joke 板


※ [本文转录自 MLB 看板 #1PadU2Y3 ] 作者: McCormick (又被挂掉了) 看板: MLB 标题: [外电] 熊猫觉得在红袜不舒适 时间: Tue Aug 15 12:24:29 2017 来源 撷取甘话体的部分 "I'm a professional and I know what I have to do,’ ' Sandoval said in March 2015, his first Spring Training with the Red Sox. “If I had signed (with the Giants), I knew I would be under a (weight) regimen for five years, and I'm not going to be happy someplace where I'm under that kind of regimen, where I can't be myself.’’ “At the end of the day, I just never felt comfortable in Boston,” he explains.“It had nothing to do with the organization, or my teammates, or the fans, or the city. Everybody was great to me. I think it was just something that happens sometimes — you don’t feel comfortable somewhere, or you don’t fit in, even if you’re in a place you chose to be.” Sandoval also says he felt “lost” in Boston "Every day I spent in Boston, my heart was still back in San Francisco," he claims, channeling Tony Bennett. 这无间道的好光明正大 拜托各位不要嘘烂我 只能说他的公关技能根本没点都得罪光了 下面还有美国乡民说我觉得你偷了5000万镁也感到不舒适X -- 最棒的对白?
1F:→ sleeeve: 某队真的很多高薪的国内王 我没说哪队
2F:推 edouard09: 某队真的很多低薪CP王 我没说哪队
3F:推 DONNY: 某队就算有国外王还不是亚军 我没说哪对
4F:推 malone326: 某队什麽王都没有 我没说哪队 咦~我也忘了是哪队了

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: McCormick (, 08/15/2017 12:25:55
5F:推 JohnLackey: 懒得理这家伙了 08/15 12:26
6F:→ BusterPosey: 呜呜 好想念Duffy 08/15 12:28
7F:推 jerryklu: 你想挑战狂新闻干话王宝座齁~~ 08/15 12:29
8F:推 roger4768: 熊猫:巨人留人诚意不足使我出走 08/15 12:39
9F:推 if2: Dever和Nunez那麽威 谁理他 08/15 12:41
10F:推 HuanYuWu: 去其他队伍一定要嘴一下老东家... 08/15 12:51
11F:推 Mooooose: 他没办法当美国廖添丁 因为太胖 就叫他美国红龟好了 08/15 12:52
12F:推 mayzn: 已经没差了 脏东西清走了 通体舒畅 08/15 12:52
13F:嘘 triff: 只有嘘 08/15 12:53
14F:推 risk0717: 钱拿了不办事,还敢喷球团 08/15 12:54
15F:推 ilikeroc: 甘话精神 08/15 12:55
16F:推 triff: CC我还没这麽生气,至少打了不少再见安打 08/15 12:55
17F:→ triff: 还有腿跟手套 08/15 12:56
18F:→ triff: 离开虽然有怨言,但是没看过离婚不相怨的配偶 08/15 12:56
19F:→ triff: 而且运气好的是道奇最後接受帮忙吃95%薪水 08/15 12:57
20F:→ triff: 但是Panda,就是怒 08/15 12:58
21F:推 MrJohn: 怎麽啦? 红袜的皮带太紧系起来不舒适? 08/15 13:00
22F:推 triff: 楼上XDDDD 08/15 13:02
23F:嘘 osc63360: 可以不要那麽顾人怨啊 熊猫 08/15 13:03
24F:推 doraemon8709: 嘘熊猫 08/15 13:04
25F:→ doraemon8709: 可恶按错 08/15 13:04
26F:嘘 triff: 嘘回来 08/15 13:05
27F:推 AZBTPATONY: 红袜不意外 08/15 13:06
28F:推 WestinJ: 想舒适的打球去湾区就对了。 08/15 13:10
29F:嘘 charliehome: 适合养生/养老野球 08/15 13:21
30F:嘘 lazuritechen: 领多少钱做多少事 08/15 13:23
31F:推 jiachang1996: 我觉得是天气 波士顿太冷了 所以他要靠吃维持体温 08/15 13:33
32F:→ jiachang1996: 反观湾区应该比较容易瘦XD 08/15 13:33
33F:嘘 corlos: 老人比较要求熊猫的私生活吧wwwwwwww 08/15 13:48
34F:→ corlos: 肥猫没人管就烂掉了 08/15 13:48
35F:推 Afae: 湾区也有冷冷的海风 08/15 13:48
36F:→ Darvish5566: 熊猫自己发不舒服文XD 08/15 13:48
37F:嘘 Beantownfan: 真的很恶心的人 08/15 14:01
38F:推 adad48362: 笑死哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 08/15 14:14
39F:推 jardon: 领钱倒是领的很舒适 08/15 14:26
40F:推 jeans1020: 08/15 14:27
41F:嘘 hahabis: 可以转到Joke版去吗 08/15 14:33
这我不反对XD 你要转去袜板也可
42F:嘘 therock0809: 恶心 08/15 14:51
43F:推 needshe520: 哈哈哈哈 08/15 14:52
※ 编辑: McCormick (, 08/15/2017 15:06:14
44F:推 AnitaHailey: 借转袜XD 08/15 15:18
45F:推 AnitaHailey: 娃 手机不能转录 08/15 15:20
McCormick:转录至看板 RedSox 08/15 15:31

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: McCormick (, 08/15/2017 15:31:35
46F:推 XPbear: 红袜皮带太紧XDD 08/15 19:02

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