movie 板


※ MAIN PROGRAM: “Angels Are Made of Light” (d. James Longley, 美国-丹麦-挪威, 2018) “Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blaché” (d. Pamela E. Green, 美 国, 2018) “The Biggest Little Farm” (d. John and Molly Chester, 美国, 2018) “Birds of Passage” (d. Ciro Guerra and Cristina Gallego, 哥伦比亚-丹麦-墨西 哥, 2018) “边境奇谭” (d. Ali Abbasi, 瑞典, 2018) “Boy Erased” (d. Joel Edgerton, 美国, 2018) “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” (d. Marielle Heller, 美国, 2018) “没有烟硝的爱情” (d. Pawel Pawlikowski, 波兰-法国-英国, 2018) “Destroyer” (d. Karyn Kusama, 美国, 2018) “Dogman” (d. Matteo Garrone, 义大利-法国, 2018) “Dovlatov” (d. Aleksei German, 俄罗斯-波兰-塞尔维亚, 2018) “挚爱” (d. Yorgos Lanthimos, Ireland-U.K.-美国, 2018) “登月先锋” (d. Damien Chazelle, 美国, 2018) “Fistful of Dirt” (d. Sebastián Silva, 美国, 2018) “Free Solo” (d. Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, 美国, 2018) “The Front Runner” (d. Jason Reitman, 美国, 2018) “Ghost Fleet” (d. Shannon Service and Jeffrey Waldron, 美国, 2018) “Girl” (d. Lukas Dhont, Belgium-Netherlands, 2018) “Graves Without a Name” (d. Rithy Panh, 法国-柬埔寨, 2018) “The Great Buster” (d. Peter Bogdanovich, 美国, 2018) “Meeting Gorbachev” (d. Werner Herzog and André Singer, 英国-美国-德国, 2018) “Non Fiction” (d. Olivier Assayas, 法国, 2018) “The Old Man & the Gun” (d. David Lowery, 美国, 2018) “风的另一头” (d. Orson Welles, 美国, 1976/2018) “Peterloo” (d. Mike Leigh, U.K., 2018) “Reversing Roe” (d. Ricki Stern and Annie Sundberg, 美国, 2018) “罗马” (d. Alfonso Cuarón, 美国-墨西哥, 2018) “小偷家族” (d. 是枝裕和, 日本, 2018) “They’ll Love Me When I’m Dead” (d. Morgan Neville, 美国, 2018) “Trial by Fire” (d. Ed Zwick, 美国, 2018) “Watergate — or, How We Learned to Stop an Out-of-Control President” (d. Charles Ferguson, 美国, 2018) “White Boy Rick” (d. Yann Demange, 美国, 2018) “The White Crow” (d. Ralph Fiennes, 英国, 2018) ※ BACKLOT: Behind-the-scenes movies and portraits of artists, musicians and filmmakers. “A Final Cut for Orson: 40 Years in the Making” (d. Ryan Suffern, 美国, 2018) + “The Eyes of Orson Welles” (d. Mark Cousins, 英国, 2018) “Hal” (d. Amy Scott, 美国, 2018) “Hugh Hefner’s After Dark: Speaking Out in America” (d. Brigitte Berman, 加 拿大, 2018) “It Must Schwing! The Blue Note Story” (d. Eric Friedler, 德国, 2018) “The Ghost of Peter Sellers” (d. Peter Medak, 英国-赛普勒斯, 2018) “What She Said: The Art of Pauline Kael” (d. Rob Garver, 美国, 2018) ※ SELECTIONS FROM GUEST DIRECTOR (Jonathan Lethem): “Angel” (d. Ernst Lubitsch, 美国, 1937) “Bigger Than Life” (d. Nicholas Ray, 美国, 1956) “Never Cry Wolf” (d. Carroll Ballard, 美国, 1983) “The Tarnished Angels” (d. Douglas Sirk, 美国, 1957) “The White Meadows” (d. Mohammad Rasoulof, 伊朗, 2009) “To Be or Not to Be” (d. Ernst Lubitsch, 美国, 1942) --

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1F:→ qpr322 : Can You Ever Forgive Me?果然是这里首演!大期待 08/30 22:25
2F:→ qpr322 : 玛莉莎拼女主入围!!! 08/30 22:25
3F:推 starcry : 看成赖清德影展 08/30 22:31
4F:推 gn02174082 : Melissa一雪前耻洗刷Muppet冤屈吧! 08/31 00:11
5F:→ qpr322 : 欢乐时光大爆死XDDD 08/31 00:27
6F:推 accoduies : 看成赖清德影展+1 08/31 09:50

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