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很累了。把投影片大纲打一打,剩下的给大家补充... =\= SDK Calendar access Address Data Detectors iPod remote control accessories In-app SMS Regular Expression Matching Data Formatters Photo Library access Image I/O Half-curl page transition Quick Look Packeg-based Documents Call event Notification Full access to still and Video camera data ICC Profile Carrier information Power analysis tools Full map overlays Draggable map annotations Embed PDF metadata Accelerate Performance profiling tools Automated testing Date Data Detectors Block-based Animation iPhone OS4 Create playlists Top hit in search Sync IMAP notes 5X digital zoom Nested playlists CardDAV Tap to focus video Upload workouts to Nike+ Places in Photo iPod Out Home screen wallpaper Search SMS/MMS messages Wake on Wireless File & delete Mail search result Edit from outbox Web search suggestions Choose image size in Mail messages Bluetooth keyboards CalDAV invitation Large fonts for Mail,SMS and others Spell Check Call data only setting Presistent Wi-Fi Gift Apps Rotate Photos Recent web searches Birthday calendar Tentpole(7大特色) Multitask Background audio Voice Over IP Background location Push Notifications Local Notifications Task completion Fast app switching Forders Mail Unified inbox Multiple Exchange accounts Fast inbox switching Threaded messages Open Attachments with apps iBooks Delightful ebook reader iBookstore Buy once, read everywhere Sync page and bookmarks Free Winnie the Pooh Enterprise Even better data protection Mobile device management Wireless app distribution Multiple Exchange accounts Exchange Server 2010 SSL VPN support Game Center Socail gaming network Invite friends Matchmaking Leaderboards Achievements iAd - Mobile Advertising Emotion + interactivity Ads keep you in your app Build into iPhone OS Apple sells & hosts the ads 60% revenues → developer -- 怒火烧尽九重天 去去去,武器走 迪欧加.古拉比冬 狠虎灭却.震天动地 iLife 慈悲的王者 安哥尔摩亚 明圣剑法 iWork MAC_OS_X 禁千百贰拾式.八薙女 里百八式.大蛇薙 iPod LanEVO 日月才子 藤原豆腐店 帝国歌剧团 钢普拉 破邪剑征.樱花放神 巴欧~萨喀尔嘎 共鸣 速速来,爱情 AE86 最终决战奥义.无式 -萧易玄- --
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※ 编辑: EShensh 来自: (04/09 03:09)
1F:推 leondemon:推 04/09 03:33
2F:推 TypeZero:介绍EMAIL 时 GMAIL咧? 04/09 03:59

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