documentary 板


《机器人梦游症 》纪录片巡回放映 "Robot Somnambulism" Documentary Film Screening 时间 Time/ 2016/12/16(五) 19:30-22:00 地点 Venue/ 江山艺改所 (新竹市江山街13号至15号间小巷内/近城隍庙) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & 15, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple) ※ 本片导演将出席映後座谈。After-screening talk will be conducted by the director. 免费入场 Free Admission /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 关於影片 About The Film/ ★ 2016 台湾国际劳工影展|2016 Taiwan International Labor Film Festival ★ 入选2010华人纪录片提案大会|Accepted to 2010 CNEX Chinese Doc Forum ★ 2010 国艺会常态补助|2010 National Culture and Arts Foundation Grant 萧立峻 Richard Hsiao|台湾 Taiwan|2015|90min|纪录类 Documentary|中文发音 Chinese|中英字幕 English Subtitle 富士康,世界最大的电子产品代工厂,生产组装半数以上的iPhone,2010年发生连续跳楼 事件引发关注,手上时时刻刻握着iPhone的人们,彷佛才突然意识到生产手机的工人们, 过着每天12小时,每7秒一次的机器式劳动。心中有些许不安,但握着iPhone的手却无法 松开,智慧型手机已经彻底改变人类的生活方式。另一头,曾经是台湾之光的HTC手机, 上游的触控面板厂却发生打压工会的事件,工会跟声援的学生找上HTC抗议,让HTC的主管 们既狼狈又委屈,同时,一名HTC的工程师疑似过劳死,脸书最後的讯息是周日凌晨三点 「下班了issue还是无解…」。这个时代,由像机器的人制造像人的机器,是一出无望的 悲剧,还是一个美丽新世界的开端? Foxconn, the world's largest electronics OEM factory, manufactured and assembled more than 50% iPhone of the world. In 2010, the serial jumping of Foxconn workers caught attention. People holding iPhone suddenly noticed that it's producer were working like a robot, acting every 7 seconds, 12 hour a day. They felt a bit uneasy, but cannot loosen their hand. Smartphone has changed human life completely. On the other side, the company supplying touch panels to HTC were suppressing worker union. Union and supporting students choose HTC to protest, making its managers feel embarrassed and aggrieved. Meanwhile, one of HTC engineer died possibly because of overworking. His last message on Facebook was "off work, issue still not resolved", AM 3 o'clock, Sunday. In this era, robotic people making humanized machine, is it a hopeless tragedy, or the beginning of a brave new world? 预告片 Trailer:
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 关於导演 About The Director/ ● 萧立峻 Richard Hsiao 不是因为想拍剧情片,所以拿纪录片当跳板;而是拿纪录片当作参与社会运动的理由。希 望自己可以是一个激进的纪录片导演跟有趣的社会运动者,除了拍片以外,也策划结合议 题与社区的影展,组织影像工作者成立工会。 A documentary maker and a social activist. Except filming, I also organize independent film festivals, and found the Taiwan Studio, Exhibition and Arts Labor Union. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 交通方式/ ●大众运输 火车站出口出来,沿着左前方林森路直走约100公尺,於左手边「台湾银行」前搭乘大远 百免费接驳车,在第三个停靠站(中山路北门街口)下车,往前直走约50公尺右转仁德街( 地标为贡茶),直走约50公尺左转江山街,找到13号及15号之间的防火巷,进入巷子约15 公尺右手边即为本所正门。 ●步行 火车站出口出来,沿着左前方林森路直走,看到右手边的「南门医院」後右转复兴路并直 走接东门街,看到城隍庙前广场往正前方找到仁德街(地标为贡茶),进入仁德街直走约50 公尺左转江山街,找到13号及15号之间的防火巷,进入巷子约15公尺右手边即为本所正门 。(约15~20分钟) ●地图 Map 中文版: English Version: 活动页面: --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: OscarJeff:转录至看板 movie 12/16 01:59 ※ 编辑: OscarJeff (, 12/16/2016 10:15:16

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