作者dreamerschoo (dreamerschool)
标题[推荐] 我的音乐书签 : Chivas 起瓦士威士忌的美丽音缘
时间Tue Jun 9 16:12:54 2009
我的音乐书签 : Chivas 起瓦士威士忌与(真空吸尘器)的美丽(音)缘
歌曲:When you know / Mad about you
主唱:Geike Arnaert
曲风:Trip Hop / Psychedelic
相信很多人都对 Chivas 起瓦士威士忌这首广告曲印象深刻 , 连不喝酒的人都容易陶醉
其中 , 而我我就是其中一个 , 相当意外威士忌酒碰上"真
空吸尘器"居然能发出如此美妙动人的声音 (HooverPhonic) , 阿拉斯加的冰河加上清新
性沙文主义的俗气老梗 , Chivas 起瓦士在这支广告片上的宣传手法显得相当大胆而令人
惊艳 , 相信很多人都是因为这首歌而对起瓦士起了好感
, 进而频频询问 ... 从结果来看它似乎是成功的
When you know这首歌只是一支专为Chivas起瓦士威士忌所录制的广告曲,并未收录在
Hooverphonic这个乐团的单曲或是专辑中 , 所以任你如
何找都找不到 , Mad about you虽说是When you know 的母版 , 但曲风与演唱风格与歌
词意境其实大异其趣 , 怎麽听都不太容易联想在一起 , 但
若仔细从When you know 的第5,6两句 : the moon is fully risen and shines over
the sea 这句歌词对照到Mad about you的第34两句 : I cant fake
For God sakes why am i , 还是能听出异曲同工之妙 , 而我是因为When you know这首
歌的缘故 , 爱屋及乌地也喜欢上了"Mad about you" , 两首
歌摆在一起 , 感觉有点像是张爱玲小说的"红玫瑰与白玫瑰" , 一个热情 , 一个纯情
... 忽冷忽热 .... 很能反映出我这个年龄层的特殊心境 : 矛盾却
When you know走的是吟唱诗人的民谣风 , Mad about you则是呈现有点迷幻状态的Trip
Hop , 两者的诠释大异其趣
1.When you know : Chivas 起瓦士威士忌酒广告版
2.When you know : 原唱加长版
3.When you know 的母版居然来自於 : Hooverphonic的另一首歌 : Mad about you
歌曲 When you know , Mermaid song ( We could be together 的误称 )
we could be together我们会团聚
every day together每一天都相伴
we could sit for ever我们会永远在一起
as loving waves spill over只要爱的浪潮还在涌动
the moon is fully risen月高高升起
and shines over the sea光芒撒在海面
as you glide in my vision你滑入我的视线
the time is standing still那一刻永伫
don’t shy away too long不要离开太久
this is a boundless dream这是无尽的梦
come close to me my reason请来到我的身边
i’ll take you in my wings我将你轻拥入怀
we could be together我们会团聚
everyday forever每一天都相伴
we belong together我们心心相印
further sea sand over直到海枯
in the garden of the sea在海的花园
i see you looking over我看见你在远眺
with my wistful melody随着我渴望的旋律
you leap into the water跃入水里
it is no breaths sighing不再叹息
this is the mermaid song这是美人鱼的歌
the singing of my sisters?了我的姐妹而唱
the sea has drown for long大海已沈沦良久
we could be together我们会团聚
everyday together每一天都相伴
we could sit forever我们会永远在一起
as loving waves spill over只要爱的浪潮还在涌动
we could be together我们会团聚
everyday together每一天都相伴
we could be together我们会团聚
歌曲 Mad about you 为你痴狂
Feel the vibe, feel the terror, feel the pain
Its driving me insane
I cant fake
For God sakes why am i
Driving in the wrong lane
Trouble is my middle name
But in the end Im not too bad
Can someone tell me if its wrong to be so mad about you
Mad about you
Are you the fishy wine that will give me
A headache in the morning
Or just a dark blue land mine
Thatll explode without a decent warning
Give me all your true hate
And Ill translate it in our bed
Into never seen passion, never seen passion
That it why I am so mad about you
Mad about you
Mad about you
Trouble is your middle name
But in the end youre not too bad
Can someone tell me if its wrong to be
So mad about you
Mad about you
Give me all your true hate
And Ill translate it in your bed
Into never seen passion
That is why I am so mad about you
Mad about you
部落格原文引用自"梦想家的学校" Dreamer School Music
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