COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet. The Government of Canada urges individual s to remain up to date with the recommended vaccinations, including booster dose s when eligible and to keep up with personal protective habits, wearing a well-c onstructed and well-fitting mask in poorly ventilated or crowded places, and sta ying home if they have symptoms of COVID-19. Individuals in Canada who plan to travel abroad should complete a COVID-19 vacci ne series along with any additional recommended doses in Canada, at least 14 day s before travelling. Travellers are encouraged to check the Travel Advice and Advisories page for you r destination. These pages contain country-specific information on health risks, safety and security, local laws and customs, entry requirements, and other impo rtant travel information. At present, there is a Level 2 travel health notice for COVID-19 related to trav el to all countries. Travellers should remember to make informed decisions when considering travel outside of Canada and are advised to maintain enhanced health precautions and practice public health measures at their ports of entry. At any time, Canadians can sign up with the Registration of Canadians abroad ser vice to receive important messages from Global Affairs Canada, in case of an eme rgency. On December 23, 2022, a Level 2 travel health notice was posted for Chinese New Year, with recommendations to take extra health precautions for COVID-19 in Chin a, due to the recent lifting of many COVID-19 restrictions. All travellers, regardless of citizenship, are not required to submit public hea lth information through the ArriveCAN app or website. 简易摘要: 加拿大联邦政府公共卫生部宣布,基於目前疫情发展,决定提出以下暂时的30天边境管制措 施: 自加拿大东部时间2023年1月5日00:01起,所有从中国、香港、澳门空路入境的两岁以上人 士,在登机前必须提供两天内的武汉肺炎筛检阴性证明。如果是感染超过10日以上未满90日 内者,可以用感染阳性证明代替阴性筛检证明。 而过去10日之内曾在中国、香港、澳门的人士,在航空路线入境时请配合海关进行疫调。 此外,加拿大联邦政府将於多伦多皮尔森国际机场及温哥华国际机场对降落航班进行污水采 样化验,以了解国际疫情扩散趋势。 而同时也将在国内进行废水采样,以了解奥秘克隆等变种病毒株分布状况。 此外,加拿大政府强烈建议各位在搭乘飞机、前往人潮聚集场所时配挂符合脸型的口罩。而 如果在飞行过程前及中有身体不适的,请尽快通常空服员及海关人员。 -- Grundriss Weisheit グルトリスハイト

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (加拿大)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: Pegasus170 ( 加拿大), 01/01/2023 14:39:13

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