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※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板 #1YH-huPT ] 作者: GETpoint (掷雷爆卦) 看板: Gossiping 标题: [新闻] 学界展开针对猫咪的基因改造计划以 时间: Sat Apr 2 14:19:28 2022 备注请放最後面 违者新闻文章删除 1.媒体来源: 外媒 BGR 2.记者署名: By Joshua Hawkins 3.完整新闻标题: Scientists might actually create hypoallergenic cats 学界展开针对猫咪的基因改造计划以降低过敏性 4.完整新闻内文: Scientists might actually create hypoallergenic cats 学界展开针对猫咪的基因改造计划以降低过敏性 Home Science News By Joshua Hawkins April 1st, 2022 at 4:17 PM cat People with cat allergies may be able to have a cat sometime in the future thanks to gene-editing technology. Of course, the creation of truly hypoallergenic cats is far off. But, scientists believe they could use CRISPR, a gene-editing tool, to remove the gene responsible for creating the protein that causes cat allergies. 借助基因编辑技术,对猫过敏的人可能会在未来的某个时间拥有一只猫。当然,真正的低 过敏性猫的创造还很遥远。但是,科学家们相信他们可以使用基因编辑工具CRISPR来去除 负责产生导致猫过敏的蛋白质的基因。 How bad are cat allergies today? 今天猫过敏有多严重? Cats are everywhere, plus they make great pets. That’s why dealing with cat allergies has become such a huge problem for many people. A study from 2018 says that between 10 to 20 percent of the world’s population deals with cat allergies of some kind. One of the big culprits of these allergies is a protein called Fel d 1. 猫无处不在,而且它们是很棒的宠物。这就是为什麽处理猫过敏已成为许多人的大问题。 2018 年的一项研究表明,世界上有 10% 到 20% 的人口患有某种猫过敏症。这些过敏的 罪魁祸首之一是一种叫做 Fel d 1 的蛋白质。 When cats produce this protein, it ends up in their saliva and tears. It is then transferred, obviously, to their fur through constant cleaning. From there, it’s transferred to our homes as they shed their hair and it blends with the dust around the house. It’s a constant cycle and one that has left many people dealing with terrible allergies over the years. 当猫产生这种蛋白质时,它最终会出现在它们的唾液和眼泪中。然後通过不断的舔毛梳理 ,它会转移到它们的皮毛上。当他们脱落猫毛时,它被转移到我们的家中,并与房子周围 的灰尘混合在一起。这是一个持续的循环,造成广泛而可怕的过敏症。 Sure, there are some hypoallergenic cat breeds out there. However, they all still create this protein, just some in lesser quantities. So, while they may not produce Fel d 1 levels that are dangerous, they can still lead to an allergic response over time. 当然,那里有一些低过敏性的猫品种。然而,它们仍然会产生这种蛋白质,只是数量较少 。因此,虽然它们可能不会产生危险的 Fel d 1 水平,但随着时间的推移,它们仍然会 导致过敏反应。 Making a truly hypoallergenic cat 做一只真正的低度过敏猫 It’s this widespread allergy issue that has led scientists at the Virginia-based biotech company InBio to investigate making a truly hypoallergenic cat. The company published a study on the matter earlier this week in The CRISPR Journal, detailing how they think they can accomplish this goal. 正是这种普遍存在的过敏问题促使位於维吉尼亚州的生物技术公司 InBio 的科学家们研 究制造一只真正的低过敏性猫。该公司本周早些时候在The CRISPR Journal上发表了一项 关於此事的研究,详细说明了他们认为他们可以如何实现这一目标。 Evolutionary Biology and Gene Editing of Cat Allergen, Fel d 1 The scientists say they analyzed the DNA of 50 domestic cats and found regions along two genes that they believe are primarily responsible for producing Fel d 1. They also found that these regions may be suitable for editing using CRISPR’s gene-editing technology. The researchers then compared their domestic findings with those of eight wilder cat species. 科学家们说,他们分析了 50 只家猫的 DNA,并发现了他们认为主要负责产生 Fel d 1 的两组基因的区域。他们还发现这些区域可能适合使用 CRISPR 的基因编辑技术进行编辑 。然後,研究人员将他们的国内发现与八种野生猫科动物的发现进行了比较。 Here, they found a large discrepancy between the levels of Fed d 1 in the different groups. This, they say, could indicate that Fel d 1 is not essential to cat biology. As such, they believe they can remove it without posing a health risk to the cats involved. They tested this theory by editing cat cells in the lab using CRISPR. The results produced no off-target changes in the areas where they thought it might occur. 在这里,他们发现不同组的 Fed d 1 水平存在很大差异。他们说,这可能表明 Fel d 1 对猫的生物学不是必需的。因此,他们相信他们可以将其移除,而不会对所涉及的猫造成 健康风险。他们通过在实验室中使用 CRISPR 编辑猫细胞来验证这一理论。 Of course, there’s still a long way to go before these scientists start breeding hypoallergenic cats. Still, it’s interesting to look at how tools like CRISPR allow us to change things at a genetic level. We’ve also recently seen gene-editing take a fascinating approach in genetically modified mosquitos. Allowing scientists to create a subspecies capable of helping cull the population of disease-carrying insects. 当然,在这些科学家开始培育低过敏性猫之前,还有很长的路要走。尽管如此,看看像 CRISPR 这样的工具如何让我们在基因水平上改变事物还是很有趣的。我们最近还看到基 因编辑在转基因蚊子中采用了一种令人着迷的方法。允许科学家创造一个能够帮助消灭携 带疾病的昆虫种群的亚种。 5.完整新闻连结 (或短网址)需放媒体原始连结,不可用转载媒体连结: 6.备注: 这安全吗? -- 七魄兴轮无上伊甸瑜珈虽然是以看来较为平和的方式以蝉蜕和生乳取代血肉等腥秽之物 作为密义源起供养;然而聚歛於上的是冥界的深冤与大乐奔泻的净慈,行者於闭关修持 之时若生起退失动摇之心,则神识旋即离散且肉身消殒;即便如此还是愿意受灌顶吗? ---妖道七祖《摄一切魔根本瑜珈论/誓命问品第一》--- 文章代码(AID): #1K0Lp7VP (CFantasy) [] Re: [新闻] 湖南偏乡惊曝百余...... 文章网址: --

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1F:推 ridecule: 可以改造成猫娘吗 04/02 14:20
2F:→ a09250955: 应该改造人吧,谁痛苦谁改变 04/02 14:20

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: GETpoint ( 台湾), 04/02/2022 14:21:00
3F:→ li72716: 应该改人+1 研发疫苗或是药给人用都行 04/02 14:59
4F:→ li72716: 看标题还以为是研究改善猫对食物的过敏 结果是为了人 04/02 15:00
5F:推 k209: 改你妹,放开那些猫猫 04/02 15:43
6F:推 hunterlily: 可怕的人类 猫猫没有错! 04/02 16:15
7F:推 luismars: 会不会出现啥怪怪的新病毒或有害微生物呀...= = 04/02 18:45

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