YG_Ent 板


来源:allkpop 缩:http://goo.gl/dV3W2J 翻译:本人 Lee Hi talks about being a solo artist, her second album, and dieting Hi谈论当个solo歌手、她的二专还有节食 Lee Hi sat down for an interview on November 14 and talked to reporters about being a solo artist, preparing for her second album, and dieting. She revealed that she had been very lonely in the past and aired her dissatisfaction, saying, "Seeing as how I can't sing the songs I want to, I was depressed. There are so many things I want to do right now. I like something so much that I want to express this to people in front of them, but I can't, which is upsetting. I'm a solo artist, so it's always enjoyable to prepare a collaboration stage with somebody. Even during the recent YG Family tour, I collaborated with 2NE1, which I really enjoyed. It is always scary and stressful to go on a big stage by myself, but they filled in the parts I was lacking. I felt excited and grateful to share energy with each other." 她表示她过去至今感到十分孤单,并表露了她的不满 Hi说:「对於不能唱自己想唱的歌,我感到十分沮丧。我现在有好多事情想做。 我想要对人们表达我特别喜爱的某些事物,但我无法,这让我很难过。 我是一个solo歌手,所以和其他人准备合作舞台是很享受的。 最近在YG family con中,我很享受与2NE1的合作。 要自己一个人站上巨大的舞台,对我来讲是很恐怖而且有压力的, 但是他们可以补充我的不足,我很兴奋也很感谢能够与他人分享这种能量。」 Lee Hi also revealed, "Until a few months ago, I wanted to release my second album within this year. I want to say to Chief Yang Hyun Suk, 'How would it be to prepare the second album within in a tight time frame?' I want to diligently prepare the rest of this year and release the album in early to mid 2015, but that time frame keeps getting pushed back. At first, the goal was early this year." Hi同时也表示:「直到几个月前,我都想要在今年发行我的二辑。 我想对YG说:『怎麽可能在这麽急迫的时间内准备好二辑?』 我想要在今年剩下的时间勤奋的准备, 然後大概在明年初或明年中的时间发表(二辑),但是期程一直延後 一开始,是打算在今年初发的。」 In terms of her return to a unit group, HI SUHYUN, one and a half years after working with Park Bom, Lee Hi stated, "First of all, it's important that the preparations are done well. It's easy at first, but the second time is hard, and the most important thing is to have a song I can radiate my charm through. I think a time like that will come someday." 距离一年半前与春的合作,Hi这次以组合HI SUHYUN回归,Hi表示: 「首先,最重要的是准备工作有做好。第一次感觉很容易,但是第二次就比较难了。 而且最重要的是要有一首能够散发我魅力的歌曲。 我认为总有一天会这样的。」 She received compliments for her pretty teaser images, and she responded, "We film the whole day, so one out of ten pictures comes out well. I feel both grateful and awkward when people tell me I got prettier. It does make me cringe, but it makes me feel compensated for the food I wanted to eat but couldn't while maintaining myself. I will work harder from now on to maintain my [appearance]." Hi漂亮的teaser影像获得大众很多好评,她回覆: 「我们一整天都在拍摄,所以有一成的影像都拍的不错。 对於人们觉得我变漂亮了,我很感谢,但也感到很尴尬。 