总评:78/100 玩家评分8.6/10 90 Gamereactor Sweden Innovative time-altering mechanics and a great story make Singularity a refreshing action experience that will stand the test of time - unlike those poor Russians we slaughter. 86 3DJuegos A nice working mix of puzzles and action, with great rhythm and a varied formula. By focusing on the core themes of the first person shooter experience, Singularity is an excellent a quite surprising game. 85 Game Informer The multiplayer experience is a good time – and quite different than single-player (most time powers have been excised) – but it doesn’t have any depth or a progression for players to follow. At the most, it’s a fun distraction. The single-player game, however, should not be missed. 85 Planet Xbox 360 This is a time-travelling FPS done right and it’s too bad that the game lacks any sort of hype, as it is a much stronger showing than a lot of recently released FPS titles, multiplayer aside. If you like guns, Soviet world domination, and a time-hopping protagonist, then I would recommend taking a peek at the game. 84 Digital Chumps It's not Raven's best game, but it does very well for itself. I have no problem recommending this to any FPS gamer out there. 84 Cheat Code Central You’ll have a great time with the single-player campaign and the fairly limited, but entertaining, multiplayer component of Singularity is just icing on the cake. 83 1UP Some repetitive puzzle design and a half-baked multiplayer component still aren't enough to completely tarnish Singularity, however. Beneath its flawed exterior lies a fine shooter that experiments with time manipulation more aptly than any game since Braid. 80 Eurogamer It's the first game I've played in ages that realises first-person shooters can bundle in as much philosophy and as many moral dilemmas as they like, but fundamentally they're still about shooting monsters in the face, and so what it lacks in originality it makes up for in variety, pacing and exuberance. 80 Computer and Video Games A decent shooter with smart time powers and enough atmosphere to keep you hooked for the duration. 80 GameSpot Singularity isn't a groundbreaking shooter, but it's an incredibly fun one. This is an example of how fluid pacing and a tongue-in-cheek attitude can make old conventions exciting again. 80 Meristation Another post-apocalyptic FPS with an incredibly immersive atmosphere that shines in its audio-visual narrative. Its good gameplay in battle has some problems, like simple puzzles and poor multiplayer. 75 and there aren’t any outstanding parts throughout the rest of the game either. But Raven Software know their trade and although their new game is lacking in absolute blasts, Singularity makes up for a nice pastime and satisfies with its plain good old-school gameplay. 70 IGN The gunplay is solid and there are a few memorable set pieces. It is a game ultimately limited by a lack of imagination where a neat time-manipulation idea is handcuffed to a by-the-numbers first-person shooter. 70 Teletext GameCentral A little undercooked, but this is still an enjoyable attempt to create a more cerebral shooter. 68 IGN AU There was a lot of meat here, and most of it never played out as it should've. 60 Joystiq There's a fun shooter, exciting powers and some neat weapons in there, but it never quite comes together thanks to dull levels and half-baked puzzles. -- ┌────────┐ │XBOXLIFE ──────── No.002 之友 └────────┘ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 chungjy :分数分布的范围好广...... ̄▽ ̄|| 07/02 04:16
2F:→ IAMTHELAW :看demo似乎很刺激,实际玩就不知了.价钱居然两版相同 07/02 10:54
3F:→ IAMTHELAW :感觉很类似BIOSHOCK 不过更刺激些 07/02 10:55

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