iPod 板


WinPwn 2.0 - Support for both 1.1.4 and 2.0 ##支援1.1.4和2.0 - Custom Image Support ##支援个性化图示 - Custom Payload Support ##支援个性化安装包 - 3g iPhone support ##支援二代3G爱疯 Bugs Some users have had problems with installing Cydia on Windows XP. This will be fixed in tomorrows release [臭虫] 许多使用者在XP上安装Cydia会有问题..这个问题会再明天修正! 2.0 How to: 使用方法 - 1) First create a custom IPSW using the IPSW Builder. ##首先使用"IPSW Builder"制做个人IPSW档~ - 2) Click "Ipwner" and browse for the custom IPSW that you just created. This will pwn itunes and allow you to flash Custom IPSW files via DFU mode ##点击 "Ipwner" 并找到你刚做好的IPSW档..他将会PWN你的ITUNES让你的自制IPSW档 透过DFU模式进行下一步...XD - 3) Once you have pwned Itunes, put your phone into DFU mode. If you don't know how to do this click Here. ##一旦完成上一步动作你就可以把你的爱疯进入DFU模式~ PS:不懂?点我>>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiTcKMZfyfk
- 4) Once you are in DFU mode Itunes will pop up and then you can hold shift and click restore and browse to your custom IPSW file. ##在DFU模式下ITUNES会跳出视窗,然後你压着shift就可以浏览的自制的IPSW档 开始PWN噜~ Done!完成~ Important Notes[重点提醒] Remove Winpwn 1.0 completely if you have it installed. Installing over the top of WinPwn 1.0 will cause problems. Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes ( Currently 7.7) If you already have service with AT&T do not activate or install Youtube Fix 如有安装WIN1.0版的,请移除乾净你的WIN1.0版! 确定你的ITUNES版本是最新(7.7) 如果你的电信服务已经是AT&T就别"开通(激活)"和打上YOUTUBE补丁喔! Thanks again for all those who supported me. WinPwn was made possible by PlanetBeing, Squpix and the dev team ( Especially Wizdaz, MuscleNerd, Gray, Pumpkin, bgm, roxfan ). I will be updating WinPwn with some better features and upgrading the credits and help sections over the next few days. Much love \cmw Download http://rapidshare.de/files/40068012/winpwn_2.0.0.1_Setup.zip.html http://rapidshare.com/files/132009636/winpwn_2.0.0.1_Setup.zip 以上.... 本人不对这篇自己随意乱翻的文章负责XDDDDDD ""不负责任翻译"" -- 脱离不开3C的596男性.. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: kkyy00066 来自: (07/24 17:26)
1F:推 abjeffop:徵求勇士!!!!! 07/24 17:54
2F:→ kkyy00066:更新~ http://tinyurl.com/6qbf2e 请服用! 07/25 09:33
3F:→ kkyy00066:更新2.0.0.3 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YCJDFEHW 07/26 10:06
4F:→ dk99 :希望对您有帮助 http://www.94istudy.com 12/23 12:15

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