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※ 引述《VegasThu (Hello)》之铭言: : 我只看过一部 片名为仇恨之罪 : HBO 播放的 我从中看起 : 原先不知道跟同志议题有关 : 後来镜头转向法庭 : 看到宽恕的父母原谅杀死同志儿子的凶手一幕 : 我才了解这是一部跟圈内有关的影片 : 也是非常感人的一部伦理片 : 利用男主角 Mathew 的人生经历 : 侧写父母 家人 以及社会对他的期待 : 非常感人 : → Architect:"Matthew"??? 主角是"Matthew Shepard"吗? 推 01/07 : → Architect:请问英文片名是??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O.K.,我自己找到了. The Laramie Project HBO 制作的,应该没错了. 说实话我很惊讶台湾的 HBO 有播; 这部片我留意很久却一直无缘,下次要注意看节目表..... 这是纪念一件真实发生的事件. 在 1998 年 10 月, Matthew Shepard 被人极残酷的凌虐至死, 死的时候还不满 22 岁, 只因为他是 gay . 详细介绍的网站: 截录开头的一小段: * Matthew Wayne Shepard 1st December 1976 - 12th October 1998 - A Gentle sprit Funeral for gay hate-crime victim brutally murdered. Friday October 16, 1998 The funeral has taken place in the United States of Matthew Shepard, a 21 year-old student, who was savagely beaten to death because he was gay. Friends and family gathered in pouring rain at the church in the town of Casper, Wyo- -ming, where he was baptised. Matthew had been lured from a campus bar shortly after midnight on October 7 by two men who told him they were gay. He was driven to a remote area near the Sherman Hills neighbourhood east of Laramie, tied to a split-rail fence, tortured, beaten and pistol-whipped by his attackers, while he begged for his life; he was then left for dead in near freezing temperatures. A cyclist who found him on Snowy Mountain View Road at 6:22 pm, some 18 hours after the attack, at first mistook him for a scarecrow. He was unconscious and suffering from hypothermia. His face was caked with blood, except where it had been partially washed clean by tears. Matthew died at 12:53 am on Monday 12th October 1998, at Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado, with his family at his bedside. Hospital officials said Matthew had a fracture from behind his head to just in front of his right ear and a massive brain stem injury which affected his vital signs, including his heart beat, body temperature and other involuntary functions. There were also approximately a dozen small lacerations around his head, face and neck. He was so badly injured in the attack that doctors were unable to operate. He never regained consciousness after being found, and remained on full life support. (後略) 当我第一次详细的阅读到这整件事时, 内心冲击非常非常的大, 比 Brandon Teena 事件的冲击还大, ※ 编辑: Architect 来自: (01/07 03:17)
1F:→ Jinzaghi:记得演他那个高中小情人的义大利男孩很正! 推 01/07
2F:→ mygoat:两个都很正吧... 推 01/07
3F:→ VegasThu:一个是可爱 一个是拉丁式狂野 :) 推 01/07
Architect:转录至看板 the_L_word 08/17 23:53

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