作者ntupeter (ntu dove)
标题[情报] Valery Gergiev遭慕尼黑市解职
时间Wed Mar 2 21:49:24 2022
Munich Philharmonic drops star conductor Valery Gergiev over Putin ties
Munich's mayor, Dieter Reiter, issued an ultimatum on Friday, requiring
conductor Valery Gergiev to denounce the "brutal war of aggression that Putin
is waging against Ukraine" before February 28, or be dismissed as the
principal conductor of the Munich Philharmonic orchestra, three years before
the expiration of his contract.
慕尼黑市长Dieter Reiter於2月25日向Valery Gergiev下达最後通牒,要求他在28日前就普丁入侵乌克兰一事表达谴责
The Russian maestro did not react, leading the mayor to officially announce
the conductor's dismissal on Tuesday.
由於Valery Gergiev未予回应,慕尼黑市政府在1日确定解职其慕尼黑爱乐首席指挥职务
"Munich has parted ways with chief conductor Valery Gergiev. With immediate
effect, there will be no further concerts by the Munich Philharmonic under
his direction," Reiter said in a press statement.
Dieter Reiter表示,慕尼黑爱乐自此与Valery Gergiev分道扬镳,未来不再有他带领的音乐会
"I would have expected him to reconsider and revise his very positive
assessment of the Russian ruler. He didn't," Reiter added. "In the current
situation, however, a clear signal for the orchestra, its audience, the
public and city politics would have been essential in order to be able to
continue working together."
Dieter Reiter表示,原本希望Valery Gergiev能够改变他对普丁的力挺态度,但是他没有,而基於当前情势,市政府需要向各界清楚表明立场
"Long-standing support for Vladimir Putin"
Valery Gergiev, 68, was until now one of the world's most sought-after
Valery Gergiev是世界让最炙手可热的指挥家之一
Even though he will no longer lead the Munich Philharmonic, he remains the
general director and artistic director of the prestigious Mariinsky Theater
and artistic director of the White Nights Festival in Saint Petersburg.
Valery Gergiev依然是马林斯基剧院艺术总监
His close ties to Putin have been an ongoing source of controversy throughout
the past decade.
Valery Gergiev与普丁的亲密关系在过去几年来一直受到批评
He declared his loyalty to the Russian president regarding the annexation of
Crimea, and took part in concerts in bombarded Palmyra alongside the Syrian
army. Gay rights activists had pressured him to denounce the Russian
leader's homophobic laws in 2013; his reaction was deemed unsatisfactory.
Valery Gergiev曾表态支持普丁并吞克里米亚,并与叙利亚政府军合办音乐会
Beyond the Munich Philharmonic position, a number of international concerts
that were to be conducted by Gergiev have been canceled.
New York's Carnegie Hall was the first to dismiss the Russian maestro,
indicating on Friday that he would be dropped from a series of performances
planned at the concert hall.
Similarly, La Scala in Milan had also required the conductor to publicly
appeal for a "peaceful solution" to the conflict, stating it would otherwise
cut short his engagement conducting Tchaikovsky's "The Queen of Spades,"
scheduled for early March. Gergiev's reaction never came. "I think we can
rule him out at this stage," Milan Mayor Giuseppe Sala told reporters on
Valery Gergiev还遭到纽约卡内基音乐厅取消接下来的演奏会,米兰史卡拉剧院也下过类似慕尼黑的最後通牒,由於Valery Gergiev同样未予回应,其歌剧「黑桃皇后」可能将被取消
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand.
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.
