joke 板

不完整翻译+不完整注释 [Harry Potter:] Accio mic, let me fire up the wand! 速速前,麦克风!让我点燃这魔杖 (Accio速速前,召唤咒) Like Hermione and Ron, I’m about to get it on! 如同妙丽与荣恩,我准备与你搞上! (get it on为做过爱的俗语,荣恩与妙丽後来有孩子所以当然做过了) Cause my mouth spits hot like Incendio flames 我口吐热浪如同吼吼烧火焰 (Incendio吼吼烧) You’re lukewarm like some Tauntaun remains 你不愠不火如同汤汤兽的屍体 (lukewarm谐音Luke,Ep5路克曾躲在汤汤兽冻死屍体内躲避暴风雪) Even the mad eye of my man Alastor Moody Could see your franchise only has two decent movies 即便疯眼穆迪也能看清你的电影只有两部还行 (星战前传三部曲、新三部曲甚至Ep6都有不少争议) Search your feelings, do you sense déjà vu? You’re getting smoked, like your uncle Owen and aunt Beru! 搜寻你的直觉,是否感到既视感?你被我焚烧,如同你叔叔和婶婶 (路克的叔叔婶婶被风暴兵烧死) Your acting’s flat and your raps are 2D too! 你的演技平板,饶舌如R2D2 (are 2D too谐音R2D2) Bugger off to the afterlife where you’rе fat and see-through 快转到你发福透明的英灵状态 (指路克演员马克汉米尔的身材) You’re the biggest lеtdown in your series since Snoke! 你是系列最大的失望,与史诺克不分上下 (星战八的一大争议便是路克和史诺克的死亡) It makes sense your father’s Vader. All you do is choke! 难怪你爸是维达,因为你只会呛喉! (choke双关达斯维达的原力锁喉跟搞砸某事) You country bumpkin, you must be dumb! Who farms moisture on a desert planet with two suns? 你这乡下农民,肯定没有智商!谁会在两颗太阳的沙漠行星盖湿气农场? Let me stick my plans in your dusty bin droid I’ll leave you like a horcrux. Split up and destroyed 看我把计画塞进你垃圾桶夥伴里,我会如分灵体般对你,先分裂再销毁。 (horcrux分灵体) [Luke Skywalker:] I don’t know who made you shoot first but that missed! 我不晓得是谁让你先开腔,但你打偏了 (指Ep4韩索罗被修改过好几次的谁先开枪) If I was you I'd have a bad feeling 'bout this! 如果我是你,肯定会有不好的感觉 (have a bad feeling 'bout this是星战许多角色都说过的经典台词) I’m a rhyming Jedi like my father, before me 我是押韵绝地如同我的父亲 (电影台词「I am a Jedi, like my father before me」) Your talking hat should’ve put you in Gryffin-dorky 你的说话帽帽该把你丢去葛来芬呆 (talking hat指分类帽) Your origin story is mostly stolen from me! You might be Potter, but Harry, I planted your seed! Let’s see: little orphan raised by relatives in solitude Suddenly gets taken under wing of funky wizard dude Learns that he’s been destined to have powerful gifts 你的起源故事基本全从我这抄 我看看:被亲戚养育的孤儿,突然遇到诡异巫师,了解他被命运选上并有强大天赋 (其实这也是冒险故事的常见设定,并不是星战开创) But between the two of us I think I got the cooler stick! 但你我差别在於我有跟更酷的棒棒 (光剑与魔杖都是跟棍棒) My mic-saber cuts through you so slicey Leave you on the floor like an arm at Mos Eisley 我的光剑麦砍起你豪不费力如同Mos Eisley的手臂 (Mos Eisley被光剑砍断手) Hit you with the Wampa raps I get icy Land ‘em in your face like (that’ll do nicely) I flied an X-Wing to save a planet from massacre You fly a broom like some kinda magical janitor 我驾驶X战机拯救行星免遭屠杀,你骑着扫帚像个魔法清洁工 Your Dumble-dweeb Army likes to think that you’re the best (Dumble-dweeb Army双关傻蛋与邓不利多的军队) All you did was use your mom like a bullet-proof vest! 你所做的只有把你妈当防弹背心 (指莉莉牺牲的保护咒。另外我觉得这句最靠北XD) [Harry Potter:] The death of my mother saved the wizarding race Your mum died of heartache when she saw your face! 我母亲的死救了整个魔法界,你妈看到你就死於心碎 (路克母亲佩咪生下他後就过世了) You swamp school dropout! You’re too whiny to rhyme At least when I Slytherin a sister, she isn’t mine! 至少我和妹妹搞上时,她不是我妹! (Slytherin史莱哲林谐音slither in与某人做爱。 哈利跟荣恩的妹妹金妮在一起,但路克跟自己亲妹妹莉亚暧昧过) I’m the Boy Who Lived! Best seller without equal 我是活下来的男孩!销售量无人能敌 (Boy Who Lived!那个活下来的男孩,哈利称号) I’ll split you like your fanbase’s feelings ‘bout the prequels! 我会把你如同粉丝对前传看法般拆散 (前传三部曲在粉丝间看法两极) Sequels brought you back to meet your demise I’d say you were brilliant, but I must not tell lies 後传将你带回只为上演你的谢幕,我想夸你聪明但我不能说谎 (I must not tell lies第五集恩不里居逼哈利在手背刻的血字) I left J.K. straight rolling in cash! You let J.J. compact your character to trash! 