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西班牙执政党大幅修正婚姻法承认同性恋 中广记者卢瑞珠在南欧报导 2004 / 05 / 27 星期四 一向被视为是保守天主教国家的西班牙,将大幅度放宽关於离婚、堕胎等法令内容 和承认同性恋婚姻。和过去执政党相比,新政府在两性关系法的开放态度,令人刮 目相看。 西班牙内政部正着手修改有关婚姻的相关法令,将在近期内送交国会讨论。根据了 解,新修正部份包括简化离婚程序,不再强制要求有意离婚的怨偶必须先经过分居 的阶段,寻求复合不成再谈离婚。新法实施後,只要提出离婚申请,最多两个星期 就可以办好法定手续。 内政部表示,对一些饱受家庭暴力的人来说,离婚必须先经过分居阶段,只是增加 他们精神和身体受暴力威胁的痛苦,一点都没有实质帮助。 另外,对过去保守派人士一直坚持的反堕胎法案,也经过修正,在怀孕初期可以经 由专科医生进行堕胎手术。西班牙政府还准备承认同性恋婚姻和异性恋婚姻享有同 等的法律保障,同时研拟让同性配偶可以合法领养小孩。 西班牙国内保守派人士目前还没有就上述法案内容发表意见,不过,许多人认为, 这些法案如果在国会全数通过,将使西班牙从现有欧洲保守派国家出线,变成少数 的思想先进国家。 Gay marriage for Spain? Reuters April 19, 2004 Spain's new Prime Minister has reiterated his support for sexual diversity, and promised to introduce gay marriage for lesbian and gay couples in the country. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, who won a landslide victory in last month's elections, said in his first parliamentary speech that he will give same- sex couples legal recognition on "an equal basis" with heterosexual couples. He added that such a move would help the country fight intolerance towards gay people, and allow them to "live freely". "We will recognise, on an equal basis, their right to marriage, with the consequent effects on labour rights, inheritance and social security protection," he said in the speech, which pre-empted the official swearing in process last week. "It is time to bring to an end, once and for all, the intolerable discrimination still suffered by many Spaniards exclusively by virtue of their sexual preferences." This is not the first time Zapatero has pledged his support for lesbians and gay men. After winning the general election in March, the head of the Socialist party said he would present a bill that would "set gay unions on the same footing as marriage". However, his immediate election victory comments - which included withdrawing Spanish troops from Iraq - were questioned, with some critics initially saying they were an example of his political naivety. Spain's Catholic bishops have already spoken out strongly against the adoption of children by homosexual couples. There are already nine other countries in Europe which have some form of recognition for same-sex couples, although not all go so far as to call them marriage. -- 国父说:革命尚未成功,同志仍须努力! --

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