作者olenew (亚德特拉星人)
标题Re: [心得] 今天看联合报
时间Sat Oct 8 23:14:58 2005
Great white ways
October 07, 2005
HER name is Nicole, she travels widely and she makes
international headlines.
But no, she has never starred in a film and she was never
married to Tom Cruise.
Meet our "other Nicole" – a great white shark that has set
records for trans-ocean travel and has startled researchers with
the insights she has given them into shark behaviour.
South African researcher Ramon Bonfil today publishes the
results of a 15-month study of great white sharks in the
international journal Science.
Dr Bonfil and his team used electronic tags on 32 sharks and
recorded their movements.
On November 7, 2003, they tagged shark P12, a 3.8m sub-adult
which went on to make the first known trans-oceanic return
migration, swimming from South Africa to Australia and back.
In honour of the Australian connection, Dr Bonfil named it
"Nicole", after Nicole Kidman.
Nicole made other impressive performances: her 99-day, 11,100km
journey from South Africa to just off the West Australian coast
made at a minimum 4.7km/h – "the fastest sustained
long-distance speed known among sharks and comparable to that of
some of the fastest-swimming tunas," Dr Bonfil reported.
When Nicole was once again spotted off the South African coast
in August, 2004, she demonstrated more than a navigational
ability never before seen in sharks – the 20,000km-plus trip
was also the fastest recorded return migration for a marine
How Nicole navigated the trip remains a mystery, but the
information from Dr Bonfil's research also raises new challenges
in protecting sharks.
They were once thought to be coastal creatures, but journeys
into the open seas leave them exposed to other threats, such as
long-line fishing boats.
CSIRO research scientist and shark expert Barry Bruce said Dr
Bonfil's work showed the importance of understanding shark
movement patterns and the ways in which populations are related.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ olenew:结论是那家报纸和中广都错了 只有外电是正确的 10/08 23:15
2F:→ olenew:外电.........又赢了 10/08 23:15
3F:推 pig:外电是原稿啊 XD 10/08 23:16
4F:推 wadewang:看到第二段我傻了....Orz... 10/08 23:24
5F:推 KevinAction:满娱乐的开头XDrz 这又代表台湾新闻引领世界潮流吗 囧 10/08 23:33
6F:推 dotZu:重点应该是在 the fastest.... "among sharks"? 10/09 00:25
7F:→ dotZu:联合报可能只看得懂 fastest... 看不懂的自己掰 XD 10/09 00:26
8F:→ isalbarn:其实这种「娱乐」开头是外国领先台湾吧 10/09 00:54
9F:→ olenew:原本只是想找其他文章来对比那家报纸的错误 10/09 10:24
10F:→ olenew:没想到找来当对比的霉体也错了 乱枪打鸟 没想到到处都是鸟 10/09 10:25
11F:→ olenew:想想还真是过意不去 10/09 10:26