作者switch (pura vita!)
标题[新闻] 港大科学家公布新病毒於细胞中复制的影像
时间Fri Jan 31 21:00:39 2020
发稿时间:2020/01/31 4:34 [GMT+8]
撰 稿 者:Jason Gale
研究的港大教授 John Nicholls 说,这些影像可以分享给其他手上缺乏病毒样本
了解 2019-nCoV 这个新病毒和 SARS 以及 MERS 病毒间的差异。
原标题: Here Are the First Images of How Coronavirus Replicates in Cells
Magnified pictures of the microbial cause of the pneumonia outbreak that's
sparked a global health emergency were released by scientists at the
University of Hong Kong Friday.
Thin-section electron micrographs of the novel coronavirus show part of an
infected cell, grown in a culture, with virus particles being released from
the cell’s surface.
Each infected cell produces thousands of new infectious virus particles that
can go on to infect new cells, said John Nicholls, a clinical professor of
pathology at the university, who grew the virus with colleagues Leo Poon and
Malik Peiris.
“Sections could be easily shared with researchers around the world who don’
t have access to the virus” or the capability of growing and studying it in
biosecure laboratories, said Nicholls, who was part of the Hong Kong team
that isolated and characterized the SARS virus.
An electron microscopic image of the coronavirus grown in culture after 48
hours with a high magnification insert.Source: The University of Hong Kong
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/nCoV2019/M.1580475642.A.FC2.html
1F:推 duriamon: 每天检索学术论文心得:现在感觉真的是全世界的病毒学家 01/31 21:03
2F:→ duriamon: 都卯起来发paper了,晚到的就没点。 01/31 21:03
3F:推 galaxy325: 楼上太中肯了 01/31 21:16
4F:推 t0ny: 真的,动作慢没有高CP值的论文点数可赚 01/31 21:23
5F:推 camellala: 最快最方便拿到SCI的时刻 01/31 21:24
6F:推 wendysweet: 大家卯起来研究 01/31 22:03
7F:→ switch: 这算强力诱因,可以帮助人们更快了解这病毒。 01/31 22:07
8F:推 archlich: 研究就跟救人一样,是要抢时间的 01/31 22:32
9F:推 SIK3: 这种基础研究到能够进临床Trial都很远啦... 01/31 22:47
10F:→ SIK3: 能够把病毒解析得很清楚就算厉害了 01/31 22:47
11F:推 jabari: 一楼说得对...我同学已经整周没回家在赶实验XD 01/31 23:00
12F:→ jabari: 这些不用进trial啊 机制知道後直接拿现有的用就好了 01/31 23:01
13F:→ jabari: 目前抢攻的重点应该是protease 抑制剂啦 01/31 23:03
14F:推 duriamon: 硕博士生拼毕业(是有点牵强啦…)、博後发paper找教职、 01/31 23:03
15F:→ duriamon: 教授申请计画就靠这波罗! 01/31 23:03
16F:→ duriamon: 当然如果做出对人类有贡献的研究也是很好的。不过就台湾 01/31 23:07
17F:→ duriamon: 生医研究的现况,老实说我个人没那麽乐观,毕竟炒短线的 01/31 23:07
18F:→ duriamon: 人太多了。 01/31 23:07
19F:推 jabari: 例:利用科技中草药葛根萃取物中和新型冠状病毒之研究 01/31 23:10
20F:推 duriamon: 不错喔!楼上很懂! 01/31 23:25
21F:推 yupei: 楼楼上XDDDDD 01/31 23:33
22F:推 betty11708: j大 赞! 01/31 23:37
23F:推 jabari: 说实话是很干啦 下周审计画 我同事丢的计画是蝙蝠 我的是 02/01 02:48
24F:→ jabari: 其他动物...放在一起怎样看都他会过orz 02/01 02:48
25F:推 ruokcnn: 果然吃百二 02/01 03:20
26F:→ switch: 中国这几天流行用双黄连 02/02 08:14
27F:推 skycat2216: 岔题一下,病毒外面那一圈圆形是什麽? 02/02 13:24