我让J.K.腰缠万贯,你让J.J.把你压成垃圾来卖 (HP作者J.K.罗琳,EP8导演J.J.。垃圾压缩机也是星战常见场警) So go on. Try and force more of your disses You’re like a stormtrooper, cause all your shit misses! 你就像个暴风兵,啥事都打偏 (吐槽风暴兵的准头) [Luke Skywalker:] (R2D2) That’s right R2, it does sound like he left all his fire in the goblet Haha, maybe he will get rescued by an anorexic hobbit (Goblet of Fire火盃) 哈哈,也许他会被个厌食症哈比人所救 (指家庭小精灵多比) I think it’s pretty clear that you and I are pretty different My drive’s hyper, your drive’s Privet! 我想我俩差距非常明显,我在超空间穿梭,你被困在水蜡树街 (drive双关超空间驾驶与HP中地名水蜡树街Privet Drive) I've got more rhymes than sand grains on Tatooine! You couldn’t pull in the win with a tractor beam! I crushed an Empire a galaxy large 我的韵脚比塔图因的砂砾还多,你即便用牵引光线也拿不下这局 I blew up the Death Star, you blew up Aunt Marge! 我炸掉了死星,你吹胀了玛姬姑妈。 (blew up双关炸掉与吹胀) I’ll pop you where Poppy Pomfrey can’t be healing you Unlike a great disturbance in the force, I’m not feeling you! 我会把你揍到庞芮夫人都治不好你,不像原力的极大扰动,你的存在微不足道。 (庞芮夫人是霍格华兹的医疗人员。原力在扰动是星战经典台词) Death would eat you up without Hermione and luck 没有妙丽与运气,食死人早将你活吞 (Death Eaters食死人。哈利还真的经常靠妙丽Carry) Because your own skills wingardium levio-suck! (Wingardium Leviosa 温咖癫啦唯啊萨,漂浮咒) You’re a dud like Dursley but worse And I’d rather herd nerfs than have to endure your third verse! [Harry Potter:] (The Weasleys) Have you heard rap before? That was not dope at all Maybe have Goldieballs show you the protocol 也许该让那金色灯泡教你点礼仪 (指礼仪机器人C-3PO) But I bet you’re just distracted you got a lot on your plate On one hand: the rebellion; on the other hand: oh wait! 毕竟你事情一大堆,一手要忙反抗军,另一手...喔等等! (嘲讽路克被砍断一只手) I roll deep and the Weasley's got my back! 我有卫斯理做我後盾 (指魁地奇球赛中弗雷乔治常保护哈利免遭博格攻击) (This muggle sucks more hole than the bloody Sarlacc!) We’ll rough you up good if you try to step to Harry, mate You’re the least intimidating twin since Mary-Kate! I flow like butterbeer in Diagon streets! You could find me getting fantastic on these beats! 我的节奏如斜角巷的奶油啤酒滑顺 你会发现我已收集到所有的神奇韵律 (butterbeer奶油啤酒 Diagon streets斜角巷 fantastic on these beats谐音怪兽与牠们的产地Fantastic Beasts) It’s over Luke! I got the high ground advantage I’ll close you like a map! Mischief Managed! (It's Over Anakin! I have the high ground!结束了安纳金!我有高地优势!) (Mischief Managed! 恶作剧完成。隐藏劫盗地图的咒语) [Luke Skywalker:] You should have Hagrid fly you home on his moped If I wanted teenage wizardry I’d call Selena Gomez! 你该让海格骑摩托把你载回家 若我想看魔法师,我宁愿找Selena Gomez (Selena Gomez迪士尼影集少年魔法师演员,星战现在在迪士尼旗下) My attack tactics are galactically hardcore Far more than your goofy little Scar Wars! (Scar Wars谐音Star Wars,也指哈利头上的伤疤) I learned flow with the best in the biz! (Get funky) So of you, the end this is! (Maclunkey!) My Jedi mind tricks put the nix on your Imperius (Imperius蛮横咒) Twist you up like death sticks, I’m Bellatrix - dead Sirius! (Bellatrix贝拉雷斯壮,杀死天狼星Sirius的人) No need to expelliarmus, you’re harmless in a duel 我不需将你缴械,因你在这场决斗中毫无伤害 (expelliarmus去去武器走,缴械咒) Call me the Hogwarts Express! I just took you to school! 叫我霍格华兹特快车,因为我已将你送至学校! (took someone to school 为彻底打败某人,可直译为送至学校) --

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1F:推 wommow: 真是怀念的系列 原来还有出阿~ 12/11 02:09
2F:→ crorangeazy: 我以为完结了 12/14 14:05

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