movie 板


今年2018年正是瑞典导演英格玛·柏格曼的百岁冥诞,前几天才知道原来有这一回事 没有想到台湾竟然有一系列的影展,但很多事情所以无法去看 QQ 为了要纪念这位导演,前几天也看到李安得奖的消息, 我想就翻译这个访问李安的短片,来纪念这两位导演好了。 这部影片是李安受到 Criterion Collection 采访,收录於他们出版的《处女之泉》DVD 主要谈李安初次接触伯格曼电影的感想, 建议影片文字两者都看,我也会贴出影片所出现的画面来供阅读文字者想像空间。
------------------------- First time I saw the Virgin Spring I was 18, in fact that was the first I consciously watch any art film at all can imagine that impact on me. It was a 1974 I believe, I was first year into the academy of art, and there I was, people started to organize screenings in film clubs. It was just happening and those films were got into Taiwan almost by mistake, nobody knows why the Virgin Spring was there and I sit there for one time and I was perplexed, I was dumbfounded and I was electrified and I refused to leave the screening room and I watched it again. 我第一次看《处女之泉》是在我18岁的时候,事实上那是我第一次意识到:观赏任何想得 到的艺术片会如此影响我。我相信那时是1974年,我还是艺术大学的大一生,我就在那时 ,人们开始准备在电影社放映电影。巧妙的事俏俏地发生了,那些电影来到台湾似乎全然 是个意外,没有人知道为什麽《处女之泉》会在那里。有次我坐在那里,随後我感到困惑 、感到惊呆,我也感到惊奇,我拒绝离开放映室,然後我看了第二次。
Life changed afterward, I couldn’t say a word afterwards, I’ve never had never in my 18 years of life seeing so quiet, so serene and yet so violent and so fundamentally questioning,” God, where you are?”. The complex conflict, inner and outer conflict, men and nature, the mundane, nature human being and also the need of understanding it through god. 自此之後,我的生命改变了,也说不出任何一个字,在我这18年的生命中从来没有看到如 此宁静、如此安详,但也如此暴力,打从心底询问:「上帝啊,您在何处?」。那复杂的 冲突,内在与外在的冲突,人与大自然,那平凡、自然的人类,还有通过上帝来理解的需 要。
I say grandness, yet it’s so natural and small, it’s like a microscope into humanity that was able to zoom into it into a world that’s totally new to eighteen years of me and I was beginning to search for it, and I am still in the middle of that journey. Before that point of my life, I’ve been watching regular movies, they don’t give you a quiet moment, and they keep pushing the character developments in the story itself, so you don’t get bored. I don ’t think they have the confidence in the fame, filmmaker’s world that they created, but this movie was exceptional for me, so it’s the first time I got a taste of living in the world the filmmakers want me to be in. 我会说是庄严感,但它如此自然和渺小,它就像用显微镜来透视人性,能够深入这世间, 所带来的全新视野对我这18年是很新奇的,我也开始去寻找它,而我还在那寻求之旅的中 间。在此之前的我,都只会看普通的电影,它们不会给你宁静的场合,它们会照故事本身 ,一直推进角色的心路历程,所以你不会感到无趣。我想他们不会有十足的信心,以制片 人之名所创造的世界,但这电影对我来说是例外,这是我第一次体会到深入制片人所想要 我进入的世界。
There is things you just watch, there have scenes stand out like too violent scenes. One is the raping scene and the murder scene, the other is the father killing the bastard. Those are really realistic, disturbing and violence to me, especially in the religious serene texture that was very shocking and disturbing to me for a very long time. It’s another shot is to keep hunting me which I use quite a bit in my movie, it becomes a habit, it’s when the father kneels down and asked God why. 里面有很多东西你就只是看而已,也有非常突出的场景,像那极度暴力的场景。其中是强 暴的场景与谋杀的场景,另外一个就是父亲杀死那个混帐。这些对我来说都是非常的真实 、不舒服的,还有暴力,特别是在这有祥和的宗教信仰调性里,这让我很长的时间里感到 非常的惊愕与不舒服。有个镜头也令我难以忘怀,我拿来运用於我的电影,成为了一种习 惯,就是当父亲跪下,并询问上帝为什麽。 Usually in this yearning, questionary, soulful performance, you will always put the camera in front of him, and in a kind of high angle looking up, it was peculiar I know is that the camera was way back behind the father and that really strikes me as something that’s so mysterious and contemplative, until this days occasionally I put camera behind actor when he’s thinking about something fundamentally important, when somebody’s in a contently mood. I’ll just I could not help myself to imitate that shot the biggest performer to me was Bergman himself the filmmakers, that was the very first experience I noticed the author the person that is doing performance for you on screen with his camera. 通常在这迷茫、疑惑、真诚的演出,你会理所当然的把摄影机放在他的正面,他高角度 的往上望去,我知道这里很奇特的是摄影机是位於父亲的背後远处,有股莫名的神秘感与 深思感,直到今天我有时候会把摄影机放在演员的後面,在他们深思一些打从心底的重要 事情,或当他们处於一个满意的心情。我会不自觉地模仿那种镜头。对我来说最突出的表 演者是身为制片人本身的伯格曼,这是我第一次体会到何谓作者,那位使用他的摄影机在 画面上向你表演。
