media-chaos 板


以下两则是引用路透社的报导 News&storyID=589376&section=news Elton: Taiwan media 'rude pigs' Thursday, September 23, 2004 Posted: 6:58 PM EDT (2258 GMT) TAIPEI, Taiwan (Reuters) -- British rock star Elton John, in Taipei for a concert, swore at reporters who swarmed around him at the airport on Thursday and called them "rude, vile pigs." Wearing a bright blue tracksuit and dark sunglasses, the star shouted expletives as he was mobbed by photographers and TV crew. "Rude, vile pigs!" he shouted at the reporters at the Chiang Kai Shek airport after he arrived shortly after midnight. "Do you know what that means? Rude, vile pigs. That's what all of you are." One of the photographers shouted back: "Why don't you get out of Taiwan?" John replied: "We'd love to get out of Taiwan if it's full of people like you. Pig! Pig!" The star, who recently performed in Shanghai and Hong Kong, is scheduled to leave after his first performance in Taiwan on Thursday. ===================================================================== 新加坡海峡时报是引用美联社的报导,4390,274183,00.html Elton John slams Taiwan photographers TAIPEI - Sir Elton John warmed up his vocal chords for a concert on Thursday in Taiwan by telling photographers they're a bunch of 'rude, vile pigs'. The media ambushed the rock star after he arrived by private plane on Thursday shortly after midnight at Taipei's Chiang Kai-shek International Airport. He was angry that police allegedly did not properly restrain the pack and protect him 'from the ensuing chaos', a statement issued by the singer said. ETTV cable news showed footage of John, dressed in a royal blue track suit and matching sunglasses, berating the photographers and TV crews as he cleared immigration. The fuming star was also shown clenching his teeth and muttering expletives as he stood with his arms crossed tightly across his chest. 'Rude vile pigs,' he shouted. 'Do you know what that means? Rude vile pigs. That's what all of you are.' One of the photographers shouted back, 'Why don't you get out of Taiwan?' John answered, 'We'd love to get out of Taiwan if it's full of people like you. Pig! Pig!' The star, who recently performed in Shanghai and Hong Kong, said, 'We had a great tour of the Far East and then we come to Taiwan and (expletive).' John's statement said, 'Despite this frightening arrival, his spirits remain high and he is looking forward to performing the concert.' He wasn't the first foreign star to experience an immediate case of culture shock after encountering aggressive Taiwanese photographers at Taipei's airport. When British singer Robbie Williams arrived for a concert in 2001, he ran through the terminal as photographers pursued him. -- AP ===================================================================== 下面不知名的媒体和雅虎新闻都是引用AFP的报导 jsp?newsid=212487&sourceid=6&channelname=News%20Variety (↑有人知道ae是哪个国家,这网址又是哪家媒体吗?) Elton John to kick off Taiwan concert after row with paparazzi 23-09-2004 11:40 G.M.T. TAIPEI (AFP) British pop star Elton John got involved in a shouting match with local paparazzi on arrival for his first performance in Taiwan, media reports said. "We'd love to get out of Taiwan if it's full of people like you," he shouted to photographers greeting him at Taipei's Chiang Kai-shek international airport shortly after midnight Wednesday. TV footage showed Elton John cursing "pig" and "bastard" to the paparazzi who yelled "Get out of Taiwan" after being barred by his bodyguards from taking pictures. The British singer has declined to give any interview here, according to the local agency handling his concert arrangements. Elton John was to perform in an outdoor concert Thursday night at the 12,000-seat Chungshan Stadium come rain or shine, the agency said. Taipei was the last stop on his four-leg Asian tour which also included Hong Kong, Seoul and Shanghai. ======================================================================= 爱尔兰线上Ireland On-Land (居然连罗比威廉斯来台时发生冲突的事都知道) Elton fumes at Taiwan media welcoming party 23/09/2004 - 07:04:32 Elton John warmed up his vocal chords for a concert today in Taiwan by telling photographers they were a bunch of “rude, vile pigs”. The media ambushed the rock star after he arrived by private plane shortly after midnight at Taipei’s Chiang Kai-shek International Airport. John was angry that police allegedly did not properly restrain the pack and protect him “from the ensuing chaos”, a statement issued by the singer said. ETTV cable news showed footage of John, dressed in a royal blue track suit and matching sunglasses, berating the photographers and TV crews as he cleared immigration. The fuming star was also shown clenching his teeth and muttering expletives as he stood with his arms crossed tightly across his chest. “Rude vile pigs,” shouted John, who is to perform in the capital, Taipei. “Do you know what that means? Rude vile pigs. That’s what all of you are.” One of the photographers shouted back: “Why don’t you get out of Taiwan?” John answered: “We’d love to get out of Taiwan if it’s full of people like you. Pig! Pig!” The star, who recently performed in Shanghai and Hong Kong, said: “We had a great tour of the Far East and then we come to Taiwan and (expletive).” John's statement said: “Despite this frightening arrival, his spirits remain high and he is looking forward to performing the concert.” He is not the first foreign star to experience an immediate case of culture shock after encountering aggressive Taiwanese photographers at Taipei’s airport. When Robbie Williams arrived for a concert in 2001, he ran through the terminal as photographers pursued him. Some reporters objected to Williams’ use of an expletive when referring to Taiwan. “I didn’t insult your country. I will insult you,” Williams said, before rattling off a series of expletives. ========================================================================= 不知名网站 Elton's Shock Attack On Taiwan Press Highly-strung popstrel Elton John has launched an astonishing attack on the Taiwanese press after arriving at Taipei airport. The pint-sized singer started muttering expletives at the press after touching down in a private jet for the last date of his Asia tour. Wearing a royal blue track-suit and matching sunglasses he then started yelling: "Rude vile pigs! Just in case they weren't sure, he decided to roughly translate. "Do you know what that means? Rude vile pigs. That's what all of you are." When one of the photographers shouted back "Why don't you get out of Taiwan?", he replied: "We'd love to get out of Taiwan if it's full of people like you. Pig! Pig!" A spokeswoman for Sir Elton said security officials had failed to protect him from photographers trying to "disrupt his progress". But she said he would "bravely" carry on with the concert. It is the latest prima donna-like behaviour by the outrageously-attired Candle in the Wind and Rocket Man singer. A fly-on-the-wall documentary called Tantrums And Tiaras, made by partner David Furnish, showed him repeatedly losing his temper. At one point he went beserk, after a woman waved at him when he was playing tennis. He swore never to visit southern France again. British stars have clashed with the over-enthusiastic Taiwanese media before. In 2001 Robbie WIlliams was cornered by journalists accusing him of using a swear-word in relation to Taiwan. He told them, "I didn't insult your country - I will insult you," before fleeing the airport. -- 天国的溜滑梯 一段股王全额交割股的故事 --

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