Yeats "The Stolen Child"
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/clmusic/M.1646228967.A.431.html
1F:推 ray102004: Verbier音乐节也解职他 03/02 23:56
2F:推 KUNI0202: 挖,推! 03/03 00:47
3F:推 ctra: 颗颗颗, 03/03 00:51
4F:推 pentup: 推! 03/03 00:52
5F:推 sandiegopadr: #1Y7DyiJ4(Military) 03/03 08:20
6F:→ sandiegopadr: 支持普特勒新纳粹被fire刚好而已 03/03 08:20
7F:推 Jasonchen415: 钢铁普粉 03/03 10:05
8F:推 Naastik: 欧美真是一堆虚假的卫道人士。 03/03 15:10
9F:→ Naastik: 那为什麽不要求欧美国籍的指挥家"如果不公开谴责自己国家 03/03 15:10
10F:→ Naastik: 总统不愿意出兵帮助乌克兰防卫,就解雇"? 03/03 15:10
11F:推 ensuey: 出兵才叫帮忙吗 ~ 给钱给武器给物资不叫帮忙喔 03/03 15:20
12F:→ phoinixa: 有人滑坡成这样真可怕 03/03 19:16
13F:推 jyenhuang: 这样才显得出他的高尚阿 03/04 01:09
14F:推 jkamberson: 正准备分享Gergiev指的基辅大门 03/04 18:49
15F:→ jkamberson: 发现BPO的YT已经把它下架了XD 03/04 18:49
16F:→ ray102004: Naastik可以滚回八卦板吗 03/05 07:58
17F:推 kd0079: 这就是我为什麽宁可继续买实体片也不要用串流 03/05 09:41
18F:推 jyenhuang: 串流和实体片并不冲突阿 串流是用来挖掘好专辑的好管道 03/05 14:13
19F:→ jyenhuang: 然後听到喜欢的录音就会去找实体片 03/05 14:13
20F:推 Naastik: 原来听古典音乐的人也会骂"滚"喔? 03/06 19:54
21F:→ Naastik: 不过,这就是你最顶的脏话了吗?? 03/06 19:54
22F:→ Naastik: 可怜啊你们。 如果今天是共匪打到台湾, 然後欧美各国纷 03/06 19:58
23F:→ Naastik: 纷表示谴责,各种卖武器给台湾,但就是没人愿意出兵协助 03/06 19:58
24F:→ Naastik: 台湾防卫,你们会有啥感想??? 03/06 19:58
25F:→ Naastik: "谢谢欧美爸爸卖武器给台湾",是这样吗??? 03/06 19:58
26F:→ Naastik: 假卫道人士很可恶;被假卫道人士洗脑的人很可悲。 03/06 20:00
27F:→ Naastik: 今天你公司有一个俄罗斯籍员工,如果他不愿意公开反普丁 03/06 20:06
28F:→ Naastik: ,他就要被炒鱿鱼,是这样吗?你老婆是俄罗斯人,如果她 03/06 20:06
29F:→ Naastik: 不愿意公开反普丁,你就把她休了,是这样吗?你是混血老 03/06 20:06
30F:→ Naastik: 爸是俄罗斯人,如果他不愿意公开反普丁,你就跟他断绝父 03/06 20:06
31F:→ Naastik: 子关系,是这样吗? 03/06 20:06
32F:→ Naastik: 原来这就是听古典音乐的人的水准啊~ 03/06 20:06
33F:推 tc2021: 义大利有大学禁杜斯妥也夫斯基的课程,不过被骂翻後改了 03/06 20:26
34F:→ tc2021: ,克罗埃西亚的札格雷布交响乐团也停演柴可夫斯基…其实 03/06 20:26
35F:→ tc2021: 都有点过头了。另外要音乐家表态这件事其实有争议性,就 03/06 20:26
36F:→ tc2021: 像最近大法官说判决公开道歉是违宪一样,因为不能强迫别 03/06 20:26
37F:→ tc2021: 人表态… 03/06 20:26
38F:→ jkamberson: 感谢Naastik示范情绪勒索 03/06 21:56
39F:→ shawyj: 欧美真是一堆虚假的卫道人士 03/06 22:19
40F:推 ensuey: 卖 ? 欧美不是送一堆武器资源金援吗 Zzz 03/06 23:25
41F:推 ensuey: 然後你举的例子非常瞎 Gergiev不是什麽单纯不反对而已 03/06 23:28
43F:→ ensuey: 普亭竞选总统时曾为他站台 03/06 23:29
44F:→ ensuey: 并在2014年连署支持俄国并吞克里米亚半岛 03/06 23:29
45F:→ ensuey: 他本来就是普丁侵略行为的支持者 03/06 23:30
46F:推 KUNI0202: 真的是成功的情绪勒索典范+1 03/06 23:30
47F:→ ensuey: 成功 ? 我看很失败阿 XD 根本牛头不对马嘴 ~ 03/06 23:31
48F:→ ensuey: 他要是从头到尾没涉入政治 逼他表态或许有争议 03/06 23:32
49F:→ ensuey: 问题他就不是嘛 ~ 03/06 23:33
50F:推 KUNI0202: XD 03/07 00:27
51F:推 phoinixa: 类比根本错到极点看了也是很无言 03/07 00:42
52F:推 Tosca: 以色列禁演华格纳非常长的一段时间 直到巴伦波因才打破 03/07 08:58
53F:推 tc2021: 一些消息:盐湖城交响乐团停演萧士塔高维契第12号交响曲 03/07 11:01
55F:→ tc2021: 殷巴尔跟北市交即将演出萧11,不晓得会不会改… 03/07 11:01
56F:推 ensuey: 不用等到那场啊 这周末NSO不就演萧二钢协 03/07 12:47
57F:→ ensuey: Nikolai Saratovsky 还俄罗斯人勒 03/07 12:47
58F:→ ensuey: 其实这仗打下去 大部分俄罗斯人民也都是受害者 03/07 12:49
59F:→ ensuey: 但对Gergiev这种涉入政治甚深的 被制裁刚好而已 03/07 12:50
60F:推 abacada: 现在需要关注的可能是有些国际比赛开始抵制俄国人参赛 03/10 13:14
61F:→ abacada: Nikolai Saratovsky是因为旅居我国吧 03/10 13:15
62F:→ hesione: 滑坡情勒好像就有比虚伪好到哪里去一样 没救 03/17 07:39
63F:→ fishinthebox: 硬是要求别人表态支持,不表态就抵制,我以为那发 03/18 15:04
64F:→ fishinthebox: 生在中国呢 03/18 15:04
65F:→ fishinthebox: 俄籍音乐家的家人朋友若在俄国,那他一表态,朋友 03/18 15:06
66F:→ fishinthebox: 家人就完蛋。 03/18 15:06