作者HYL (@Bay Area)
标题Re: [新闻] TVBS遭打压 成美国名校课堂教材
时间Thu Nov 10 14:23:07 2005
※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板]
作者: HYL (@Bay Area) 看板: Gossiping
标题: Re: [新闻] TVBS遭打压 成美国名校课堂教材
时间: Thu Nov 10 14:22:01 2005
※ 引述《loh (loh)》之铭言:
: 左敏琳 陈凯文 2005-11-03 15:09
: 台湾政府和媒体的拉锯战,在受到国际瞩目之後,最近更走进美国大学教室,
: 成为传播课程现买现卖的教材。
: UCLA教授汤姆普雷特:「讽刺的是,当初在一党专制的情况下,媒体没有声音;
: 现在第二党因为前者过於强势,一党专制而能取而代之,结果执政後却对一个
: 批评政府的电视台施压,你觉得这代表什麽?」
: 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校这堂「亚洲媒体制度」,在TVBS事件发生之後,
: 马上成为课堂教材。UCLA教授,也是美国资深媒体人的汤姆普雷特说,这起事件,
: 是台湾民主发展的负面教材。
: UCLA教授汤姆普雷特:「我真的很惊讶。」
: 曾经访台多次,对台湾民主发展多所赞扬的普雷特说,台湾在争取美国支持和国际认同
: 最大的卖点就是自由蓬勃的媒体,这起事件,势必会影响到台湾的国际声誉。
: UCLA教授汤姆普雷特:「即使是在水门案爆发,直接冲击尼克森政府时,美国的法律体系
: 依然没有介入,惩罚操控媒体,因为媒体在民主制度里扮演的角色太重要了。」
: 普雷特把弄着台湾新闻局赠送的领带说,不管新闻局的理由是什麽,政府在有争议的时候
: ,更要保障新闻自由。否则难以取信於民,更别提民主了!
: UCLA教授汤姆普雷特:「如果你要听话的媒体,那去大陆算了。」
: http://news.yam.com/tvbs/international/200511/20051103541891.html
网友写信,Tom Plate 的回应如下
My recollection of what I said (before a 3 hour class with many students) was:
1. I had no idea what the specific facts were, so I could not comment on
the specifics of this incident. I made this point twice.
2. I also said that Taiwan has an excellent international image for media
freedom and should be very wary of doing anything to hurt that image.
3. That image offers Taiwan tremendous market differentiation
internationally, especially as compared to the mainland.
4. Taiwan is to be congratulated for the further evolution of its vigorous
democracy and should be reluctant to do anything that might be perceived,
fairly or not, as a backslide.
How it was edited or cut I do not know. I do not read or undesrtand
Chinese (alas). The American news media do not always present peoples
views with 100% objectivity. Taiwan possibly too on occasion?
Very Best Wishes,
P.S. The Los Angeles office of GIO complained and I have volunteered
to hand out their official views to my students. Cheers.
※ 编辑: HYL 来自: (11/10 14:23)
1F:推 pig:让我想到吴清和事件 11/10 14:56
2F:推 mongdream:上下文看起来天差地远 = = 11/10 16:04
3F:推 tobu:这...差很多!!这报导是哪家媒体?该谴责! 11/10 20:31
4F:推 vvbird:TVBS 的记者 11/13 00:25