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1.媒体来源: news4sanantonio 2.记者署名: David Cross 3.完整新闻标题: Mother believes spirit of her late daughter was seen at Las Cruces cemetery 妈妈相信 鬼魂是自己过世的女儿 4.完整新闻内文:
LAS CRUCES, NM (KFOX14/CBS4) — Faviola Rodriguez was 2 years old when she died in September 2018 while being watched by her mother’s boyfriend. Her mother, Saundra Gonzales, has had problems with people stealing things from her daughter’s grave at the Masonic Cemetery in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Toys and personal belongings have gone missing, so Saundra asked the cemetery to be on the lookout. 小女孩的东西有被偷的迹象,所以要求公墓的负责单位能注意 Another family has a camera on a nearby headstone in Masonic Cemetery. According to Saundra, their son's killer was still free and was allegedly vandalizing the gravesite. 同地点,有另个家庭在墓地放了监视器,希望能抓到杀他儿子的凶手 The family reviewed their footage, looking for evidence they could take to police, and what they saw concerned them. 这个家族把拍到的影片提供给警方 The family took images of a little girl in the cemetery in the middle of the night to the cemetery owners, concerned a little girl was lost in the cemetery. Right away, a worker said, “We know that little girl” and walked the family to her grave. 影片当中,大半夜的有个小女孩,不知是不是迷路了。一名工人马上认出这小女孩, 并指出了他的墓地。 The next day, the family returned to the cemetery, and Saundra and her grandmother happened to be at Faviola's grave. Saundra said she burst into tears when they showed her the photo because, "I know that is my daughter." 隔天这家人回到公墓,正好见到小女孩的一家人,并给他们看了照片。小女孩的妈妈 哭着说道:我知道 这是我女儿! 5.完整新闻连结 (或短网址): hter-was-seen-at-cemetery ----- Sent from JPTT on my Xiaomi MI 9. -- 脆皮鸡排梅粉地瓜波霸奶茶咖哩猪排烤鸡翅膀火鸡肉饭锅烧乌龙麻辣鸭血炒面面包 蒜泥白肉可口可乐月亮虾饼麦克鸡块麦香鱼堡凤梨虾球草莓厚片大冰奶茶蜜汁叉烧 炸冰淇淋火腿炒饭滑蛋牛肉炒高丽菜卤鸡爪冻红茶拿铁仙草奶冻沙茶牛柳什锦海鲜 布丁奶茶烤鸡腿排酥皮浓汤红豆汤圆义大利面铁板鸡柳宫保鸡丁麻婆豆腐豆乳鸡翅 味噌拉面海苔饭卷起司猪排蒜味肉羹香草奶昔牛肉汤饺乳酪蛋糕烧肉盖饭照烧猪排 卤肉饭蚵仔煎葱抓饼甜不辣蛋包饭咸酥鸡水煎包热狗堡鲍鱼粥麦脆鸡三杯鸡jakevin --
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1F:推 dandingduck: 签名档饿死qq 08/19 22:06
2F:推 liudwan: 是殭屍还是鬼魂 08/19 23:08
3F:推 alexmein: 唉 08/20 20:27
4F:推 zehero: 楼上怎麽了? 08/21 00:05
5F:推 alexmein: 只是小朋友偷东西,但妈妈思女就带入此女孩是过世的女儿 08/21 07:14
6F:→ alexmein: ,就觉得很可怜 08/21 07:14
7F:推 buddhabar: 思觉失调应该抓起来丢到精神病院 09/04 08:34

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