foreigner 板


I met someone on my last birthday, Dec. 1st. He gazed at me whole night. Before leaving, he gave me his number to have a cup of coffee together next day. But I slept so late that missed the date. And the number never worked anyway. The second time we met was around one and helf month after. He still remember my name, didn't call me violin. That's a good sign. March 2nd, the third time I met him, another one and half month later, he bought me a Baileys Milk. At last, he told me "See you later." Two months "later", May 4th, I finally saw him again at the same place. I gave him the brightest smile, and went straight to the lady's room as usual. 30 minutes later, I slowly danced to him. And told him exactually what he told me last time, "You have been hiding!" That night,he bought me two glasses of Baileys Milk. He is very popullar there. Many girls liked to dance with him, even was nestling closely up to him. I wasn't sure if he is a player but I'm pretty sure he is a party animal. So I tried to ignore him except when he went to Men's room. I wanted to make sure he was alone there because he always got lost of my sight for several minutes. He kissed me upon my cheeks and forehead about 5 times and kept telling me I looked cute tonight. Ok, I tried to seduce him, too, by dancing around him. That almost melt myself. I stayed very late until every cute guy went home except his roommate and he. At last he came to say "See you next time." I asked "When?" "Two months later?" I asked dispointedlly. He said he is going to Europe tomorrow until next Tuesday. Maybe then we can have a "breakfast" at night. This time I'm sure I memorized the right number in my cell phone. Because he was so close to me that I could feel his cell phone is vibrating in his pocket of jeans. One month later, June 1st, my classmate, Lulu, and I went to dance. Two hours after we arriving there, I saw him. It would be the worst idea to introduce Lulu to him because he would be no longer a secret of my life. But at least Lulu knew which guy I'm paying attention to recently. After Lulu went home, I approached him and his co-workers. He said he got my messages, and told me more about himself. His father is a white English man, and his mother is a Cantonese. He was born and lives in Hong Kong. He rent a very nice apartment with his co-worker, Bruce, in Taipei...He is a pilot of China Airlines, so he flies around the world. He comes to Taiwan twice a month only. He kissed my cheeks more often this night, and even all of a sudden kissed my lips when he said good bye. I don't want to be his Miss Taipei! But I likes him more and more...What should I do now?? -- 爱情自然会成为一种关系, 但是,关系并不等於爱情。 激情是短的, 强烈的感情却是悠的。 让两个人相的, 是那种埋在内心深处的强烈感情。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 AniSll:I thought that u've already posted it before? 08/12
2F:推 vll:Yeah, but I added some details about him... 08/12
3F:推 jnf72727:你这种例子我可以了解...这位男士今天可以这样 08/12
4F:→ jnf72727:对你 他当然也可以这样对别的女生...right? 08/12
5F:→ jnf72727:如果你只是想陪他玩玩是无所谓...但若是想认真 08/12
6F:→ jnf72727:交往的话 他可以给你多少保证与信任?? 08/12
7F:→ jnf72727:真的不要想太多...个人浅见 若有冒犯请见谅 08/12
8F:推 yushul:I do want to say.dont be serious.he just wants 08/12
9F:→ yushul:f*ck happens all the time 08/12
10F:→ oudi:He is just not that into you. 08/12
11F:→ ViviSEA:你真的想太多了,去做你昵称的事吧 08/12
12F:推 evendie:wake up Miss Taipei number X! 08/13
13F:推 switchfoot51:that's not love that's just romance 08/14
14F:→ switchfoot51:kisses doesn't represent love for a man 08/14
15F:→ switchfoot51:like that 08/14
16F:推 cuteween:这故事前面就有人遇过了吧..好眼熟... 08/14
17F:→ xcl:yeah, he's not into you. wake up, girl! 08/14
18F:推 mynowitzki:"See you later" 这句话别想太多... 08/14
19F:→ mynowitzki:He's not that into you!!! Really! 08/14
20F:推 angelya:'see you later'其实只是再见 不含保证成分的... 08/15
21F:→ angelya:外国人也常说'I'll call you'然後就消失不见 08/15
22F:→ angelya:这些只是客套话...别想太多... 08/15

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