※ 引述《max0526 (马克思)》之铭言: : ◢▆▅▄▃崩╰(〒皿〒)╯溃▃▄▅▇◣ : 刚刚为了帮某些该死的王八蛋洗六倍经验 : 用另外一个手把登入 : 听错了~要登入访客 结果我用两个手把反覆登入自己LIVE 帐号 : 登了四次之後..R.I.P : 当机 ~ : 经过抽丝剥茧 发现只有这帐号一进入游戏就当机 : 用其他帐号都没事...帐号删除复原也一样 : 用其他帐号进去之後再登出 然後登入我的原本帐号 : 一样当机.... : ◢▆▅▄▃崩╰(〒皿〒)╯溃▃▄▅▇◣ : 我的一百级帐号就这样炸裂了 ...... : 以上 有人想要测试看看吗 ..XD 照上面的SOP : 可以让你帐号永远跟GOW2 SAY BYE BYE ....XD : ◢▆▅▄▃崩╰(〒皿〒)╯溃▃▄▅▇◣ 灾情相关网页... EPIC人员6/2表示: Hey guys, our developers are aware of this and they are checking into it. I don't have any word yet. Community Support Specialist Epic Games, Inc. 所以...大家在同一台主机登入帐号时请小心 不是只有登入同一个帐号会出包 ...官方讨论区已经有出包使用者列表... 希望大家不要一时不慎~注意阿..目前仍无解..已经好久了 ..XD 补充一下会出包的已知状况: What we know for sure: 1- It Happens with two profiles with Gold or Silver (reported by iron.steel.metal) accounts 2- While playing “Splitscreen” 3- While playing multiplayer or the campaign 4- While playing “Live” or “local” 5- The initial “crash” that’s corrupting the profile happened at the end of a match. During the “Updating Network process” (right before or during) or as the match was starting. 6- Not link with the Golden Lancer or Hammerburst 7- It’s always the second profile that gets corrupted (player at the bottom) 8- Happen after TU6 9- Not link with Gear1 achievements (reported by Azriel and Zeus1221) 10- Not link with the maps packs (reported by Azriel and Mk3ndr1k) 11- Not link with the console (I rented an other console and recover the gametag and the game still freezes. Azriel also tried on 3 consoles) 12- Not link with the CD (I rented a CD and I got the same issue) What we know but not 100% sure: 1- For a lot of members (including me) it happened the Sunday after the Update (TU6). We also know that there’s a “fix” to recover the corrupted profile, but it also reset your rank. It’s useless because the glitch will happen again because the game is not fix. Once the profile is corrupted, the game freeze before the "press start" splash screen when the corrupted profile is signed in (as player 1 or 2). Corrupted Gears or a second profile (brother, sister, friend, wife, girlfriend, etc.): --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 nwohippo :难怪都没看到你... 07/01 18:18
2F:推 nwohippo :到时你可以叫他们送3代当做赔偿? 07/01 18:22
3F:→ max0526 :XD 讨论区有外国乡民也是这样在凹...凹三代免费.. 07/01 18:23
4F:→ max0526 :趴着比较不会中枪..囧 07/01 18:23
5F:推 nwohippo :果然国内外乡民都是一样的XD 07/01 18:27
6F:推 nvidiaxp :感觉好像有点像用重覆登入的方式洗成就BUG 07/01 18:30
7F:→ nvidiaxp :照理说应该是变1级 不会整个帐号登不进 囧 07/01 18:30
8F:→ nvidiaxp :大概是MAX兄重覆登入 让系统误判为洗成就吧? 07/01 18:31
9F:→ max0526 :囧 EPIC说他们正在弄了..应该是真的包不小 07/01 18:33
10F:→ max0526 :如果只是变一级 那也可以玩 他们也不会解决这麽久.@@ 07/01 18:33
11F:→ max0526 :陆陆续续都有人回报...MS这边是直接给反应的这网页 07/01 18:34
12F:→ max0526 :推给EPIC .XD 昨天想跟他凹金会员他都不给了... 07/01 18:34
13F:推 cospara :你有免费的三代可以玩了,还可以叫制作人签名咧!! 07/01 18:42
14F:→ max0526 :=.= 有你个大头 那大家都用上述方法赚一片3代好了 07/01 18:45
※ 编辑: max0526 来自: (07/01 18:48)
15F:推 squall0963 :等级焊枪枝也没有影响吧 07/01 18:48
16F:推 foyu :三代出的时候 请你们去上台领一片 07/01 18:56
17F:→ max0526 :我找纸紮师 烧一片给你 囧 07/01 19:02
18F:推 YURIA :科科 07/01 19:28
19F:推 s8624032 :我才跟我弟分割萤幕打几关後…50级就变1级啦…真x 07/01 19:57
20F:→ max0526 :楼上.@@小心别按错又按到自己帐号 就连玩都不给了 XD 07/01 20:01
21F:→ max0526 :TAK 科三洨朋友 囧 07/01 20:01
22F:推 foyu :踢~~~打不溜~~~ 好~~~久没看到你楼~~~~ 07/01 20:06
23F:推 YURIA :呵呵呵呵~ 07/01 20:22
24F:→ nwohippo :变1级? 囧rz 07/01 21:42
25F:推 t29779387 :看不太懂状况 但也太多了吧... MAX快回来阿 07/01 22:19

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