movie 板


妈的,结果这个号称欧美宅王之王的宅之导演, 却亲手毁了80年代宅宅们的童年。 更!!! 而且最最令人厌恶的预告诈骗!! NF新版的太空超人启示录(Masters of the Universe: Revelation) 当时就有人觉得他们把He-man这个标题拿掉, 就觉得不太妙了。 因为太空超人主标就是He-man。 结果这家伙再三保证不会毁了各位的童年, 他自己就是最热爱太空超人的宅宅。 WTF!!! 结果所有的预告都是从第一集剪出来的, He-man只有第一集有出场, 接下来四集完全没出现。 他的死对头,骷颅王也只有第一集跟最後一集有出现, 根本浪费钱还找马克.汉米尔来配音!!! 然後从头到尾的主角也不是太空超人,甚至也不是亚当王子, 而是一个三线女角-泰菈。 然後原版的泰菈还是一个纤细的女剑士。 新版直接把她变发色还变成女同志, 而且还是大猩猩女同志。 你们要创LBGT角是OK啦,但你们主创对LGBT的定义就是这麽狭碍吗? LBGT的女T就是只有阳刚短发女金刚这101种选项吗? 这是什麽上世纪对女同的超级刻板印象? 我不否认太空超人本来就是一个很刻板、阳刚、男性化的作品。 NF要推翻这种物化男性,把女性都视为男性附庸等着被拯救的作品, OK~!那也描写得好一点好吗? 原版的故事:身强力壮长得像猩猩的太空超人去救手无缚鸡之力的泰菈。 新版的故事:身强力壮长得像母猩猩的女同泰菈去救手无缚鸡之力的亚当王子。 除了性别转换外,故事那有不一样? 你他X的要恶搞,不会去恶搞She-ra喔?去搞飞天小女警啊。 女性角色作品那麽多,你不去瞎搞。 把老故事男主角全给砍了,只为捧一个三线女角? 记着,这个家伙就是个彻头彻尾的骗子, 跟Tlou2的尼尔一样,是个无耻的骗徒!!! ※ 引述《cumsubin (Daisuke)》之铭言: : 凯文史密斯:史科西斯创作了最伟大的超英电影 : : "He's not wrong, but at the same time, neither are we for loving those movies. : And they are cinema," the Jay and Silent Bob creator says : “他没说错,但同样的,喜爱那些电影的我们也没有错。” : "Martin Scorsese is a genius. But to be fair, my entire film career — even pr : ior to my film career — he's been pretty much saying the same thing about act : ion movies," Smith told THR outside the TCL Chinese Theatre. : 「马丁史柯西斯是个天才,而实际上,在我所有的电影生涯—甚至在这之前—他就已经用 : 同样的论点批评过动作电影。」 : Smith said Monday that Scorsese "practically invented cinema," so he's earned : the right to his opinion, but that there is a realization that has not occurre : d to the Taxi Driver director. : 他说:史柯西斯几乎等同发明了Cinema,所以他很有资格去评论,但这其中也有些是他无 : 法领悟的。 : "For my money, I think Martin Scorsese made the biggest superhero movie ever, : which was The Last Temptation of Christ," Smith argued. "Don't get much bigger : of a superhero than Jesus. He beats Superman and [Robert] Downey [Jr.] every : time, so maybe Martin is bending on that territory." : 「依我来看,马丁史柯西斯创作了最伟大的超英电影,那就是《基督最後的诱惑》,没有 : 哪位超级英雄比耶稣还要伟大了,祂总是在鞭策超人和道尼(RDJ),也许这是马丁想尝试 : 的领域。」 : Continued Smith, "My feeling is, Martin Scorsese never sat in a movie theater : with his dad and watched the movies of Steven Spielberg in the early '80s or G : eorge Lucas in the late '70s. He didn't feel that sense of magic and wonder." : 「我的感觉是。」史密斯继续说 「马丁史柯西斯从未和父母在电影院观赏史蒂芬史匹柏 : 的80年代电影,或70年代乔治卢卡斯的作品。他从未感受过那些奇幻与魔法。」 : For many fans, including Smith, comic book-based films are more than the story : on the screen; they are a time machine, he said. : "I can still step into one of those comic book movies, divorce myself of the f : act that I do this for a living, release, and my dead dad is back for a minute : , for two hours," he said. "And it's personal for a lot of the audience. You k : now, and we're not arguing whether or not it counts as cinema." : 对於许多影迷,包括史密斯,漫画电影不只是萤幕上的故事,它们是时光机。 : 「我可以踏进那些漫画电影,释放并暂时抽离那个正在以此为业的自己,而我逝去的父亲 : 能暂时回来个几分钟或两个小时。这对很多观众来说是很私人的体验,我们不会去争论这 : 一切究竟是不是Cinema」 : Smith reiterated he had no interest in locking horns with Scorsese over the de : finition of cinema, but he would argue the Goodfellas director seems to have b : linders on. : 史密斯说他没有意愿去跟史柯西斯争论Cinema的定义,但认为他也有自己的盲点。 : "I guarantee you there's something he enjoyed with his parents, like a musical : — I bet you some cats would say, 'A musical is not really cinema,' but Marti : n Scorsese grew up on musicals, and I bet they mean a lot to him," Smith said. : "These [Marvel] movies come from a core. They come from a happy childhood, an : d they're reflections of a happy childhood. He's not wrong, but at the same ti : me, neither are we for loving those movies. And they are cinema." : 「我跟你保证他也有能和父母一起享受的事物,像是音乐剧— 而某个人会说『音乐剧才 : 不是Cinema』马丁史柯西斯在音乐剧的时代长大,我确信音乐剧对他别具意义。」 : 「这些电影来自一个核心,它们来自一个快乐的童年,同时也映照曾经的快乐童年。他没 : 有说错,但同样的,热爱这些电影的我们也没错,而它们确实是Cinema」 : --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
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1F:→ XZXie : 虽然骂得很好但这里是电影版 07/24 19:54
2F:推 nwoyao : 老早就讲过了,netflix一直搞别人的作品是我最看不 07/24 20:37
3F:→ nwoyao : 起的 07/24 20:37
4F:推 SINW : 搞了半天也是要搞政确那套 跟尼尔一样该死 07/24 20:46
5F:推 sfzerox : 史诗级诈骗 07/24 21:20
6F:推 hsupohsiang : 干意满满 07/24 21:30
7F:推 pgame3 : 就是搞过了觉得你们老宅不能爽要受教育才来搞你们 07/24 22:22
8F:→ pgame3 : 他妈的以为自己是黑道老了学佛逆 07/24 22:23
9F:推 torukumato : 跟最後生还者2一样的模式 预告诈欺先把老粉骗进来 07/25 13:01
10F:→ torukumato : 老粉爆气再说你们歧视不受教www 07/25 13:01
11F:推 tools : 美剧预告都是剪第一集不是常态吗? 07/26 13:44

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