foreigner 板


Maybe lived in oversea for my family was awful memory and let us feel great disappointment about that country… so-called developed country… Also, I would like to say sorry I was added the personal sentiment on the before opinion on public affairs… but someone was response to my personal view without friendly seems attack me, therefore, that's why I resistance attack again and again… due to all of the things was happened on my family while we lived in oversea… that's real… they are not me how can they retort my feeling? They can bring up personal view, but please don't direct against to me. Okay, as you asked you would like to know what's happened. 1. We were very scaring lived in that community. Someone who often push doorbell at midnight, threw a stone or egg at the windows, garden been destroyed… and so on. As I know they don't want somebody living there who are Chinese. 2. Actually we were have an own business there (ice-cream shop), but they always taken things openly and unscrupulously without payment . 3. When we go around on street then several times they abusing to us "Chinese pig . 4. Threatened something to us. By the way, I didn't call them "Pig" please checks it, only they called me Chinese pig… I think this war may starting from me, I feel apologetic about this issue… also, please end of the discussion here. Otherwise never end. Sorry once again. ※ 引述《jurrasic (新的开始)》之铭言: : Sorry I cannot type Chinese in this computer. : We all feel your suffer and are sorry that you had been mistreated : in a foreign country. You have your right to freely express your : feelings in a public forum like this one. : That being said, expressing in a public forum also requires courtesy. : We agree that the people who discriminated you and your family deserve : no respect. However, the same does not apply to all foreigners. Many : foreigners have been friendly to Taiwanese people and never intended to : intimidate us. They deserve the respect that we expect from others. : Secondly, if you wish to point out certain unfairness that you suffered : from foreigners, you are welcomed to do so. But please accuse with : substance and reason. We will be more than happy to listen to your story and : comfort your feelings if you tell us how you feel about it. But we do not : accept a simple humiliation as calling others animal or "pig" unless you : are specifying the people who mistreated you. In other words, it is : understandable if you call someone who discriminated you pig, but it : is not acceptable if you call all americans or westerners pig. : Thirdly, as much as we sympathize your experience, humiliating others : would not improve the situation. This forum was created to foster the : understandings between Taiwanese and foreigners, not to increase hatred : and stereotype. Again, I would like to know more of your stories so we : would better understand how taiwanese were treated oversea, preferrably : with a constructive attitude. : As the board manager, I'm worried that this thread may go out of control : discussing something unrelated to foreigner experience. If that happens : I will regrettably delete this thread alltogether. : ※ 引述《HelloSeoul (HelloSeoul)》之铭言: : : 您的这番言论对我而言才叫荒谬 : : 事不关己身 任何人皆有大爱之心 : : 试问您可否有如此海量 相同情况与我 而一笑了之 : : 这并非偏狭或偏激 对我而言是仇恨 : : 人欺我 我自然怨他 : : 有恩我 我回於善 : : 这无关於历史政治 无须无关牵涉 莫名其妙 : : 我无须反省 应反省的人不是我 : : 亦不会因您的一番劝论 而化解 : : 您认为中国人是 "牠" 还是 "他"? (对他们而言) : : 看来您还没被称呼 "中国猪"过 : : 您是上帝 人打你右脸 麻烦您奉上左脸 : : 您是神圣 以德报怨 不可仇恨他人 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 jurrasic:you did not call others pig..i apologize141.156.147.190 08/26
2F:推 songquick:whee...even god make mistakes~ 09/08

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