movie 板


新闻网址: 目前应该只有原文啦 ---------------------- After months and months of speculation, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has found its Daredevil. As part of the press tour for Spider-Man: No Way Home, Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige has confirmed Charlie Cox is the franchise's Matt Murdock should he return at some point in the future of the MCU. This is Feige's first official comment on the casting after a massive fan movement aiming for the actor—who played the lawyer in three seasons of a series on Netflix—to return. "If you were to see Daredevil in upcoming things, Charlie Cox, yes, would be the actor playing Daredevil," Feige told CinemaBlend Sunday. "Where we see that, how we see that, when we see that, remains to be seen." There have been persistent rumors Cox is returning in No Way Home as Matt Murdock, though neither Feige nor Sony has yet to officially comment on the matter. Cox himself has played coy, suggesting he doesn't want to ruin any potential reveals Marvel would have in store. "Also if there was a chance of that happening in the future, I don't want to say something that could potentially jeopardize those chances because the people high up at Marvel, maybe they see this stuff or hear what I say and maybe that influences," Cox added. "I don't know. I have no idea. I love how passionate the fans are and I feel very, very, very touched that so many of them have gone online and made their voices heard about the desire for me to come back." Spider-Man: No Way Home is set for release on December 17th while all three seasons of Daredevil are now streaming on Netflix. What other Spidey-family characters do you think will end up appearing in the upcoming feature? Let us know your thoughts either in the comments section or by hitting our writer @AdamBarnhardt up on Twitter to chat all things MCU! ---------------------- 但是对比之前流出的照片 现在又确认了 那应该该有都有 等待下下周见真章 ----------------- 我好兴奋啊!!!!! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: neo5277 ( 台湾), 12/06/2021 12:15:26 neo5277:转录至看板 SuperHeroes 12/06 12:16
1F:推 poopooShaw : 目前Kingpin也有机会出现在鹰眼 12/06 12:30
2F:推 cloud50266 : 制裁者、洁西卡琼斯也顺便一起啊啊啊 12/06 12:33
对啊 铁拳就给我女版就好 ※ 编辑: neo5277 ( 台湾), 12/06/2021 12:34:59
3F:推 cumsubin : *inset fat nerd excited meme 12/06 12:37
4F:推 k920354496 : 期待!!! 12/06 12:40
5F:→ a27588679 : 制裁者跟夜魔侠超帅啊! 12/06 12:42
6F:推 fucking : 赞啦 12/06 12:43
※ 编辑: neo5277 ( 台湾), 12/06/2021 12:44:41
7F:推 purue : 考森哭哭 12/06 13:24
8F:推 Scorpio777 : 水啦,鹰眼影集应该会出现金霸王 12/06 13:25
9F:→ Scorpio777 : 夜魔侠跟制裁者影集都好看,希望制裁者也能回来 12/06 13:26
10F:推 EKman : 夜魔侠跟罚叔都超帅 12/06 13:32
11F:→ EKman : 金平已经要回来了 12/06 13:32
12F:推 egg781 : 神盾真的惨.....因为夜魔侠当初也是电视部门的作品 12/06 13:33
13F:→ egg781 : 可是我觉得考森不会哭,黛西比较想哭= = 12/06 13:33
14F:→ egg781 : 异人族在MCU爹不疼娘不爱 12/06 13:34
15F:推 nobady98 : 比起三代同堂,我更在意这个,不过影集中我最喜欢 12/06 13:36
16F:→ nobady98 : 的还是洁西卡琼斯的故事 12/06 13:36
17F:推 windfeather : 太神啦,夜魔侠影集真的好看 12/06 13:40
18F:推 shiz : 赞,期待紫人大闹MCU 12/06 13:48
19F:推 vincent3768 : 希望罚叔跟JJ也可以 12/06 13:56
20F:推 fjksa : 会突然说DD主角回归可能鹰眼金霸王下集要出现了吧 12/06 14:00
21F:推 fireforce : 希望夜魔跟罚叔都能同样的演员回归 12/06 14:00
22F:推 aCCQ : 肯定不敢提异人族阿 那影集拍得啥鬼 12/06 14:10
23F:→ aCCQ : 考森客串还蛮有机会的阿 没死平行宇宙或过去的故事 12/06 14:12
24F:→ egg781 : 异人族独立影集是爆炸,但拍这部之前神盾先出现异人 12/06 14:14
25F:→ egg781 : 所以.....黛西真的惨 12/06 14:15
26F:→ YuenYang5566: 还我黛西 12/06 14:31
27F:推 cloud50266 : 神盾局那边的异人族其实处理得不错,用来进一步探讨 12/06 14:39
28F:→ cloud50266 : 苏科维亚协议 12/06 14:39
29F:推 cloud50266 : 黛西嘛...看秘密入侵那边有没有机会,然後值得一提 12/06 14:43
30F:→ cloud50266 : 的是,神盾局的科学组、梅都有从影集回流到漫画 12/06 14:43
31F:→ bla : 梅跑去演曼达洛人啦 12/06 14:58
32F:→ TRYING : 我就说 电影上映那周 刚好鹰眼影集金霸王也现身 12/06 15:04
33F:→ TRYING : 这样玩真的很会 12/06 15:05
34F:推 wataru : 还我黛西T_T 12/06 15:06
35F:→ TRYING : 就看未来十年 有没有可能让夜魔侠出个人电影了 12/06 15:06
36F:推 vlee66 : Matthew!!! 但我也爱Daisy 12/06 15:08
37F:推 crazyni68 : 太兴奋了!拳拳到肉的夜魔侠 12/06 15:33
38F:推 neos042 : 异人族大爆炸,应该是完整重启了 12/06 15:39
39F:→ neos042 : 考森大概只能等以後的平行宇宙大乱斗,看是否能回归 12/06 15:42
40F:→ hellodio : 同演员可以继续在MCU演夜魔侠,就代表黛西也可能有 12/06 16:37
41F:→ hellodio : 机会 12/06 16:37
42F:推 kotoyan : 超期待! 12/06 16:46
43F:推 windfeather : 夜魔侠要整合进MCU不难,但神盾局特工就很可惜了 12/06 17:45
44F:→ windfeather : 後几季显然放弃连动,走自己的设定与发展 12/06 17:46
45F:→ windfeather : 各种发展和设定一堆,要尊贵的MCU配合我看难罗 12/06 17:46
46F:推 peterw : 没什麽是平行宇宙搞不定的,一个不够就来两个 12/06 18:24
47F:推 roccqqck : 收回X-Men後 异人族应该不会再推了 12/06 20:42

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