这的确让我不太好意思,但也让我觉得节食都值得了。 我从今以後会更努力的维持我的外貌。」 Lee Hi then revealed she was on a continuous diet, stating, "My constitution tends to gain weight as I eat. If I don't constantly maintain myself, I return to my original state. If I had not been an artist, I would probably have eaten everything I wanted to. I'm not a singer who succeeds through appearance, but I do try to maintain my appearance constantly because I think it is proper for the part of me that can be seen." Hi接着表示她持续在节食,并表示: 「我的体质是只要一吃就会变胖。 如果我不持续维持自己的身材,我就会回到一开始的状态。 如果我没有成为艺人的话,我也许会吃任何我想吃的食物。 我并不是靠外貌成功的的歌手, 但是我真的有为了维持我的外表在持续努力, 因为我认为让大众看到我这一面是比较合宜的。」 心得: 不确定allkpop是不是正式的媒体,如果有需要更改的部分麻烦告知 看完这篇觉得HI真的好辛苦...T^T --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/YGFamily/M.1416119631.A.790.html ※ 编辑: hysteriablue (, 11/16/2014 14:38:41
1F:推 jp832323: 夏怡这几天很多专访啊 11/16 15:05
2F:推 SARAH12349: YG到底要拖着多少艺人不出作品啊... 11/16 15:18
3F:推 CjWmC: 从今年初沿到明年。。。YG也太会拖 我觉得是否YG的作曲家 11/16 15:52
4F:→ CjWmC: 们要同时负责许多人的作品 以至於无法专心在夏怡身上 尤其 11/16 15:52
5F:→ CjWmC: 老杨事情太多 如果坚持亲自制作的话 夏怡就被无限延後了 11/16 15:52
6F:推 CjWmC: 或许应该一个制作人配一个歌手 才比较有效率 不然非创作派 11/16 15:55
7F:→ CjWmC: 的真得很吃亏 11/16 15:55
8F:推 CjWmC: 感觉YG需要能掌控进度的制作 别再蹉跎人家的青春 夏怡签10 11/16 15:56
9F:→ CjWmC: 年不是这样用的 感觉夏怡也很无奈 11/16 15:56
10F:推 baby5731: 我不是很喜欢AKP 所以打算看看就好 但不得不承认YG很爱 11/16 16:16
11F:→ baby5731: 拖 虽然结果值得大家等待 11/16 16:16
12F:→ ivy8287: 楼上+1 11/16 16:34
13F:推 SARAH12349: 粉丝等是一回事,蹉跎歌手青春为歌手感到不值啊~ 11/16 16:39
14F:推 heered: 想到以前的gummy QQ 11/16 18:23
15F:推 CjWmC: 如果是因为创作生不出来还可以理解 但夏怡不是 11/16 18:26
16F:→ CjWmC: 何况她也没出道多久 正规一後就等快两年了 ~"~ 11/16 18:27
17F:→ CjWmC: 希望乐童不会落入第二年魔咒(?) 妹妹都说歌多到可以出四季 11/16 18:28
18F:→ CjWmC: 专了 只等着公司说拿出来啊 所以 YG拜托别再拖 11/16 18:29
19F:→ CjWmC: 期待明年上半年看到夏怡 11/16 18:29
20F:推 SARAH12349: 明年上半年排了超多人呢XD 11/16 18:32
21F:推 CjWmC: 是很多人女团(?) iKON BB PSY ..让一点给夏怡吧 XD 11/16 18:40
22F:→ CjWmC: 乐童 温拿下半年我OK 11/16 18:40
23F:推 peggy06: 让歌手等那麽久不但蹉跎掉青春,还蹉掉很多人气和时机 11/16 19:05
24F:→ peggy06: 连发一张单曲也不给发 11/16 19:05
25F:→ CjWmC: 我也觉得可以发单曲 所以主要还是排程没人控管 11/16 19:08
26F:→ CjWmC: 人一多就HOLD不住 顾了A就顾不了B 好险这次Project系列 11/16 19:09
27F:→ CjWmC: 有想到夏怡 Project应该就是用来安抚歌迷+转移注意力XD 11/16 19:10
28F:→ hysteriablue: 对於akp我也是有点保留,不过至少可以让夏怡自己谈 11/16 20:54
29F:→ hysteriablue: 她的二专是怎麽回事。hayi还年轻在舞台上又有点怯 11/16 20:54
30F:→ hysteriablue: 生,我觉得yg应该让夏怡多历练,她其实有更多还没 11/16 20:54
31F:→ hysteriablue: 有展现的,应该可以进步到很恐怖的位子 11/16 20:54
32F:→ Dango: 这篇应该是韩网新闻 AKP只是翻译成英文 所以还是可以看~ 11/16 22:44
33F:→ fover744: akp就美国的KPOPN阿常常自己加油添醋又不写来源 11/17 23:58
34F:→ fover744: 看了一下李夏怡吧翻译的新闻根本没有写到她的不满跟沮丧 11/18 00:02
35F:→ fover744: http://ppt.cc/4IgF 应该是同一天的专访 方向怎麽完全不 11/18 00:15
36F:→ fover744: 一样 11/18 00:15

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