movie 板


最近在看DC相关新闻的时候,看到两则有趣的 1.原本请了浴血黑帮的创作者来写《超人:钢铁英雄》(Man of Steel)的续集,而且 反? 原文: The studio had its own plan as new film co-chiefs Michael De Luca and Pam Abdy wanted to make a Man of Steel sequel, having Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight to write the treatment. (Classic character Brainiac was to have been the villain of that piece, a source says.) 消息来源: 2.因为预算问题,安柏赫德(Amber Heard)在水行侠2的戏份被保留了下来 原文: Amber Heard's Aquaman 2 deleted scenes could return due to a reduced reshoot budget The call that could benefit Amber A few weeks ago, the new management of Warner Bros. made a call to director James Wan to tell him that the budget he originally had for the famous reshoots, was going to be reduced. This is in accordance with the new management that is putting order and reviewing costs of their projects, so many of the scenes that were going to be reshot, including supposedly all where Amber appeared and where she was to be replaced by another actress, can no longer be carried out. According to information from Variety, the current financial restrictions at WB could benefit Heard, as all the scenes she filmed would make it into the new film, Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom, which is scheduled to be released in theaters in a year's time, in December 2023. Amber最近都在推特上贴水行侠剧照了呢 消息来源: --

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1F:推 Robben : 还不是要重启 12/19 12:33
2F:推 eva00ave : ㄎ 别忘了客串全被毙连 12/19 12:39
3F:推 torukumato : 没差了 反正全部打掉 12/19 12:44
4F:推 SINW : 没差了 都不重要了 12/19 12:54
5F:推 lpb : 没差,反正海王2我决定不冲第一波,先看网友说安柏 12/19 12:55
6F:→ lpb : 戏份还在不在,只要是还有安柏在,我就不去戏院看了 12/19 12:55
7F:→ lpb : 。 12/19 12:55
8F:→ IAMCSH : 其实这根本没差了,要也是没有期望的最後一集。 12/19 13:31
9F:推 NICKSHOW : 没要重启 只是换人演 12/19 13:36
10F:推 holyseraph : 华纳:为了要换掉安珀赫德 只好叫水行侠剧组全滚了 12/19 13:41
11F:推 Lachdanan : 还是想看看完全没查导的水行侠会如何 12/19 14:02
12F:推 shengchiu303: 不只魔神脑 黑化超人也看不到了 12/19 14:02
13F:→ shengchiu303: 12/19 14:02
14F:→ howard365 : 水行侠本来就没有查克参与,挂监制是温对其尊重 12/19 14:11
15F:推 mysmalllamb : Steven Knight,从《美丽坏东西》到《浴血黑帮》一 12/19 14:13
16F:→ mysmalllamb : 路社会黑暗,《夜刑者》连杰森史塔森类型电影都令人 12/19 14:13
17F:→ mysmalllamb : 动容!真好奇他碰超英类型会玩成什麽样子。 12/19 14:13
18F:→ shengchiu303: 温子仁说他私底下有把水行侠初剪给查克夫妇看过并寻 12/19 14:15
19F:→ shengchiu303: 求建议 当时华纳还要求他延续尾灯版人设 把水行侠描 12/19 14:15
20F:→ shengchiu303: 写成会开黄腔的痴汉 12/19 14:15
21F:→ shengchiu303: 但温没有这样做 12/19 14:17
22F:推 szdxc17 : 第一则不可能了吧,演员都不演了 12/19 14:28
23F:推 ls61412 : 那推特看就知道不是本人吧 12/19 14:34
24F:推 ja1295 : 华纳高层现在是在搞? 超人你要的我不要 安柏你不要 12/19 15:10
25F:→ ja1295 : 的我偏要放 CEO大卫是不是卧底啊 12/19 15:10
26F:推 sfzerox : 高层自己是魔神脑吧 12/19 16:07
27F:→ Lachdanan : 13楼的黑超超想看的啊 12/19 18:00
28F:→ Lachdanan : ZJL最後那五分钟就是 12/19 18:00
29F:→ Lachdanan : 查克满满的「恶意」XD 12/19 18:00
30F:推 Luos : 已经不重要了 12/19 20:58
31F:推 alljerry04 : 那个推特不是 Amber 的 12/19 22:54
32F:推 alljerry04 : ID 的 archive 那麽明显,还有那些标签 XD 12/19 22:57
33F:→ alljerry04 : Amber Heard 大约 11 月初就删掉她的推特帐号了 12/19 22:57
34F:→ blueslin : 等串流就好了 12/19 23:04
35F:→ evilraistlin: 安柏还在就不可能进电影院看+1 12/20 23:34

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