basketballTW 板


※ 引述《desion30 (阿摩)》之铭言: : 应该是大op了QQ : : 没想到是Ron Artest大学的教练阿 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coach Jarvis 在预赛对战中华队那场比赛的中场时间, 有对现场观众提到这件事情. : 因为虔诚的信仰,使得Mike Jarvis带领这支富有基督教色彩 : 的球队(Athletes In Action)来台比赛,台湾球迷也方能一睹这位NCAA一级教练的风采。 : 看起来阿泰真的是很难带,连基督也感化不了 Artest 好歹还算规规矩矩地念完书, 又正正当当地投入职业赛场; 他的几个宝贝学弟, 在 2003 年捅的大篓子, 才真的是把 Coach Jarvis 的招牌给砸了. 据报导, 那年球季 St. John's 男篮校队三名主力球员, 因为涉及性丑闻遭到开除, 总教练当然饭碗不保, 校队的战绩也一蹶不振直到现在. 我本来还在想, Coach Jarvis 会不会就是那位倒楣的教练, 一查发现果然就是. ^^b 我有找到另外一篇关於 Coach Jarvis 离职的评论, 大意是讲说, 这位教练很重视 门面, 格调, 纪律... 这些东西, 但那却跟 St. John's 校队的选手们格格不入. 言下之意, 大概是 St. John's 招收的那些纽约当地学生比较习惯街头的那一套吧; 结论是建议 St. John's 找一些在地的教练来带, 比如校友 Mark Jackson 这些人, 才可以比较跟学生们打成一片; 那篇用了很多俚俗语法, 我只能看懂大意, 就不引用了. 以下文章引用自 Wikipedia: <> Mike Jarvis is a sports commentator and former NCAA basketball coach at Boston University, George Washington University, and St. John's University. He also works as a commentator for college basketball games on ESPN. His ca- reer college coaching record in over 18 seasons is 364-201 [...] and is one of 4 Division I coaches to have won 100 games at three different colleges.   麦克˙贾维斯现为体育评论员,他曾任波士顿大学、乔治˙华盛顿大学,以及圣 若望大学的篮球教练。他亦为 ESPN 频道讲评大学篮球赛。其十八年执教生涯战绩为 364 胜 201 败,并名列美国全国大专体总男篮第一级赛史上,能在三所不同学校分别 赢得一百胜的四位教练之一。 Jarvis was born in Massachusetts and played high school basketball at Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School. He also coached at Cambridge Rindge and Latin, where his players included Patrick Ewing, Rumeal Robinson and cur- rent George Washington head coach Karl Hobbs. He played basketball and base- ball at Northeastern University, graduating in 1968.   贾维斯出身麻萨诸塞州,亦曾执教於他本身的高中校队,带过包括尤英在内的高中 选手。1968 年毕业於东北大学,在校期间是篮棒双栖。 Jarvis became head coach at Boston University in 1985, becoming the Ter- riers' all-time winningest coach in 5 seasons with a 101-50 record (he was later overtaken by Dennis Wolff). Boston University reached the NCAA Tourna- ment in 1988 and 1990 under Jarvis.   1985 年贾维斯成为波士顿大学男篮队总教练,五年之间赢得 101 胜 50 败的战绩, 并於 1988, 1990 两年率队打进全国大专体总男篮锦标赛。 He was hired at George Washington in 1990, leading [...] the Colonials to three NCAA tournament appearances, including the round of 16 in the 1993 NCAA Tournament, the Colonials' best tournament performance. He coached the United States under-22 men's team in 1993. Jarvis also led the Colonials to two vic- tories over #1 ranked UMass, compiling a 143-100 record at George Washington.   1990 年贾维斯获聘带领乔治˙华盛顿大学校队,率队三度打进全国大专体总锦标赛, 包括 1993 年打进十六强,为校史最佳成绩。同年,他获聘带领美国廿二岁级青年代表队 。在其指导乔治˙华盛顿大学校队期间,战绩为 143 胜 100 败。 After the 1998 season, Jarvis accepted the head coaching job at St. John's University after Fran Fraschilla was fired, leading the Redmen (now the Red Storm) to the Elite 8 in the 1999 NCAA Tournament and the 2000 Big East tourna- ment championship. Following scandals, including having players arrested, and a lack of success, Jarvis was fired during the 2003 season, the first ever Big East coach to be fired during the season. His final record at St. John's was 110-61.   1998 年球季之後贾维斯接掌圣若望大学校队总教练一职,1999 年打进全国八强, 2000 年赢得大东区联盟(按:包括乔治城大学、雪城大学等强队)冠军。然而在一系列 丑闻爆发之後,再加上当年战绩不佳,贾维斯教练於 2003 年球季中遭到解聘,留下 110 胜 61 败的战绩。 -- "The history is written by those who win battles, so you must make your point heard." (Into the West, 2005, Episode 5) --

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1F:推 serken:哈~怎麽编辑这麽多次阿~我推一下好了 07/18 23:54
一边翻译一般 po 咩... ^^b
2F:推 jasonkeen:好的资讯一定要推 07/18 23:59
3F:推 zmi:一定要推 辛苦了 07/19 00:09
※ 编辑: CousinPP 来自: (07/19 00:11)
4F:推 dan0206:推推推 07/19 00:22
5F:推 desion30:辛苦了,推推推 07/19 00:40
6F:推 azureliu:推! 07/19 01:19
7F:推 brant:未看先推! 07/19 01:28
8F:推 Q12345Q:没看还不知道有这样的讯息 推 07/19 02:08
9F:推 maxmaster:推 07/19 05:06
10F:推 morri222:PUSH 07/20 04:19

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