That was my very first experience, my virgin spring so to speak. Essentially it was about human conditions. Its relation with fate, with nature, with each other and with the good and evil coexist in our heart, and where is the answer? And obviously we’ve got to keep making movie because there is no answer, there’s only good question. I think that vision and the cinematic power is what you called Auteur, and he is one of the important one. I could almost say that the Scandinavian dramatist were the fathers of modern drama, they are both very influential on stage and on film and somehow I think in the northern lights in the desolation in the cold, people get very spiritual, they get very fundamental and the work form them, strikingly pure and complex and fundamental. 这是我首次体验,也就是我看《处女之泉》。基本上这是关於人的事宜。他与命运的关系 ,还有跟大自然、其他人、还有跟善恶同时存在你心理有关系,这哪里会有答案吗?当然 ,我们必须继续拍摄电影,因为并不会有答案,只会有好的问题。我认为那眼光还有那电 影能力,就是称为电影作者论,他就是其中一位重要的人物。几乎可以说斯堪地纳维亚的 戏剧家是现代戏剧之父,他们两位同时在舞台与电影上有深远的影响力,而我认为在那北 极光下、在那荒凉、寒冷下,人们变得非常灵性,他们变得很纯粹,还有那些来自他们的 作品,极度的纯洁、复杂与纯粹。
I think Bergman take that heritage and he was one of the first one to put on cinema that sprit, I think he’s the one people start to look at cinema at something very serious, but I think watching that movie makes me a different filmmaker, I would say quality filmmaker. Hadn’t I watch this movie and some of the greatest artistic movies, I will settle for good storytelling, I’ll settle to make people laugh and cry but probably not to make them feel and think, thinking something I think fundamentally important for our existence, I think that was the number one movie for me at the very beginning and very high standard, so I have to thank him for that I think I cannot get lazy, no matter how I get or not successful. That movie did it for me. 我觉得柏格曼传承那精神遗志,他也是第一位把那精神运用在电影里面,我认为他是第一 位会把电影如此严肃看待,也认为看了那部电影让我变成不一样的制片人,我会说优质的 制片人。如果我没有看这部电影,或者是其他伟大的艺术电影,我会着重良好的叙述步调 ,我会偏向使人发笑与感动哭泣,但会许不会让他们感受或思考,思考对於我们的存在一 些根本上重要的事,我认为那部电影在年轻的我来说,是心中的第一名,也是很高的标竿 ,所以我必须感谢他,让我觉得不论成功或是失败,都不能怠惰。那部电影如此告诉我。
-------------------------------------- 最後补充一下影片里提到的Auteur(电影作者论), 电影在目前认定的八大艺术当中是最特别的一个,因为他需要非常大量的人力来共同完成 那一个电影的作者到底是谁?是导演?演员?编剧?还是掌镜的摄影大哥? 这其中有很多的争论,但普遍来说导演最能够代表一部电影 许多现代电影会有很明显的导演风格, 像是法国高达,义大利的安东尼奥尼,美国的希区考克 在这里,李安也觉得伯格曼的电影也符合此特质。 --
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1F:推 yupei : 李要安什麽坛?谈吧?XD 08/18 23:13
2F:推 lion500 : 感谢翻译 08/18 23:16
3F:推 tieamonk : 李安神坛 08/18 23:18
已修改 ※ 编辑: SixBottle (, 08/18/2018 23:19:35
4F:推 VOLK11 : 李安後来好像有和柏格曼碰过面,还拥抱 08/18 23:44
5F:→ VOLK11 : 结善缘QQ 08/18 23:45
6F:推 VOLK11 : 李安应该一直很悬念,启蒙他的柏格曼吧 08/18 23:51 这里有提到,虽然後半段是伯格曼自己谈电影
7F:推 joey0602 : 推李安和柏格曼 08/19 00:00
8F:→ joey0602 : 感谢原po翻译 08/19 00:00
9F:推 cielfoufou : 感谢分享 08/19 00:05
10F:推 frankhood : 推分享 08/19 00:13
11F:推 orzisme : 李安是06年和柏格曼在法罗岛见面(第二年大师就过世) 08/19 00:18
12F:→ orzisme : 08/19 00:18
13F:→ orzisme : 柏格曼後来很少见生人。很多名导崇拜他也不得其门而 08/19 00:19
14F:→ orzisme : 入,他愿意点头会面的人,是很大的认可。李安导演 08/19 00:25
15F:→ orzisme : 当时激动到哭了QAQ 08/19 00:25
16F:→ orzisme : 据说柏格曼很喜欢李安的"冰风暴" 08/19 00:25
感谢分享:) 看来要找机会去看李安的冰风暴了,李安电影还没有看很多
17F:推 qazxswptt : 推 他们竟然有机会见到面 太感人了 08/19 00:33
18F:推 yuesusu : 感谢翻译分享 08/19 00:33
19F:推 twgov : 感谢用心翻译及分享,收益良多! 08/19 00:46
20F:推 ainokodoba : 谢谢翻译 08/19 01:25
21F:推 m9o2o : 推 08/19 01:39
22F:推 chathin : 翻译的影片 08/19 02:02
整体翻得好通顺喔(抓头 我想大家就去看这个版本好了,以免被我的翻译版失真
23F:推 sgess : 感谢翻译 08/19 03:00
24F:推 yupei : 再推一次 :) 08/19 03:45
25F:推 mysmalllamb : 推李安谈伯格曼、推翻译、推静谧感受与思考 08/19 06:41
26F:推 ThreeNG : 推 08/19 09:35
※ 编辑: SixBottle (, 08/19/2018 10:17:21
27F:→ qazxswptt : 看完冰风暴能去看一下李安的访谈 会更有感触 因为 08/19 16:13
28F:→ qazxswptt : 也就是那个时代背景才会产生小说那个情节 08/19 16:14
29F:推 chiihk : 推 08/19 16:59
30F:推 y101814 : 推 08/19 18:50
31F:推 bluemei : 推推 08/19 20:04
32F:推 miney : 想重温冰风暴 08/19 21:20
33F:推 Gloyia : 要去追冰风暴了! 08/19 23:00
34F:推 MidoriSha : 感谢翻译 08/20 01:05
35F:推 ctes940008 : 推 08/20 18:00

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