java 板

Assertion 是新版 SCJP 考题增加的项目,这东西其实跟 Exception 有点相似 然而它是属於 java.lang.Error 的东西 我只是介绍他在程式码中的使用方法 而编译的使用方法可以先参照下面网址的简介 原始来源是来自於下面 sun 的文件 Programming With Assertions 一、 assert的两种语法: assert Expression1; Expression1 必须是个 boolean Expression 当 Expression1 为 false 时,会丢出个 AssertionError assert Expression1 : Expression2; Expression1 是 boolean Expression Expression2 则是一个值 当 Expression1 为 false 时,会把 Expression2 的值传给 AssertionError 的建构子 二、 把 Assertion 放入程式码 这里分成三个 section ˙Internal Invariants ˙Control-Flow Invariants ˙Preconditions, Postconditions, and Class Invariants 但是先有两个 Assertion 不能使用的重点: 1.Do not use assertions for argument checking in public methods. 意思是请不要把 Assertion 跟 Exception 弄混了,两者做的事是不同的 2.Do not use assertions to do any work that your application requires for correct operation. ex: 这是错的: // Broken! - action is contained in assertion assert names.remove(null); 要改成: // Fixed - action precedes assertion boolean nullsRemoved = names.remove(null); assert nullsRemoved; // Runs whether or not asserts are enabled 原因似乎是 assertion 预设是 disable,要写的明确点他才能用... ˙Internal Invariants ☆use an assertion whenever you would have written a comment that asserts an invariant. ex1: 原式: if (i % 3 == 0) { ... } else if (i % 3 == 1) { ... } else { // We know (i % 3 == 2) ... } 後式: if (i % 3 == 0) { ... } else if (i % 3 == 1) { ... } else { assert i % 3 == 2 : i; ... } 意思是你原本注解为你已知的事实,可以用 assert 来确保不会错 ex2: 原式: switch(suit) { case Suit.CLUBS: ... break; case Suit.DIAMONDS: ... break; case Suit.HEARTS: ... break; case Suit.SPADES: ... } 你通常会在 switch 里加个 default,这里就可以用到 assertion default: assert false : suit; 或是另一种像是丢出 Exception 的语法 default: throw new AssertionError(suit); 这会强制丢出个 AssertionError ˙Control-Flow Invariants ☆place an assertion at any location you assume will not be reached. 语法: assert false; ex: 原式: void foo() { for (...) { if (...) return; } // Execution should never reach this point!!! } 後式: void foo() { for (...) { if (...) return; } assert false; // Execution should never reach this point! } 就是在你程式执行不到的地方加 assertion ˙Preconditions, Postconditions, and Class Invariants 这里分成: ˙Preconditions └˙Lock-Status Preconditions ˙Postconditions ˙Class invariants Preconditions — what must be true when a method is invoked. ☆Do not use assertions to check the parameters of a public method. ex: 原式: public void setRefreshRate(int rate) { // Enforce specified precondition in public method if (rate <= 0 || rate > MAX_REFRESH_RATE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal rate: " + rate); setRefreshInterval(1000/rate); } 後式: private void setRefreshInterval(int interval) { // Confirm adherence to precondition in nonpublic method assert interval > 0 && interval <= 1000/MAX_REFRESH_RATE : interval; ... // Set the refresh interval } 意思是这状况下 assertion 只能出现在 nonpublic 里 请记得这是个 Error,而不是 Exception Lock-Status Preconditions — preconditions concerning whether or not a given lock is held. ex: 原式: private Object[] a; public synchronized int find(Object key) { return find(key, a, 0, a.length); } // Recursive helper method - always called with a lock on this object private int find(Object key, Object[] arr, int start, int len) { ... } 後式: // Recursive helper method - always called with a lock on this. private int find(Object key, Object[] arr, int start, int len) { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); // lock-status assertion ... } 意思是可以用 assertion 来检查有没有 lock Postconditions — what must be true after a method completes successfully. 这种状况可以分别用在 public 与 nonpublic 里 public: ex: public BigInteger modInverse(BigInteger m) { if (m.signum <= 0) throw new ArithmeticException("Modulus not positive: " + m); ... // Do the computation assert this.multiply(result).mod(m).equals(ONE) : this; return result; } nonpublic: ex: 原式: void foo(int[] array) { // Manipulate array ... // At this point, array will contain exactly the ints that it did // prior to manipulation, in the same order. } 後式: void foo(final int[] array) { // Inner class that saves state and performs final consistency check class DataCopy { private int[] arrayCopy; DataCopy() { arrayCopy = (int[]) array.clone(); } boolean isConsistent() { return Arrays.equals(array, arrayCopy); } } DataCopy copy = null; // Always succeeds; has side effect of saving a copy of array assert ((copy = new DataCopy()) != null); ... // Manipulate array // Ensure array has same ints in same order as before manipulation. assert copy.isConsistent(); } 使用 inner class 跟这两个 assertion 可以用来确认你的资料 Class invariants — what must be true about each instance of a class. ex: // Returns true if this tree is properly balanced private boolean balanced() { ... } 在这 ex 中,加入 assert balanced(); 是为了确认这个 class 里的 instance 後记: 为了参加 SCJP,这个 Assertion 让我去找了些资料 但是市面上有许多标示 1.4 版的书,根本就没有提到 所以资料几乎都是英文的 像是 O'REILLY 原文新出的 Learning Java, 2nd Edition 里面就有介绍了,可惜天珑好像还没进货 @.@" 下面是几个我觉得不错的 assertion 介绍 第一个就是我这篇的来源 我只作了非常精简的介绍,想要了解更详细的话,就去看看原本的文章跟API吧 其实我之前对这 assertion 根本没听过... 想说没有 Exception 跟 Assertion 还是一样可以活的很快乐... 也不知道怎麽去测他就是... 希望能有前辈给我们更清楚的说明 也希望想参加新版 SCJP 考试的人能够来一起研究罗~ ^o^" -- 欢迎加入◢██◣◢██◣█◣ ◣◢██◣☆swanky ██ ██◤███ ███◤█ ██ ████◥█◢◤████ ◥█◤ ◥█◥◤ ◥◤ ◥█◥◤版的讨论 -- ※Post by swanky from ▁▃▅▆▄▃▁ ▃▅▂ ▁ ▁▃▄▁ ▃▅欢迎大家到市立师院 凯达格兰▆▅▄▇ _▁▃▄▅█▅▄▂▁_▄▃ ▇▅▄ ▄▅ ▂▃▆▇▆▁▂▄▆▆▇████▆▃

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