comm_and_RF 板


批踢踢实业坊 comm_and_RF 板上推荐用书整理 (2008/10/13 Ver.β.2) (注: 此书单为本板热情板友们,至今推荐的书的整理,欢迎板众随时补充或转载) Communication 通讯相关 1. Digital Communications "Digital Communications" John G. Proakis "Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications" Bernard Sklar "Fundamentals of Wireless Communication" David Tse 2. OFDM "OFDM for Wireless Multimedia Communications" Richard van Nee & Ramjee Prasad "OFDM Wireless LANs - A Theoretical and Practical Guide" Juha Heiskala, John Terry "OFDM BASEBAND RECEIVER DESIGN FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS" Tzi-Dar Chiueh, Pei-Yun Tsai 3. Fading Channel "MOBILE FADING CHANNELS" Matthias Pätzold 4. GPS "Introduction to GPS - The Global Positioning System" Ahmed El-Rabbany "Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications" Elliott D. Kaplan "Fundamentals of Global Positioning System Receivers : A Software Approach" James Bao-Yen Tsui 5. GPRS "GPRS: Gateway to Third Generation Mobile Networks" Gunnar Heine, Holger Sagkob 6. CDMA2000 "3G CDMA2000 - Wireless System Engineering" Samuel C. Yang 7. VHDL "VHDL for Logic Synthesis 2nd" Andrew Rushton "Essential VHDL, RTL Syntheses Done Right" Sundar Rajan "Designer's Guide to VHDL" Peter Ashenden "VHDL for Programmable Logic" Kevin Skahill 8. Others "Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory"(partI-V) Harry L. Van Trees "Wireless Communications, principles and practice, 2nd" Theodore S. Rappaport "Principles of Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Application" (Matlab code available) William H. Tranter, K. Sam Shanmugan , Theodore S. Rappaport, Kurt L. Kosbar "FPGA/CPLD 数位晶片设计入门-使用Xilinx ISE发展系统(修订版)" 郑群星 Microwave 微波相关 1. Antenna "Antenna Theory and Design" W.L. Stutzman, G.A. Thiele "Compact and Broadband Microstrip Antennas" KIN-LU WONG "Antennas for all applications" Kraus "Integrated active antennas and spatial power combining" Julio A. Navarro, Kai Chang 2. Passive Circuits "Microwave Filters, Impedance-Matching Networks, and Coupling Structures" G. Matthaei, E.M.T. Jones, L. Young "Microwave Engineering" David M. Pozar 3. 接地&杂讯 "图说接地与杂讯" 伊藤健一 4. 电磁学 "Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields" R.F.Harrington RFIC/MMIC 1. RF/Microwave Circuit Design "Microwave Transistor Amplifiers" Gonzalez "RF Microelectronics" Behzad Razavi "The design of cmos radio-frequency intrgrated circuits" Thomas.H.Lee "RF Circuit Design Theory and Applications" Reinhold Ludwig & Pavel Bretchko "Microwave and RF Wireless Systems" David M,Pozar MIT OCW 线上讲义 2. Analog/Mixed-Signal IC Design "Analog Design Essentials" Willy M C Sansen "CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, 2nd Ed." R. Jacob Baker "Analog Integrated Circuit Design" David Johns, Ken Martin "Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 4th Ed." Paul R. Gray, Paul J. Hurst, Stephen H. Lewis, Robert G. Meyer "CMOS Analog Circuit Design 2nd ed." Phillip E Allen, Douglas R Holberg "Microelectronic Circuits" Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith "Microwave Mixers" Stephen A. Maas 3. Power Amplifer "RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications" Steve C. Cripps "Design of Linear RF Outphasing Power Amplifiers" Xuejun Zhang, Lawrence E. Larson, Peter M. Asbeck "Advanced techniques in RF power amplifier design" Steve C. Cripps "RF and Microwave Power Amplifier Design" Andrei Grebennikov 4. Phase-Locked Loop/Frequency Synthesizer "Phase-Lock Basics" William F. Egan "Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock" William F. Egan "Phaselock Techniques" Flyd M. Gardner "Phase-Locked Loops : Design, Simulation, and Applications" Roland E. Best "Phase-Locked Loop Circuit Design" Dan H. Wolayer "Phase-Locking in High-Performance Systems" IEEE Paper Collection "Pll Performance, Simulation, and Design" Dean Banerjee "All-Digital Frequency Synthesizer in Deep-Submicron CMOS" Robert Bogdan Staszewski, Poras T Balsara "Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers - Theory and Design" Ulrich L Rohde 5. Layout "Art of Analog Layout, The (2nd Edition)" Alan Hastings 6.RF System "RF System Design of Transceivers for Wireless Communications" Qizheng Gu 7.Analog-to-Digital Converter "Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters" Richard Schreier,Gabor C. Temes "Delta-Sigma Data Converters - Theory, Design and Simulation" Steven R. Norsworthy, Richard Schreier, Gabor C Temes "Design of Low-Voltage Low-Power Delta-Sigma A/D Converters" Vincenzo Peluso, Michiel Steyaert, Willy Sansen SoC 相关 1.ESD/Package "CSP技术 Part I" "CSP技术 Part II" 荻本英二 "高密度组装技术" 本多 进 "ESD in Silicon Integrated Circuits" E. Ajith Amerasekera, Charvaka Duvvury 2.Behavior Modeling "The Designer’s Guide to Verilog-AMS" Kenneth S Kundert ※ 编辑: ihlin 来自: (10/14 02:41)
1F:推 adolphxp:IC layout 技巧这本似乎不错 10/30 13:51
2F:→ adolphxp:IC Mask Design: Essential Layout 10/30 13:52
3F:→ adolphxp:Techniques by Christopher Saint and 10/30 13:53
4F:→ adolphxp:Judy Saint 10/30 13:53
5F:→ violakiller:Microwave-RFIC部份 第三本140.113.178.219 01/11 01:14
6F:→ violakiller:int"e"grated140.113.178.219 01/11 01:14
7F:推 volare929:VHDL放在communication好像不太恰当118.169.214.115 10/21 22:51
8F:推 ferogamo:锁相回路,刘深渊 04/07 00:41
9F:推 Emacs:居然没有林昀的电子学??? 10/02 15:54
10F:→ Emacs:虽然他是补教人士,但他的书好却是事实! 10/02 15:54
11F:推 james5168qoo:大推林昀电子学~清楚又明白! 07/30 12:27
12F:推 ian60702: An introduction to LTE LTE, LTE-advan 09/13 13:43
13F:→ ian60702: ced, SAE, VoLTE and 4G mobile communi 09/13 13:44
14F:→ ian60702: cations / Christopher Cox 大推 09/13 13:44
15F:→ ian60702: 非常适合初次接触LTE的新手 09/13 13:45
16F:→ ian60702: 对於MIMO/OFMD有非常浅显易懂的介绍 09/13 13:46
17F:推 jerrychu1211: 小弟初来乍到,中文名称有"半导体" 05/25 02:53
18F:→ jerrychu1211: 但内容都没看到元件物理, 与制程 05/25 02:54
19F:→ jerrychu1211: 请问这方面问题,要到哪个版发问呢? 05/25 02:56
20F:推 lin512: 赞啦 12/30 16:48

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